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Kronos Punch System Instructions for Vanderbilt Staff

This email provides detailed instructions for using the Kronos punch system, including how to input your Employee ID, accrue time, and approve time logs. It also covers important policies, safety updates, and upcoming events at Vanderbilt. Contact Abby for assistance.

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Kronos Punch System Instructions for Vanderbilt Staff

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  1. ED Staff Meeting June 9th, 2011 @ 2pm Email Questions: Catherine.S.Wilson@Vanderbilt.edu

  2. Abby Axelrod Kronos

  3. When you miss a punch, don’t clock when you remember, email Abby with the date and time that was missed and continue with the next punch as usual. Be sure the subject line is KRONOS. • You can no longer use your SSN to punch in/out if you forget your badge. You must learn the 7 digit employee ID number that is found on your paystub. Most have leading 0s such as, 0004567. Newer employees may have less.

  4. How to Use Employee ID # • Select the blue START ACTIVITY button • Enter your 7 digit employee ID # (hit enter) • Your name should appear asking if it’s you. • Hit enter again if correct • Another screen will come up, if you are punching in/out, just use the arrow down keys until SUBMIT is highlighted and hit enter. • There is a tutorial on LMS. Search Kronos and it’s KRONOS READER TRAINING.

  5. Accrual Time(VAC, SCK, PER, etc) • You can put your own time in at the clock. If you need help, call Abby! • You must use your time if you miss a day, whether it’s part of your FTE or an OT day. You have to account for that missing time. • Vandyworks and Kronos DO NOT talk to each other. In order to be paid for your time, you have to put it in Kronos.

  6. Approval • It’s important to approve your own time! This ensures you get paid appropriately and we know your time is correct. You can do this at the end of your last shift for the pay period. • When you log into Kronos, the APPROVALS button is below your name and pay period. • Another box should pop up and click approve. • Any questions/help- contact Abby  I’m here Mon-Thurs 5:30a-4p

  7. Policies • Hospital Attendance/Tardies policy HR 026 http://hr.vanderbilt.edu/policies/HR-026.php • Paid Sick Time Policy http://hr.vanderbilt.edu/policies/HR-029.php • Adult Emergency Policies: Adult Emergency Dept: Ill Call, AS 201210-30.61 • There is a Adult Emergency Dept Kronos policy as well, but it is currently offline. It can be found in the same place as the Ill Call when it is back up.

  8. Cathy Wilson (Education Update) MAY 2011 SAFETY INSERVICES


  10. COMPETENCY CHECK-OFFS July August Sept Oct Nov Dec

  11. Jacki Ashburn (Quality Update)

  12. Urine cultures

  13. Discharge Station • Loss of 35-55,000 dollars/month • Not taking 2-10 patients per day • Process missed

  14. Documentation of Start/ Stop Times • Loss of $5,500/week on the first antibiotic • Need to chart start and stop times on all fluids, drips and antibiotics

  15. Antibiotic Times (Order to Administration)

  16. Strokes • Anyone who is called a Code Stroke sheet to be filled out to include labs and CT or other Scan • Blood glucose Bedside – Must repeat even if done in field.

  17. Chris Ruckman(Manager Update) • KUDOS • Retention Committee – Focus Groups • Minor Changes Fax Reporting • ED Charge Nurse will send “instant message” via tele-tracking that report has been faxed. • The ED nurse makes call to receiving unit no sooner than 10 minutes from time of faxed report to confirm fax and answer any clarifying questions.  The ED nurses should not have to repeat information if already in the faxed report. • Record Set 6/4/11 number of patient seen 217, last record was 208 patient in 2008

  18. Variance Report • RNs (4) days; (2) nights • Multiple nurse coming in June / July / August • Nurse Residents planned, off orientation 6/25/11 • Paramedics (1) checking reference on candidate • PCTs (1) interviewing multiple candidates • MRs (1) interviewing multiple candidates • MHTs (2) position

  19. Hand Hygiene- May 2011 RNs 75% ED Attending 67% ED Residents 67% Paramedics n/a % PCTs 67% OVERALL PERCENT 65% Hand Hygiene- April 2011 RNs 67% ED Attending 50% ED Residents 50% Paramedics 33% PCTs 0% OVERALL PERCENT 61%

  20. Merit Increase Program • Annual pay increases based on individual performance • Applied to individual current base rates of pay • If at range max, results in partial or full lump sum payment • Performance equates with increase in this formula: Ratings (Range)% Inc. 5 (4.5 - 5.0) = 2.50% 4 (3.8 - 4.4) = 2.00% 3 (3.0 - 3.7) = 1.75% • Performance based lump-sum payments eligible for retirement contributions and match 20

  21. Effective & Paycheck Dates

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