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Staff Information Meeting. Proposed [School Name] A Church of England Academy [Date]. Academies are publicly funded independent state schools. Funding comes directly from central government rather than via the Local Authority.
Staff Information Meeting Proposed [School Name] A Church of England Academy[Date]
Academies are publicly funded independent state schools. • Funding comes directly from central government rather than via the Local Authority. • The Governing Body of certain schools can decide whether to apply for others, the DfE issues an Academy Order and a Sponsor is Appointed • [School name] [has an opportunity to become an academy but its first choice sponsor must be the Church of England Diocese Trust] or • [School name] [because of its Ofsted rating is expected to apply to become an academy with the Church of England Diocese Trust] • The Secretary of State has agreed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Church of England that all of its school will first look to a Diocese Trust when seeking to become an academy.
What’s Different about Academies? • Freedoms • Curriculum • School Day • Terms and Conditions • Governance • Delegation from the MAT • Focussed on pupil achievement and pastoral care • Accountability • To the MAT • To DfE • Funding from EFA (DfE) ....and what stays the same? • Laws on admissions, exclusions and SEN • Partnership and collaboration • Inspection • Ofsted will still inspect • Not for profit
What are the Proposals for this School? • The Diocese of Ely Multi AcademiesTrust will sponsor the new Academy • It will be called “[Name of the Academy]” • The school ethos will remain the same • Stakeholder groups will be consulted about these proposals • Consultation is centred on addressing any concerns and helping to identify the targets for the schools development plan • The consultation report is part of the documentation that goes to the Secretary of State as part of the consideration on whether to allow the school to become an academy. • Subject to the Secretary of State being satisfied that the legal agreements on land and assets transfer are complete, that the governance and organisation structure and the development plan are acceptable, and that the academy is financially viable the transfer to academy status will take place.
How will this Affect Staff? • Staff will transfer from the employment of [current employer’s name]to the Academies Trust (TUPE) • TUPE is the Transfer of Undertaking (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 • All employees who are in post at [Date of proposed transfer] will transfer • Do I have to Transfer? • Staff who choose not to transfer have no right to stay with their existing employer so would at transfer be making themselves redundant without a right to any severance • For certain staff that work across more than one site the decision on transfer is taken by reference to where the majority of their work is based.
What About my Terms and Conditions? • TUPE means that staff transferring will stay on their existing terms and conditions. • New employers can argue for organisational, technical or economic reasons that not all staff should transfer or that terms and conditions should change. Such changes would however require full consultation and none are planned by the Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Trust • Academies can after transfer choose to change contracts and set their own pay structures – however there are no plans to do this, and if in the future there is a need to make changes then full consultation will take place • All other terms and conditions, including pensions will remain unaffected
Will I notice any Changes? • In essence – no, however • You will have a new employer and new PAYE reference • Your service will remain continuous • If you previously had opted-out of the pension scheme you can now join • Please let the Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Know if you want to rejoin the pension scheme. • Some policies will have to be amended to reflect the status of the new employer – but these will be consulted on
What about the Future? • No plans to change anything for existing staff • Currently no proposals to make whole scale changes for new staff • New staff contracts will provide opportunities for working across Trust schools • When such opportunities arise these will also be available for existing staff should they wish to participate • The Trust would expect to adopt any National collective agreements – however will not be obliged to do so and will consult as necessary • The Trust plans to increase the number of schools sponsored
Next Steps • Consultation with your representatives • Consultation continues until transfer • A handout is available of FAQs that staff representatives have raised at previous academy conversions. • If you have any other queries you are invited to direct these to [Name]at DEMAT or if you would prefer to your union representative or existing employer