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Florida ARF. Providers making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities. President's Annual Report. Terry R. Farmer. September 10, 2003. Orlando. Florida ARF. Providers making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities. MISSION.
Florida ARF Providers making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities. President's Annual Report Terry R. Farmer September 10, 2003 Orlando
Florida ARF Providers making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities. MISSION The mission of Florida ARF is to promote the interests of people with disabilities by acting as a public policy change agent, and to promote and serve the interests of community human service provider organizations. 2003 Annual President’s Report Terry R. Farmer, President & CEO
Florida ARF Providers making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities. VISION • FARF is the premier advocacy association of providers serving individuals with disabilities. Florida ARF is an advocate, through its membership, for positive consumer outcomes. • FARF is an effective voice helping legislators and policy makers take positive action--they view us as trusted experts. • FARF provides valuable benefits to members by generating networking, information sharing, technical assistance, and resource development--they view us as an essential asset. • FARF contributes to the financial stability of members by generating additional revenue, operating efficient programs, and decreasing dependency on dues--they view us as a contributing partner.
Florida ARF Public Policy We advocate ! The number one reason companies join Florida ARF is for public-policy results.
Florida ARF Core Services In addition to public policy, Florida ARF offers core services to assist its members operate day-to-day business, increase revenue and market share and reduce expenses. Value - Added High-level program policy expertise. Timely, state-of-the-art industry information. Quality networking opportunities, including opportunities to network with key legislators and executive branch personnel. Education and training opportunities.
Florida ARF RESPECT • RESPECT was created in 1974 by the Florida Legislature. RESPECT is one of 26 state use programs in the nation. • Under Florida law, “if any agency intends to procure any product or service on the procurement list, that agency shall, in accordance with rules and regulations of the department, procure such product or service at the price established by the department from a qualified nonprofit agency for the blind or for the other severely handicapped if the product or service is available within a reasonable delivery time. However, this act shall have precedence over any law requiring state agency procurement of products or services from any other nonprofit corporation unless such precedence is waived by the department in accordance with its rules.” RESPECT
Florida ARF FACT It is a fact that individuals with disabilities experience the highest unemployment rate of any group in society – as high as 75 percent. The greatest barrier to equal participation in the community for people with disabilities is poverty. It is also a fact that unemployment and poverty go hand in hand. The most effective weapon against poverty is employment. We're About Jobs RESPECT gives individuals real on-the-job training and work experience. By doing so, individuals who experience significant barriers to employment increase their chances of moving on to a job in competitive employment.
Florida ARF Measureable Outcomes For every $12,000 in orders, RESPECT creates a job for an individual with a severe disability. Employing approximately 2,000 individuals, RESPECT is the largest employer of individuals with disabilities in Florida. RESPECT WORKS The RESPECT program is self-sufficient - it is not funded by state tax dollars through the state’s budget. We are all about jobs.
Florida ARF ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE is a pooled purchasing program through which Florida ARF members can purchase necessary items at a reduced price. Take Advantage ADVANTAGE program is a partnership with Unisource and other sources that offers competitive pricing to Florida ARF members on items, including: janitorial equipment and supplies, food packaging supplies, food service supplies, office supplies, packaging products, and raw materials used in the production of products produced by employment centers.
Florida ARF Regional Alliance It is a fact that what happens on the national and regional level directly impacts the day-to-day business operations of Florida ARF’s membership and the individuals with disabilities they serve. Increasing Influence It is also a fact that the members of Florida ARF consistently identify public policy results as their number one need from the Association. Therefore, a strategic goal adopted by the membership is for Florida ARF to form a regional alliance to enable us to have a stronger voice at the national and regional levels.
Florida ARF GATES Georgia Association of Training, Employment & Supports MISSION Unity To provide a coordinated system of supports for member organizations which will influence public policy, raise awareness and enhance services to persons with disabilities and other barriers to independence.
Florida ARF GEPS Georgia Enterprises for Products and Services Georgia Enterprises is the youngest of the 26 state use programs in the nation. It was created in law by the Georgia Assembly in 1993. GEPS WORKS GEPS, similar to the RESPECT program, creates jobs for Georgia’s citizens with disabilities by selling products and services created by them at qualified community organizations to state and local government. . We are all about jobs.
