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SESAR Single European Sky Air traffic management Research. Which meteorological service provision for SESAR? EUMETNET. WMO CAeM-XIV, Hong-Kong (China), February 2010. The SESAR programme. Detailed description available on the SESAR web site: http://www.sesarju.eu/
SESARSingle European Sky Air traffic management Research Which meteorological service provision for SESAR? EUMETNET WMO CAeM-XIV, Hong-Kong (China), February 2010
The SESAR programme • Detailed description available on the SESAR web site: http://www.sesarju.eu/ • While the SES Regulations are the institutional framework allowing to solve traffic congestion in Europe, SESAR – a huge public/private partnership - will design the technical response to that challenge
EU Three Phases of European ATM Development • Definition Phase; 2006 - 2008 • SESAR produced a European ATM Master Plan • Development Phase; 2008 – 2014 • Managed by SESAR Joint Undertaking • Based on Master Plan • Results in Standards, new operational procedures, new technologies, pre-industrial components • Deployment Phase; 2015 – 2025 • Implements results of development phase • Delivers the service performance increase foreseen in the ATM Master Plan
Concept Of Operation • Civil and Military ATM performance partnership • Integration of Air and Ground systems • Integration of Airport turn Around Operations • 4D trajectory prediction • System Wide Information Management • Automation Support to the Human Being • Rolling Operations Network Plan • Efficient Separation Modes
The SESAR basic concept • The concept is detailed management of air navigation by taking into account all the factors which may or may not have an impact on each flight, from before the departure gate to after the arrival gate • Thus ATM decisions must be made using all the necessary information (MET included) for each step of a flight • Requires full interoperability • Requires full integration of data (e.g. MET) into ATM automatic/semi automatic decision making tools • This is a completely new and very ambitious concept
Industrial implications • The SESAR programme necessitates the adoption of new tools and technologies for air traffic management • The Development Phase has significant involvement from private industry who are investing heavily in it • The programme is very complex and it has significant financial implications
The role of meteorology • “Meteorology is a large factor of uncertainty in the SESAR concept” • The key document for SESAR is the SESAR ATM Master Plan; see:http://www.sesarju.eu/sites/default/files/documents/reports/European_ATM_Master_Plan.pdf • The word “meteo” can be found 34 times in the SESAR Master Plan • But at the end of reading it, you do not know more about how meteorology service provision could contribute to SESAR
Not properly taking the MET factor into account in the SESAR programme is a serious threat for its full success • It is recognised that the existing ICAO provisions do not respond to the ATM needs of the future • The level of awareness of that threat slowly increased within the SESAR JU • They decided to develop an action plan allowing to better take meteorology on board
MET in the SESAR Programme MET is so far taken into account in two Working Packages of SESAR: • WP8: so far, the main MET outcome is a MET data fusion demonstrator; see: http://www.eurocontrol.int/aim/gallery/content/public/pdf/SESAR%20EP_08_02-WXXM%20V1.0.pdf • WP11: the MET component of it is now under definition following an adequate EU procedure
Scope of WP 11 • To define and validate flight and wing operation centre requirements for business/mission trajectory planning and execution • Address meteorological components to increase ATM performance – a transversal process
Selection of WP11 potential partners • SESAR JU lauched on the 15th September 2009 a “call for interest”, inviting the potential partners of MET service provision to SESAR to express their interest to participate in further discussions in that regard • On the 19th November 2009, Pre Qualified Tenderers (PQT) were selected • The EUMETNET EIG, which is the group of EU NMHS, responded to that call (some EUMETNET members did not participate to that response) and is a PQT
Next steps • Following the evaluation of the received responses to the prequalification questionnaire and registration of interest, a “competitive dialogue” will be launched by the SESAR JU • There will be three steps in that competitive dialogue: • Invitation to submit outline solutions (at present ongoing in February 2010; EUMETNET is now working on it) • Invitation to submit detailed solutions • Invitation to submit final offers (call for tender) • The award of contract(s) is planned for September 2010
We are convinced that any solution will have to be global and we welcome all efforts to enhance cooperation in the METATM domain • It is likely that the proposed solutions will derive from the technical work undertaken with Eurocontrol, the METATMTF of the EUR Air Navigation Planning Group of ICAO • Eurocontrol and the US-FAA also provide opportunities for coordination in the MET domain between SESAR and NextGen by organising technical interchange meetings
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