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Motor Control Learning Kit. From Electronic Devices to H8 Embedded Programming. e-nuvo BASIC. Electronic Devices. Embedded Programming. HDL. Hardware Description Language. CPLD Extension Board. H8 CPU. CPLD ( FPGA ). HDL Learning Package ( Option ).
Motor Control Learning Kit From Electronic Devices to H8 Embedded Programming e-nuvo BASIC Electronic Devices Embedded Programming HDL Hardware Description Language CPLD Extension Board H8 CPU CPLD(FPGA) HDL Learning Package(Option) Resistances, TransistorsElectronic Devices Programming the H8 CPU Altera MAX II CPLD Embedded Programming requires not only knowledge of software but also of hardware。Perform experiments with the breadboard using the H8 Microcontroller. Learn Hardware Design using the widely used Altera CPLD board. While H8 is well suited for software prog. CPLD is suitable for hardware prog。 Basic learning of Resistance properties, Transistors switching, LEDs, etc. and Properties of electronic devices in general.。 Basics Circuits with Breadboard Extra Text about Motor Control NEW feature! Original CPLD Board Either a bipedal or a wheeled robot, the basics of motor control are the same。 Learn DC Motor control through the C language。A/D Conversion, embedding process, encoders, PWM and PID control。 A NEW extension for our BASIC material. Using the CPLD Extension Board you not only perform motor control (H-bridge, angle sensor A/D conversion, etc) but also can use the H8 CPU as well 。 Practice basic circuit learning with a breadboard included in the set。 Circuit Diagrams & BoardPatterns Free Standard Development Environment Additional HDL Textbook Learn from AND・ORLogic operations to decoders, selectors, flipflops, etc。Included Counters, State machines, Signal processing and last feedback control。 H Bridge is a collection of four FET arranged in an H shape。By checking the patterns and the circuit boards the user can learn to associate the diagram and the real device。 The Integrated Development Environment HEW distributed by the makers of the H8 mic. Renesas is used by professionals embedded engineers. Learn to use it too。
I/O Port (Switch、LED) External I/O Port Push SW(×1)、Dip SW(×3)、LED(×8) para practicar CPU digital I/0。 External ports of the H8 CPU and the CPLD。Included Jumper Wires。 H Bridge Circuit Angle Sensor (2 types) Sensor Board(Option) 4 FET switchs in a H Pattern, the easiest way to understand H Bridges。 Practice with Analog (Potentiometer and A/D) and Digital (Encoder and Pulse Counter) Angle sensors。 Experiments using a Gyro Sensor and an Accel Sensor。 Potentiometer (Resistance) Gyro Sensor Murata ENC-03 Encoder Accel Sensor Analog Devices ADXL322 ■ Motor Control Learning Kite-nuvo BASIC Basic Configuration Breadboard Generic CPU Board e-nuvo BASICBasic Package H8/Tiny CPU Renesas Technology Learn the basics of electronic devices with the help of a breadboard and your own wiring。 CPU board used also by e-nuvo WHEEL。Suitable for different types of experiments due to being generic。 E8 Emulator connection (For Debug) Serial Port ・FW Write ・Log Integrated Development Environment HEW Support for Renesas Integreated Development Environment HEW。Also a debugger for the E8 Emulator。 HDL Learning Package (Option) Hardware Design with HDL using the CPLD board CPLD Altera MAX II Switch &LEDs For basic experiments ■ Textbook 「Electronic Devices & Motor Control」 【One】Electronic Device Basics 【Two】Motor Drive 【Three】Microcontoller Basics 【Four】Sensor Inf. Acquisition 【Five】Motor Control with Microcontrollers (1) Basis of Electronic Devices (2) Potentiometer characteristics 【Pract】Experience how to measure angles with a resistor (1) Motors (2) Transistor Switches 【Pract】Drive a motor with transistors (3) H Bridge Circuits 【Pract】 Making a H Bridge (1) Processors (2) I/O Programming 【Pract】Lighting LEDs 【Pract】Reading DIP switches (1) A/D converter 【Pract】Angles with the A/D and showing it with LEDs (2) Interruption Processing (3) Encoder mechanism 【Pract】Encoder Counter (basic/2mult/4mult) (1) PWM 【Pract】PWM波形の生成 (2) Feedback Control 【Pract】Motor Pose Control with PI Control(Potentiometer) 【Pract】Motor Angle Control with PI Control(Encoder) ■ Textbook Supervisor: Makoto Mizukawa ■ Microcontroller for C programmers 1975 Ms Eng 1987 Dr. Eng (Waseda Univ).1975-2000 NTT. 1981-1982 Visiting Scholar, Dept. Mechanical Eng., Columbia Univ., NYC.From 1988 NTT New Fields Promotion Group Leader. 1992 NTT Human Interface Labs. Autonomous Robot Systems Lab. Research Group Leader. 2000- Professor, Dept. Electrical Eng., Faculty of Eng., Shibaura Inst. Tech. 2003-Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Management (MOT Program). Board member: RSJ (the Robotics Society of Japan), SICE (Society of Instruments and Control Engineers)。 Division Chairs: JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) Robotics Mechatronics Division, SICE System Integration Division and Control Division We recommend the Renesas course [Microcontoller for C programmers] for students who wish to know more about microcontroller systems。 The course uses the same chip as BASIC and WHEEL。 ■ Motor Control Learning Kite-nuvo BASIC specs Product Name Motor Control Learning Kit e-nuvo BASIC ver.1.0 ZMP Original Generic CPU Board(×1) ・Renesas Technology H8 Tiny (HD64F3687FP) CPU ZMP Original Generic CPLD Board(×1) ・Altera MAX II EPM240T100C5 CPLD (Option) Actuators Mabuchi DC Motor RE-280RA、Reduction Gears 30 ZMPOriginal Encoder Circuit(×1) ・Resolution 4[pulse/rev] ・Counter Processing(basic/2mult/4mult) Sensors Angle Sensor(Digital) Manufacturer: ZMP INC ADDRESS: 10F Aobadai Hills 4-7-7 Aobadai, Meguro-ku Tokyo 153-0042 JAPAN TEL: 03-5738-4855 FAX: 03-5738-4838 URL: http://www.zmp.co.jp E-Mail: e-nuvo@zmp.co.jp Angle Sensor(Analog) Resistor 5kΩ Pose Sensor (Option) ZMP Original Gyro Sensor Board(×1) ・Gyro Sensor:Murata ENC-03RC×1 Accel Sensor (Option) ZMP Original Accel Sensor Board(×1) ・Accel Sensor:ANALOG DEVICES ADXL322JCP Attached Parts Breadboard, Jumper Wire, Alligator Clip, CPU Writing harness,etc Authorized Sales Agent: PC I/F RS-232C (For Flash Writing) Power For Control CPU5[v]、CPLD3.3[v](1.2[v]Batt×3をBooster) For Motor 3.6[v] (1.2[v]Batt×3をDirect Input) Recommended Development Environment Integrated Development Renesas TechnologyHEW(High-performance Embedded Workshop) Flash Writing Tool Renesas Technology FDT(Flash Development Toolkit) ※ Information on this document might be changed without any prior notice。