Florida ARF GISN Georgia Interpreting Services Network The GISN program provides interpreting services to Georgia’s citizens who are hearingimpaired. Without interpreting services it would be difficult, if not impossible, for Georgians with disabilities to live independently and/or secure and maintain a job. GISN, the largest provider of interpreter services in Georgia, provides 24-hour, 7 day a week service.
Florida ARF Business Advisory Council MISSION Partnerships Is to provide a diversity of perspectives from outside the core membership.
Florida ARF Role of Council • To identify and provide guidance on potential revenue sectors and ways to generate non-dues revenue. • Facilitate the development of strategic alliances and partnerships with business, education and political communities. • Enhance Florida ARF’s association with the corporate community to elevate credibility, opportunity and education. • Provide specific business expertise and resources. • Serve as a source of “tidal wave” projections, i.e. early warning on trends. • Develop focused education, marketing, public relations and branding.
Florida ARF Project 2005 It is a fact that individuals with disabilities that are given an opportunity for gainful employment are amongst the hardest working loyal employees known to business. It is also a fact that corporate America could be more supportive of hiring individuals with disabilities. We're About Jobs Our vision is to put the two together - - attract top corporations to support and attend a state-of-the-art job fair.
Florida ARF Top Ten Accomplishments • 1. Achieved significant legislative goals, including: • $83 million new dollars (general revenue & trust fund) in the Developmental Disabilities Program; • including $20 million new dollars for rates - - largest increase for rates in one year ever; and • preserved dollars in the Adult Handicapped Fund. 2003 Legislation Budget
Florida ARF Working on Workers' Comp • Made an impact on the final Workers’ Compensation Insurance legislation by securing language that permits 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations with a modification factor of 1.5 or less, to participate in the Joint Underwriters Association (JUA) SubPlan D at a rate not to exceed 25 percent of the voluntary market rate. A foot in the door
Florida ARF Preserved real jobs. • Florida became the first state in the nation to successfully stop a for-profit, out-of-state company from using the Randolph-Sheppard Act to legally seize federal contracts from community-based organizations who are providing hundreds of jobs for individuals with severe disabilities through these contacts. Though our advocacy, these jobs were preserved! It's About Jobs It happened in Florida
Florida ARF Rule Promulgation • 2. Significantly impacted the rule promulgation process for five key administrative rules proposed by AHCA, DCF and DMS, including: • The Developmental Disabilities Coverage and Limitations Handbook; • The Medication Administration Policy for DD Recipients by Unlicensed Providers; • The Siting Rule; • ICF/DD Rates; and • E-procurement. Executive Branch
Florida ARF Redesign Fever 3. On July 1, 2003, Florida implemented a standardized rate structure dramatically changing the landscape for providers serving individuals with developmental disabilities. Terry R. Farmer, President & CEO, actively participated as the official representative from FARF on the DD Redesign Stakeholder group. • Since implementation, numerous revisions have been announced and we anticipate on-going modifications into the foreseeable future.
Florida ARF VR Advocacy • It’s slow, but it is progress, including: • successfully fought for language allowing privatization efforts to be included in the 5-year plan; • won the battle for incentive payments to be honored; • made progress requiring Independent Employment Specialists to be not-for-profit and carry $1 million in liability insurance; • holding regular meetings with Workforce Florida and FARF to build relationships and increase market opportunities for FARF members; and • gained a seat on the RSA Technical Advisory Group for the Study on Privatization in Florida. It's About Jobs
Florida ARF The countdown continues . . . • Added Medicaid/DD program policy expert; • Adopted new membership promotion. Successfully added 13 new members; • Revitalized training program; • RESPECT sales increased overall by over five percent; • Fully integrated financial systems; and • Turned GATES financial situation into a $65,000 profit. 2003
Florida ARF On The Horizon • We look forward to significantly improved communications and public relations including: • Renewed focus on website – we plan to put the most current, relevant information at your fingertips. FARF’s website will be cutting edge. • Improved grassroot organization and leadership. • Quality trainings for program-level and administrative staff. • More and improved networking opportunities. 2004 so stay tuned . . .