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“co nn ect!” Menno Lanting. De volgende 128 quotes over social media en ‘connectivity’…. …zijn het resultaat van een doorlopende ‘crowdsource-actie’ op Twitter. Mail svp nieuwe quotes naar: m.lanting@debaak.nl. ..... een aantal van de quotes zijn verschenen in het boek connect!
De volgende128quotes over social media en ‘connectivity’….
…zijn het resultaat van een doorlopende ‘crowdsource-actie’ op Twitter. Mail svp nieuwe quotes naar: m.lanting@debaak.nl
.....eenaantal van de quotes zijnverschenenin het boekconnect! (www.managementboek.nl)
“If you want the benefits of a working career you should put aside the notion that you have a right to personal expression.“, Stowe Boyd
"Friendships developed virtually are as real as those developed at the company picnic.“ Pete Fields
"Web culture is the only culture we have.“, Stowe Boyd
“We tend to overestimate the short term impact of a technology and underestimate the long term impact.”, Dr. Francis Collins
"Innovation comes only from readily and seamlessly sharing information rather than hoarding it.“, Tom Peters
"It's a fact more people are doing stuff because they're motivated by others they're connected to, instead of sitting alone in their apartment doing nothing.” Evan WilliamsWilliams Twitter
"The value of being connectedand transparent is so high that the roadbumps of privacy issues are much lower in actual experience than people's fears.”,Reid Hoffman
"Are my customers loyal? Absolutely! 100%. Right till the moment someone offers a better service.”, Jeff Bezos
“It’s not a department that owns social media, it’s the consumer”, Heather Oldani
“Het gaat niet zo zeer om de middelen, maar om de strategie“, Marius Woldberg
“The only irreplaceable capital an organization possesses is the knowledge and ability of its people. The productivity of that capital depends on how effectively people share their competence with those who can use it.“, Andrew Carnegie
“This week, all Facebook’susers will be asked to renew their privacy settings. In a related story, all Myspace users will be asked to get a life.”, Erik Bronsten
"Zappos.com is a service company that just happens to sell shoes", Tony Hseih
“This social networking stuff is getting out of hand…Everybody’s got Myspace this, or Facebook that. Now I hear there’s a special site created exclusively for astronauts….”Spacebook”.”,Steve Etzkorn
“Daar waar geen macht is, vloeit kennis vrijelijk“, Godfried Boogaard
“The future is already here - it's just unevenly distributed”, William Gibson
“Hoe echt ben je als Google je niet kan vinden?“, Kees Schiphouwer
"In five years, the idea of broadcast will be gone“, Tim Kring
"Use crowdsourcing to find individuals that can help you, not to harvest collective intelligence.“, Surowiecki
“Social media bestaan eigenlijk niet. Het zijn gewoon media. Wat mensen ermee mee doen maakt het social....of a-social”, Jerry van den Broeke.
“Just because you're an evangelist doesn't mean you're a leader. Don't forget to turn around and see if anyone is following.”, Jeremiah Owyang
“In the long history of humankind those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectivelly have prevailed”, Charles Darwin
“In this day and age, it's rare when a company recognizes that we are their customers, and without us, there is no company; and then asks us how to make themselves better. I applaud [the company] and plan to maintain my relationship with them for a long time.”, onbekend
“Power of twitter is out there, everybody is listening – take advantage of it”, Laith Zreikat.
"The aphrodisiac of the future will be full attention", Linda Stone
“Big public communities may attract more eyeballs, but they may not be the answer for marketers who are looking for deep engagement with customers“ Julie Wittes Schlack
"People will organize themselves in new types of online communities. They will likely be more loyal to these affinity-based communities than their real-life communities" Tom Hayes
“Sociale media zijn geen doel maar een middel. Maar wel het krachtigste middel als je je doelen en dromen wilt realiseren”, Huub van Zwieten.”,
“Twitter must be taken in perspective: for example 2 reviews on Twitter on a restaurant does not make Twitter a reliable review source”, Simone Brummelhuis
"Het heet pas 2.0 als het over normale menselijke verhoudingen gaat“, Harold Janssen
“Social media kan sociaal zijn, maar wordt pas echt sociaal als we allemaal meedoen!”, Jennifer de Vries
”Als je goed luistert, hoef je niet te pitchen”, Deirdre Breakenridge
“You are the tool for social media, Twitter is just an app for you to grow and influence your society”, Razan Khatib
“Change isn’t made by asking permission. Change is made by asking forgiveness, later.”, Seth Godin
“Social media brengt je in contact met interessante mensen die je anders nooit had leren kennen”, Lydia van de Maden
“The big challenge facing everybody is how to monetize social media content”, Zeid Nasser
“It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?”, Henry David Thoreau
"Over social media moet je niet lullen. Je moet het doen.“ @marjolijn
“Well here I am. What happens now?”, Shel Israel (first tweet in 2007)
“Mijn vriendin is mijn social media. Daar heb ik al genoeg tijd aan te besteden“, onbekend