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Potential Job Creation, Economic Benefits and Revenue Sharing from Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Virginia Governor’s Energy Conference Richmond, VA October 17, 2014. Five Year Plans and the Mid-Atlantic.
Potential Job Creation, Economic Benefits and Revenue Sharing from Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production in the Mid-Atlantic Region Virginia Governor’s Energy Conference Richmond, VA October 17, 2014
Five Year Plans and the Mid-Atlantic • The Department of the Interior (DOI) schedules all offshore oil and gas leases through the development of a Five Year OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program • The Bush Administration included a Virginia lease sale in the 2007-2012 Five Year Plan • Lease Sale 220 was scheduled to take place in 2011 • The Obama Administration cancelled Lease Sale 220 following the Macando blowout in 2010 • The current Five Year Plan – from 2012-2017 – was finalized last August and does contain any Mid-Atlantic lease sales • DOI will begin developing the 2017-2022 Five Year Plan sometime in 2014
The Mid-Atlantic Resource Base • The Department of the Interior conducted a resource assessment in 2011 that analyzed the oil and natural gas resource base for the entire OCS • Part of the assessment is of Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Resources (UTRR) • Mid-Atlantic Resource Base • Crude Oil • 95th Percentile 600,000 barrels • Mean 3.30 billion barrels • 5th Percentile 5.58 billion barrels • Natural Gas • 95th Percentile 1.01 trillion cubic feet • Mean 19.36 trillion cubic feet • 5th Percentile 38.94 trillion cubic feet
Benefits of Mid-Atlantic OCS Leasing: Jobs, Economic Growth and Government Revenues • In deciding whether to support inclusion of Mid-Atlantic lease sales in the 2017-2022 program, state officials will need to consider the tremendous economic impacts and potential revenues that could be generated for the Mid-Atlantic states should offshore exploration and production take place. • A recent reportby ICF International estimates that the OCS exploration and development activity in the Mid-Atlantic could: • Create approximately 10,588 new jobs in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina; • Add $1.935 billion annually to the Gross Domestic Product; and • Generate almost $201.06 billion in government revenues at all levels of government (federal, state and local).
Federal Revenue Sharing • Federal Government collected $10.5 billion from leasing activity on public lands in FY2011 • Revenues collected are from Lease Bids, Rents and Royalties • The federal government shares onshore leasing revenues with the states – 50% • Following passage of GOMESA in 1996, the federal government shares Gulf of Mexico offshore leasing revenues with TX, LA, MS and AL – 37.5% • In order to have revenue sharing in Mid-Atlantic, the GOMESA revenue sharing provisions will need to be extended legislatively
Benefits of Mid-Atlantic OCS Leasing:Revenue Sharing • The revenue sharing program created for the Gulf of Mexico states in GOMESA 1996 creates a pool equal to 37.5% of the OCS leasing activities (Leasing Bids, Rents and Royalties) • The revenue pool is divided among the states based on a formula that accounts for the location of the well head • Valuing the Mid-Atlantic Resource Base • Average forecast prices for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude and Henry Hub natural gas from the Energy Information Administration’s 2013 Annual Energy Outlook • Oil $106.87 per barrel • Natural Gas $ 4.33 per thousand cubic feet.
Benefits of Mid-Atlantic OCS Leasing:Revenue Sharing • Under the OCS Lands Act, the federal government collects an 18.75% royalty rate on all oil and natural gas produced in the OCS • About 90% of the revenues that are collected by the federal government for OCS activities come from royalties • The remaining 10% come from Lease Bids and Rents • The value of the royalties is based on the value of the oil and natural gas that is developed – giving us the following potential in the Mid-Atlantic:
Benefits of Mid-Atlantic OCS Leasing:Revenue Sharing • Under the GOMESA formula, 37.5% of the revenues collected for OCS Leasing Activities goes to the Gulf Coast States • If we apply that formula to the Mid-Atlantic resource base, we can project the following potential for revenue share to Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina:
Summary - Benefits of Mid-Atlantic OCS Leasing and Revenue Sharing • OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Activities and Revenue Sharing will bring significant benefits to the Mid-Atlantic Region, including: • Approximately 10,588 new jobs in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina • $1.935 billion annually to the Gross Domestic Product • Over $201 billion in government revenues at all levels of government (federal, state and local) • $36.84 billion in revenue sharing funds for the four states • Approximately $1.22 billion annually of 30 years
Questions? Michael Whatley Consumer Energy Alliance 1666 K Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 2006 P: 202-674-1750 mwhatley@consumerenergyalliance.org www.consumerenergyalliance.org