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Comparative Effectiveness Research Key Function Committee (CER KFC) Adobe Connect Web Conference. IF YOU JOINED THE WEBCONFERENCE AS AN “UNKNOWN” USER, PLEASE RE-JOIN and ENTER YOUR NAME. 11:00 am-12:30 pm EST, December 20, 2010 Co-Chairs, Jodi Segal and to be announced
Comparative Effectiveness ResearchKey Function Committee(CER KFC)Adobe Connect Web Conference IF YOU JOINED THE WEBCONFERENCE AS AN “UNKNOWN” USER, PLEASE RE-JOIN and ENTER YOUR NAME. 11:00 am-12:30 pm EST, December 20, 2010 Co-Chairs, Jodi Segal and to be announced PI Liaison, Harry Selker NIH Coordinator, Rosemarie Filart BAH PM, Eric Vidal
CTSA CER Key Function Committee (CER KFC) Meeting AgendaDecember 20, 201011:00 AM – 12:30 PM ESTAdobe Connect/Teleconference Dial-in: 1-866-910-4857 Access Code: 584064https://webmeeting.nih.gov/cerkfcdec2010/
NIH/NCRR Update • New Administrative Supplement • Who is considering submitting? • CER KFC submissions? Activity UPDATES: ROSEMARIE FILART11:05 AM EST
SGC4 Objective 1 (“CE”): Linking and facilitating collaboration among community based research networks to implement research best practices. • SGC4 Objective 2 (“CER”):Develop capacity and methods for the translation of research results into practice across the healthcare system, including but not limited to: health services and health policy research, comparative effectiveness research, and research into the generation and implementation of evidence-based medicine SGC4 Goals
Updates: • CMG Liaison report: • CMG Updates: Administrators, Web based project tracking tool rollout plan • PI Liaison report: • SGC4 plans and activities, February, 2011 Face to Face • CTSA Consortium Steering Committee (CCSC) • CTSA Consortium Executive Committee (CCEC) Activity UPDATES: HARRY SELKER and NICK GAICH
Nov. 30th First Business Meeting: Outcomes, Action Items, and Strategic Planning Ideas for the SGC4: 11:18 PM EST Jodi Segal, Harry Selker, and Rosemarie Filart
CER KFC Education/Training Workforce Development Workgroup Report: Action Items, Outcomes, and project timeline of *Nov. 30th CER KFC Business meeting*Dec. 1st CER Forum *education Assessment updateWG Lead reporting: Jodi Segal
Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER KFC)Education/Training/Workforce Development Workgroup Mission Statement: To promote and facilitate incorporation of comparative effectiveness research skills into the training activities of early investigators at CTSA consortium institutions, and to promote activities that allow established investigators to develop skills of comparative effectiveness research and thereby broaden the available workforce Vision Statement: To advance comparative effectiveness research by expanding the workforce nationwide that has the requisite skills for conducting and using comparative effectiveness research.
Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER KFC)Education/Training/Workforce Development October 2010 November 2010 September 2010 June 2010 December 2010 August 2010 July 2010 Prepare assessment instrument based on competencies Prepare report describing process and results Distribute instrument as part of needs assessment /collect results Analyze results and revise competencies as appropriate Circulate Preliminary Competences Disseminate report Discuss instrument with needs assessment WG and education KFC Collect T32, KM1 curricula Review existing guidance on workforce development Milestone Reached
In next six months, we will do the following items. •Collect proposed competencies and curricula from recently funded T32/K12 pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training grants in CER as well as the KM1 awards (Tim Carey leading effort) • Create a matrix of competencies for four key groups identified during the CER Forum (Jodi Segal) •Describe an ideal CER workforce – • Start by reviewing existing reports/ publications describing a CER workforce --we have identified relevant references –there isn’t much. (Steve Kymes) • Develop a framework to begin the discussion --- this is lower priority now (Jodi Segal) •Begin process of collecting existing CER teaching resources – including short courses, seminars, problem sets. Items that might be shareable. Will also reach out to organizations that may already have items (ISPE, Academy Health, SMDM)
Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER KFC)CER KFC Collaboration Workgroup Mission/Vision Statement: • Support development of connections & collaborations to develop, execute, and apply CER at multiple levels: • Within individual CTSA institutions • Across CTSA CER investigators • Between CTSA CER investigators and other relevant CER investigators and stakeholders (e.g. AHRQ EPC institutions, DeCIDE network, CERTS, etc...)
