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International Human Rights. Law Faculty – University of Ferrara a.a. 2011-2012. MaCrO – Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Mafia and other forms of Organized Crime. http://www.unife.it/dipartimento/scienzegiuridiche/laboratori/macro/allegati/eventi-macro
International HumanRights LawFaculty – Universityof Ferrara a.a. 2011-2012
MaCrO – CentreforInterdisciplinaryStudies on Mafia and otherformsofOrganized Crime • http://www.unife.it/dipartimento/scienzegiuridiche/laboratori/macro/allegati/eventi-macro • October 6, 2011, Rovigo Law Faculty, 3 p.m.: Roundtable on Economic and Social Costs of Corruption (in cooperation with Libera Rovigo; main speaker: Gherardo Colombo) • October 11: Seminar on Human Rights and International Terrorism (dr. Alessandra Annoni)
Universal DeclarationofHumanRights10.12.1948 Article I All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
HumanRightsProtection • Standard setting • Bindingcommittments • Enforcementmechanisms
The originsofInternational HumanRights • Western Constitutional Traditions • Diplomatic protection • International Humanitarian Law • Prohibition of Slavery • Protection of Minorities • International Labour Rights
UnitedStates – DeclarationofIndependence 1776 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
DÉCLARATION DES DROITS DE L’HOMME ET DU CITOYEN DE 1789 […]l’Assemblée nationale reconnaît et déclare, en présence et sous les auspices de l’Être Suprême, les droits suivants de l’homme et du citoyen.[…] Article II Le but de toute association politique est la conservation des droits naturels et imprescriptibles de l’homme. Ces droits sont la liberté, la propriété, la sûreté et la résistance à l’oppression.
DiplomaticProtection ILC DraftArticles (2006), Art. 1 “diplomatic protection consists of the invocation by a State, through diplomatic action or other means of peaceful settlement, of the responsibility of another State for an injury caused by an internationally wrongful act of that State to a natural or legal person that is a national of the former State with a view to the implementation of such responsibility”.
RequirementsforDiplomaticProtection • Nationality (Articles 3 ff. of the Draft) • ExhaustionofLocalRemedies (Articles 14-15)
The roleofindividuals MavrommatisPalestineConcessions(PCIJ, 1924) “Bytaking up the case ofoneofitssubjects and byresortingtodiplomaticaction or internationaljudicialproceedings on hisbehalf, a State is in reality ensuringitsownrights – its right toensure, in the personofitsnationals, respectforinternationallaw”.
The roleofindividuals: Article 19 ILC Draft A State entitled to exercise diplomatic protection according to the present draft articles, should: (a) Give due consideration to the possibility of exercising diplomatic protection, especially when a significant injury has occurred; (b) Take into account, wherever feasible, the views of injured persons with regard to resort to diplomatic protection and the reparation to be sought; and (c) Transfer to the injured person any compensation obtained for the injury from the responsible State subject to any reasonable deductions.