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Film Analysis Essay Debrief. Here are some thoughts I put together while providing specific feedback on this recent round of essays. First a Few Words on How They Were Graded…. All essays are read once so that I can get the “big picture” of the ideas you are expressing.
Film Analysis Essay Debrief Here are some thoughts I put together while providing specific feedback on this recent round of essays.
First a Few Words on How They Were Graded… • All essays are read once so that I can get the “big picture” of the ideas you are expressing. • They are read again, with concurrent suggestions, corrections, and commentary. • Therefore, the best way to get the most of any feedback is to read your essay again, pausing to note the feedback. • In such a way, the act of reading best reflects the act of grading them. • This advice is not just for papers I am correcting in this class, but is a skillful way to reflect on your writing in any undergrad or graduate course you take in which writing is the focus (btw, this is ALL of them!)
For those of you that did NOT do this assignment, nor turn it in… • While your classmates are reading through their essays and feedback, I want you to reflect on the importance of deadlines in this course. • Write me two paragraphs in which you discuss your academic objectives in this course, and how not making deadlines can have an adverse effect on these objectives. • I’m not expecting to see excuses or explanations of why the paper was not turned in. Your college professors are even less interested in this, as successful students have multiple plans in case something technologically goes wrong, or they manage time effectively to meet important deadlines. • You have fifteen minutes to produce an error-free response to this as your classmates view the feedback for their writing. • Think of it as a partial credit recovery, as grades will be adjusted for exemplary responses as far as 50%. • That’s significantly better than the zero that is in that spot now.
Successful Film Analysis Papers Had: • Paragraphs that were mostly free of grammatical and spelling errors • Specific evidence cited from scenes relating to a clear thesis statement • Organizational structure that was clear and spoke to the thesis statement explicitly or implicitly • No awkward, confusing, or muddled phrasing • No run-on or incomplete sentences (proofreading) • Background research was clearly done to enhance ideas. This also, logically, will exhibit an individual voice and original ideas
Further Action Everyone Needs to Take: • PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD (I can’t repeat this enough) • Improve upon specific areas I outline in feedback comments on your essay • Many essays discuss symbols or tone, but do not discuss how the specific film making techniques in a scene prove theme. Read and know what the assigned purpose of the essay is. • Strain to improve the originality of your ideas by avoiding low diction, using background research, and varying syntax • Some of you need to simplify to avoid redundant statements and unnecessary “wordiness” • No more titles or pictures. This is academic writing, graphics destroy your decorum as an academic writer. • Write in the active voice (present tense verbs) and avoid use of 1st and 2nd person pronouns • Everyone needs to honor deadlines, and some of you need to understand that turning in NOTHING will have consequences as to whether you end up passing the course. ‘Nuff said.