CER KFC Collaboration Workgroup July-Aug 2010 Oct-Jan 2010 Future 2011 Sept-Oct 2010 February 2011 Aug-Sept 2010 Develop semi-structured key informant interview protocol for those sites Conduct paper review process with whole KFC, CE networking group (for synergy with translation white paper they are doing) • Conduct all site interviews • Collect all relevant documents • Do web site analysis if resources permit • Analyze findings and develop key themes • Present findings to WG • Refine themes/conclusions Draft White paper based on findings • Edit questions for needs assessment survey and cut points for identifying sites to interview. Analyze results of needs assessment survey relevant to translation; refine interview protocol
Highlights from F2F meeting • The workgroup identified mentoring as a potential opportunity and discussed how one CTSA would be identified as the mentor as opposed to the mentee. The workgroup noted that partnering would be a positive feature but they would need to know the capabilities of other CTSA. • Three new ideas were identified by the group: 1) To “pair” CTSAs that share similar audiences and are geographically close to each other. The CTSAs would develop partnerships in community engagement endeavors. 2) Educate all CTSAs on the CER capabilities of the other CTSAs so that they can make better decisions in choosing who to partner or collaborate with. 3) Capitalize on current partnerships between CTSAs (existing networks), to increase the amount of collaboration they currently have with other CTSAs rather than developing new partnerships.
CER KFC Methods Workgroup Report: Action Items, Outcomes, and project timeline of *Nov. 30th CER KFC Business meeting*Dec. 1st CER Forum*Dec. 2nd and 3rd NIH AHRQ Methods meeting*Methods White paper statusWG Leads Reporting:seantunis, Mark helfand, Chris Schmid11:45 Am EST
Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER KFC)Methods Workgroup Mission Statement: To identify high priority methodological issues that would benefit from careful analysis and discussion within the CTSA program, with the objective of ensuring that the future CER work of the CTSAs is consistently aligned with the nature and purpose of CER. Vision Statement: To improve public health by improving the methods used in comparative effectiveness research conducted by CTSA institutions.
2011 Dec. 2010 Nov./Dec. 2010 Nov. 2010 Complete CER methods white paper Work with CER KFC to develop specific action plan for CER methods issues Work with CER KFC and CTSA leadership to implement CER methods action plan CTSA Consortium Publications Com. final review of white paper and submit for publication Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER KFC)Methods Workgroup 2011 Work with CER KFC to provide ongoing oversight of CER methods action plan
CER KFC capacity and needs Assessment Workgroup Report: Action Items, Outcomes, and project timeline of*Nov. 30th CER KFC Business meeting*Dec. 1st CER Forum*2nd Needs Assessment updateWG Leads Reporting: dan ford and harold pincus11:51 Am EST
CER KFCCapacity and Needs Assessment Workgroup Mission Statement Through periodic assessments, provide data to academic institutions and funding organizations and other stakeholders about current capacities to conduct comparative effectiveness research and how the CTSA program supports CER. Vision Statement Academic organizations will organize their resources so that the CER research capacity, including training, will incorporate the priorities for CER as expressed by by national groups such as IOM, federal agencies, professional societies, and consumer organizations as well as local stakeholders, providers and patients, health plans and purchasers.
