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Impact of Ohio Sea Grant's Legislative Day

Plenary - Building Effective Relationships with your Legislators. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY. Impact of Ohio Sea Grant's Legislative Day. Frank Lichtkoppler Ohio Sea Grant College Program June 18 th , 2014. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY. Brief History.

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Impact of Ohio Sea Grant's Legislative Day

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  1. Plenary - Building Effective Relationships with your Legislators OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Impact of Ohio Sea Grant's Legislative Day Frank Lichtkoppler Ohio Sea Grant College Program June 18th, 2014

  2. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Brief History • Idea for our legislature event came from our private sector advisory committee and Director Jeff Reutter • Held yearly from 1982 until 1987; now in odd years • 2013 was our 20th event • Have sent legislators up in Ford Tri-motors and Huey Helicopters

  3. Inside Ford Trimotor Congressman Del Latta and Jeff Reutter

  4. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Brief History • 1stCongressional Day was held in 1982 • This 1st event resulted in state appropriations to repair West Harbor (Marble Head, OH) • How? • Attendees were flown over the islands in a Ford Trimotor as part of the event • Witnessed vessels (+50) backed up trying to enter Harbor to beat impending storm • It was highlighted at event that backup was related to West Harbor’s condition and its need for repair

  5. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY History Continued … • When preparing for the 1983 Congressional Day sixlegislators ask if they could attend and were invited to participate • Because of interest from legislature event was changed in 1984 ---- “Ohio Sea Grant State Legislature/Congressional Day on Lake Erie”

  6. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Event Details • Cedar Point Amusement Park serves as one host • Everything associated with event is donated: • Charter captains provided free fishing trip (no longer part of event) • Cedar Point provides free lunch in one of their restaurants (serve Lake Erie walleye) • Jet Express provides free ferry transport to F.T. Stone Lab • Wine and cheese reception at F.T. Stone Lab • Wine donated by Ohio Wine Producers • Cheese donated by Lake County Visitor Bureau

  7. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Details Continued …. • Partnering with previous groups highlights the importance of Lake Erie to both the economy and tourism of the region • A change in recent years: • Have replaced charter fishing with OSU F.T. Stone Lab “Science Cruise” • Now legislators are on the lake seeing issues first hand (e.g., algal blooms, invasive species, sediment loads, oxygen concerns, etc.)

  8. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Keys to Success • Invite families AND Legislative Aides • On the “state side” we always get >30 elected officials • On the “federal side” we get 1-2 elected officials but many, many “Aides” • A good relationship with a Legislative Aide is critically important • Invite key individuals from your university; we have always invited the president (attended multiple times) and members of the Board of Trustees

  9. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Keys to Success • Invite key agencies and associations from the region: • Ohio Department of Natural Resources • Lake Erie Marina Trade Association • Comprised of marina operators, boat dealers, watercraft manufacturers, and other water-based organizations • Charter Captains • Ohio Travel Association • Comprised of members of the travel and tourism industry

  10. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Keys to Success • Even though we do most of the event organization we always highlight that the event is co-hosted by the local congressperson and state legislator • We send out invites • We set itinerary (includes speakers, destinations, and research/outreach displays) • We identify partners and donated items

  11. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Keys to Success • Spread out displays highlighting you Sea Grant activities and have both staff and volunteers at displays • We always hold event on Friday: • Island is busy (highlights importance of Lake Erie) • Jet Express Ferry is packed with visitors • Hundreds of boats on the lake and many pulling into the Put-In-Bay

  12. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Benefits of the Event • In 1983 OSU Sea Grant / F.T. Stone Lab get first “State Line Item” • In 1985 get one million dollars for renovations to F.T. Stone Lab • In 1989 get 2nd one million dollars for additional renovations at F.T. Stone Lab • Ohio phosphorous detergent ban is a result of our Legislature Day

  13. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Benefits of the Event • By 1999 State Line Item has doubled its initial allocation • Indirect benefits: • Purchase of new research vessel (Erie Monitor) • Purchase of three OSU vans to be used for education and outreach • Purchase of microscopes for education, research, and outreach • Increased visits from OSU Board of Trustees

  14. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Benefits of the Event • OSU recognizes how successful we have been at getting legislature support • OSU sees this as great opportunity to share information with elected officials in a casual setting • Huge visibility for the Sea Grant program

  15. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Benefits of the Event • Our reporting lines within the university changed from a Dean to the VPs of Academic Affairs, Agriculture, and Research • University support has increased • Legislators now recognize our science, education and research expertise, view us as an unbiased source of information, and come to us to testify on critical Lake Erie issues

  16. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Benefits of the Event • These events are even more important now because of term limits; way to meet new members • These events allow you to establish personal relationships with State Legislators; opens a door of communication with legislators without them feeling like they are being asked for something.

  17. OHIO SEA GRANT AND STONE LABORATORY Benefits of the Event • Additional events we host based on the success of the Legislature Day: • “County Commissioners, Mayors, and Decision Makers Day” • “Science Writers Conference” • OSU Presidents Club


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