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Writing a research article for publication. Menulis artikel penelitian untuk publikasi. Overview | Gambaran Umum. Jadwal Kegiatan - D urasi 8 minggu - 5 sesi workshop - 2 minggu istrahat untuk menyelesaikan draft artikel anda dan meninjau draft artikel rekan sejawat
Writing a research article for publication Menulis artikel penelitian untuk publikasi
Overview | Gambaran Umum Jadwal Kegiatan - Durasi 8 minggu -5 sesi workshop -2 minggu istrahat untuk menyelesaikan draft artikel anda dan meninjau draft artikel rekan sejawat -1 sesi untuk diskusi rekan sejawat Course timetable - 8 weeks duration -5 workshop sessions -2 week break to complete your draft article and peer review someone else’s draft article -1 session for peer review discussion
Overview | Gambaran Umum Topik bahasan: -Bagaimana mengenali artikel penelitian yang baik -Menulis pendahuluan -Pencarian data base bagi bahan artikel anda. -Memilih jurnal yang sesuai un tuk publikasi -Menulis kajian pustaka -Membangun argumen dengan hasil, temuan, analisis dan interpretasi anda -Menulis kesimpulan Topics covered: -How to recognise a good research article -Writing the introduction -Searching data bases for resources for your article. -Choosing an appropriate journal in which to publish -Writing the literature review -Building your argument with results, evidence, analysis and interpretation -Writing the conclusion
Overview | Gambaran Umum Pendekatan -Kegiatan dan diskusi kelompok besar/kecil -Presentasi powerpoint interaktif -Tugas diserahkan setiap minggu -Refleksi terhadap apa yang telah dipelajari Approach -Large/small group activities and discussion -Interactive powerpoint presentations -Homework submitted every week -Reflection on what is learned
Group Task: how to recognise a good quality research article Here we take apart and study elements of two completed research articles to gain insights about how the author/researcher designed and undertook their research. For each article answer the following questions. • Note the journal name and publisher and author’s credentials. Di sini kita akan membedah dan mempelajari unsur dari 2 artikel untuk memahami bagaimana penulis/peneliti merancang dan melakukan penelitian mereka. Untuk setiap artikel, jawablah pertanyaan berikut • Catatlah nama jurnal dan penerbit dan kualifikasi penulis
Group Task: how to recognise a good quality research article • Is there an Abstract? How does it position the paper and its contribution/significance • Pay attention to the Introduction: • what is set up to be explored and how • note how the background to the project is developed • Apakah ada abstrak? Bagaimana posisinya mendudukkan artikel dan kontibusi/siginifikansinya. • Perhatikan bagian pendahuluan • Pengaturan/rencana apa yang akan ditelusuri dan bagaimana • Catatlah bagaimana latarbelakang penelitian dibangun
Group Task: how to recognise a good quality research article • How does the author establish that their article/research is connected to a body of scholarship to which it will speak? • Explain the researchers’ choice of methods - Bagaimana penulis membangun artikel/risetnya berhubungan dengan bidang keilmuwan yang akan dibahasnya? • Jelaskan pilihan metdoe oleh peneliti
Group Task: how to recognise a good quality research article • Look closely at the different sorts of evidence that the researchers have generated and how they interpret and analyse. • Are visuals used? Note how they contribute to the argument • Melihat secara dekat berbagai macam bukti bahwa para peneliti telah dihasilkan dan bagaimana mereka menafsirkan dan menganalisis. • Apakah visual digunakan? Perhatikan bagaimana mereka berkontribusi untuk argumen
Group Task: how to recognise a good quality research article • How do the researchers draw the whole paper together in a concluding statement? • Look at the bibliography/reference list. • Note number and different sources of references • Note year of publication (recent? Older? Mix?) • Bagaimana para peneliti menarik seluruh tulisan bersama-sama dalam sebuah pernyataan penutup? • Lihatdaftarpustaka • Catatlahjumlahdanberbagaisumberpublikasi • Catatlahtahunpublikasi (baru? Lama? Campuran?)
Groups report back LaporanKelompok
Homework Task 1 | Tugas 1 Writing the Introduction to the article Consider: - The different sections your article will have: Introduction, Background/literature review, methodology, results and analysis, conclusion • About how long will your introduction be? The Introduction • What are you wanting to say? (research problem and question) • And how? (using research materials, fieldwork, theoretical arguments) Menulis Pendahuluan artikel Pertimbangkan: - Bagian berbeda dari artikel anda akan memiliki: Latar belakang/kajian pustaka, metodologi, hasil dan analisis (pembahasan), kesimpulan. • Seberapa panjang bagian pendahuluan anda? Pendahuluan • Apa yang ingin anda katakan? (rumusan masalah dan pertanyaan penelitian) • Dan bagaimana? (menggunakan bahan2 penelitian, studi lapangan dan argumentasi teoritis)
Homework Task 2 Dengan menggunakan kriteria pada sesi workshop, bandingkan duadariartikel berikut: • Effectiveness of Powder and Solid Ragi Starter on Production of Bioethanol from Rice Straw Hydrolyzate (Makara J. Science akrdt B) • Hybridity on Architecture and Urban Spaces in the Colonial Tin Mining Town • Are Female-Headed Households More Food Insecure? Evidence from Bangladesh • Management of Natural Resources at the Community Level: Exploring the Role of Social Capital and Leadership in a Rural Fishing Community Identifikasi kesamaan/perbedaan dengan publikasi yang digunakan dalam sesi workshop Using the workshop session criteria, compare and contrast two of the following publications: • Effectiveness of Powder and Solid Ragi Starter on Production of Bioethanol from Rice Straw Hydrolyzate • Hybridity on Architecture and Urban Spaces in the Colonial Tin Mining Town • Are Female-Headed Households More Food Insecure? Evidence from Bangladesh • Management of Natural Resources at the Community Level: Exploring the Role of Social Capital and Leadership in a Rural Fishing Community Identify any similarities/differences with publications used in the workshop session