CER KFCCapacity and Needs Assessment Workgroup 2011 September 2010 November 2010 December 2010 September/October 2010 Redistribute and complete analyses Finalize next survey of CTSA institutions regarding CER capacity and needs for additional support Distribute survey to CTSA CER KFC leaders Have first summary of results from assessment Next Steps
Information Dissemination Workgroup Report Action Items, Outcomes, and project timeline of *Nov. 30th CER KFC Business meeting*Dec. 1st CER Forum * Drafts for consideration emailed to Paul by the 2nd Monday of each month* Finalized Submission to CTSA e-newsletter due 4th Monday of each monthLead Reporting: Paul Meissner11:57 Am EST
Information Dissemination Workgroup CER KFC Submission Request CER KFC New brief (July 2010) -- Example Comparative Effectiveness Research KFC Builds Connections with Practice-Based Research Networks Researchers At the recent Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 2010 National Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRN) Research Conference held on June 16-18 in Bethesda, Maryland, comparative effectiveness research (CER) sessions generated interest in connecting PBRNs and CTSAs. Of the participating PBRN institutions at one session facilitated by dual CTSA and PBRN researcher, Paul Meissner, (Albert Einstein- Montefiore Institute for Clinical and Translational Research), there were over half a dozen institutions that also have CTSAs. CER topics of interest focused on service system design, behavior change models, health promotion systems, and translational research for complex patients in complex systems. Throughout the meeting, NIH and AHRQ staff stimulated CER discussions in a coordinated fashion to facilitate connecting CER researchers and leveraging PBRN and NIH programs including the CTSA program. Researchers identified the top areas of need: data systems infrastructure and integration support, and the development of CER methods. The CTSA CER KFC will continue to foster the collaborative CER efforts with AHRQ PBRN researchers. For more information, contact Paul Meissner, Montefiore Medical Center, David Lanier, AHRQ, or Rosemarie Filart, NCRR. Quick turnaround for short paragraphs needed! This is your monthly reminder to please submit to me to me at pmeissne@montefiore.org your proposed items for inclusion in our information dissemination newsletter submission. Remember this is 3-5 sentences of your individual CTSA CER success story and research update(s) such as a brief summary of an CER training, trainees, teachers, mentors, etc.. activity; CER research advance; or CER related public news information. The KFC will offer it as the CTSA e-newsletter CER KFC news piece.
Information Dissemination WorkgroupCompiling CER E-Resources • Facilitating collection of CER related E-resources • Enriching resources on existing locations • www.ctsaweb.org Resources for Researchers webpage • CER KFC Wikispace • Email Jonathan Tobin ( JNTobin@CDNetwork.org ) with your suggestions for one or two recent CER-related links that you have found to be helpful to your work. The compiled resources will be posted to either the public website: www.CTSAweb.org under “Resources for Researchers webpage” topic- Comparative Effectiveness Research or the password protected CTSA Wiki. Jonathan Tobin and Rosemarie Filart
Dec. 1st CER Forum TaskforceSunsetting*Brief Summary of Forum*Next StepsTom Concannon and Harry Selker12:03 pm ET
Report from CER KFC liaisonsupdates and action Items from *Nov. 30th CER KFC Business meeting*Dec. 1st CER Forum * respective CTSA KFCs12:13 pm EST
Member NewsMembers invited to share their CER related NewsALL12:17 pm ET
CER KFC Standing Meeting Schedule and WG Meeting Summary 1 page TemplatesEric Vidal
KFC Monthly Meeting: 3rd Monday of the month from 11 AM-12:30 PM ET Education/Training/Workforce Development (E/T/WFD) Workgroup: 2nd Wednesday of the month from 11 AM-12 PM ET CER Focused Networking Workgroup: 3rd Tuesday of the month from 4-5 PM ET Capacity and Needs Assessment Workgroup: 3rd Monday of the month from 5-6 PM ET Methods Workgroup: 2nd Monday of the month from 1-2 PM ET Information Dissemination Workgroup: 1st Friday of every other month from 11 AM – 12 PM ET CER KFC Operations Group Monthly Meeting: 4th Tuesday of the month from 4-5 PM ET SGC 4 Monthly meeting, attended by KFC Coordinator/Co-Chairs and WG reports: 4th Monday of the month from 11 AM- 12 PM ET CER KFC Standing meeting schedule
Action Items • Action Items: • WG Reports to the KFC & SGC Monthly and Annual Meetings • WG activities and Project Tracking • Alignment with Community Engagement KFC, SGC4, and Consortium • Other? ALL Facilitated by Jodi and Rosemarie 12:23pm EST