By: Brittany Griffin. Advertising In public schools. Advertising. Ad: a public promotion of some product or service the business of drawing public attention to goods and services . Vending Machines in schools.
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By: Brittany Griffin
Advertising In public schools
Advertising Ad: a public promotion of some product or service the business of drawing public attention to goods and services
Vending Machines in schools I am against having vending machines in school because schools complain about weight being an issue with their students they shouldn’t have vending machines. I think the only vending machines that should be available in school are the ones selling water. Having soda available to students isn’t healthy.
Banners on Busses Should be allowed if their promoting something other than candy and soda. If food places are going to advertise on school property they should promote healthy choices.
Schools make money From having companies advertise in their school. They can use this money towards anything the school needs. From fundraisers the schools hold.
Young people view more than 40 000 ads per year on televisionalone and increasingly are being exposed to advertising on theInternet, in magazines, and inschools.
Schools are for learning Kids see advertisings everywhere! On the TV, computer, and on billboards in their own towns. They don’t need to learn about new products in school. They need to learn math, science and English.
Negative Effects Spend money on something they don’t need Kids want something they don’t need Schools don’t get enough money if they don’t advertise.
Positive Effects Earns more money for schools Some Ads offer good things They benefit the children and school