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Soap Making from the Colonies

Soap Making from the Colonies. By: Emily D’Imperio Mr. Cripps, Period 8. Soap Maker -A colonial woman who makes soap at home as a craft -Only women made this craft Picture found at www.allposters.com/-sp/The-Soap-Maker-circa-1735. Making Soap -get lye from ashes

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Soap Making from the Colonies

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  1. Soap Making from the Colonies By: Emily D’Imperio Mr. Cripps, Period 8

  2. Soap Maker -A colonial woman who makes soap at home as a craft -Only women made this craft Picture found at www.allposters.com/-sp/The-Soap-Maker-circa-1735

  3. Making Soap -get lye from ashes -tallow from melted fat -lye and tallow boiled outside in an iron pot -stir constantly -poured into pans then cut to bars This picture was found at milksoaps.com/baycity.html

  4. Lye *Water drips through ashes -boiled with tallow in a big pot This picture was found at www.suite101.com/lesson.cfm/17779/1062/4

  5. Lye (steps in making) ~layers of straw and ashes in barrel ~barrel (slit) was put on a raised platform ~hot water was poured in and it dripped through ashes ~1 day later thick liquid acid dripped in pot These pictures were found at www.kismeta.com/diGrasse/jamestown_settlement_light_indus.htm

  6. Lye Dangers -If lye splashes it could scorch skin -if you breath it in it will burn your throat Picture found at www.hiddenliltreasures.com/tipsrecipes.htm

  7. Tallow *Tallow comes from melted fat -it is a process called rendering -butcher gave leftover fat to make tallow -collected in metal box or metal pot -kept until soap making time -boiled with lye in a big pot These Pictures were found at candleandsoap.about.com/od/soapmakingoils /ss/rendertallow

  8. Scents of Soap -ginger -root -lavender -bayberry -these were added to mixture to give it a lovely scent This Picture was found at www.parsonagesoap.com/Fragrance%2520Oils.htm

  9. Tools -barrel with slit at bottom -bucket/pot -platform -wooden box/metal pot -mixing utensil -pans

  10. Outdoor Job -done once or twice a year -smelly and messy -boiled outside -lye is dangerous -children needed to be a safe distance

  11. Soap Recipe Materials: -1 cup of clean bacon grease -5 teaspoons lye* -1/2 cup soft water Combine the lye and water.be careful not to breath fumes. Water will immediately reach 200°.Let it cool then set aside for a day or so. *can be purchased in grocery stores

  12. Using Lye and Water Solution -Heat clean fat/bacon grease to melt.cool to 100. Stir Occasionally -Pour Lye slowly in a stream into grease(stir) -stir until thick(about 10-20 min)Honey-like -pour into mold lined with wax paper.Cover and keep at room temp. for 24 Hours. -Age for two weeks before using

  13. Education/Training -At their homes before they came to North America soap was provided in stores -When they moved they started to make crafts at home -learned from mother or taught themselves -because of this women were called craftspeople or artisans

  14. Texture -Hard (sometimes) -soft and cakey(sometimes) -nongreasy -jellylike

  15. Wash Frequency -Wash pile added up for about 2-3 months -Most washed body less than clothes -Washing was considered a hazard

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