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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ. Reaching the Wordly Wise Acts 17:16-34. There is a big difference between selling Jesus and proclaiming Him The Gospel offends, don’t add being obnoxious to it! Paul tailored his message to his audience
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Reaching the Wordly WiseActs 17:16-34 There is a big difference between selling Jesus and proclaiming Him The Gospel offends, don’t add being obnoxious to it! Paul tailored his message to his audience To the Jews he started in OT messianic prophecy – Acts 17:2,3
Ministry in AthensArrival – Acts 17:16-18 Athens is full of idols – “the gods capital” Paul is “provoked” – stirred to action Paul reasons in the Synagogues & in the marketplace The marketplace was were people also met & interacted – a place to “hang out”
Ministry in AthensArrival – Acts 17:16-18 Paul met philosophers: Epicureans – sought detachment from the world – did not believe in divine intervention in life or punishment after Stoics – sought happiness in accepting nature as it existed and their place in it
Paul’s Sermon - Acts 17:22-31 Paul’s Introduction – vs. 22-23 Common Ground - A religious people - The Bridge - Altar to the “unknown God” Don Richardson – Eternity in their Hearts
Paul’s Sermon - Acts 17:22-31The Nature of the True God Creator and Lord – vs. 24 qeoV / Theos - personal name for the Supreme God Greek gods were part of Nature. The True God created & is Lord over Nature
Temple of Hephaestus Greek gods lived in Temples, the True God does not
Temple of Zeus Greek gods lived in Temples, the True God does not
Paul’s Sermon - Acts 17:22-31The Nature of the True God Autonomous & Source of Life – vs. 25 Greek gods manipulated humans to serve their needs. The True God does not need man Man is dependent on the True God
Paul’s Sermon - Acts 17:22-31The Nature of the True God Ruler – vs. 26 Greek gods war against each other to gain territory The True God is the source of all nations and set their boundaries in time & space Daniel 4:34-35
Paul’s Sermon - Acts 17:22-31The Nature of the True God Near – vs. 27 Greek gods could be near or far & their response was unpredictable The True God is near & approachable Hebrews 11:6
Paul’s Sermon - Acts 17:22-31The Nature of the True God Source of Existence – vs. 28 Paul quotes Greek poets Artus & Epimenides (Quoting someone is not an endorsement of everything else they say)
Paul’s Sermon - Acts 17:22-31The Nature of the True God Not an Idol – vs. 29 God is not like His creation & so cannot be represented by any material thing or man-made philosophy
Paul’s Sermon - Acts 17:22-31 The Requirements of God – vs. 30-31 The times of ignorance are over All men everywhere should repent He will judge proved by the resurrection of the appointed man
Reponses – Acts 17:32-34 Rejection – vs. 32a Sneer - jest - mock Interest – vs. 32b-34 Some are curious Some follow & believe This is a typical response
Conclusions Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit Be pro-active - create opportunities Know your listener & adapt Find common ground & bridge Don’t attack, declare God’s nature & actions, then His claims Be faithful & true to point the way - & pray
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