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IST - Call 7 and 8 KA3 & KA4

IST - Call 7 and 8 KA3 & KA4. Thomas Skordas (Thomas.Skordas@cec.eu.int) DG Information Society European Commission. IST Programme: 1999 - 2002 3.6 B Euro. Future & emerging technologies. Multimedia content & tools. New methods of working & electronic commerce.

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IST - Call 7 and 8 KA3 & KA4

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  1. IST - Call 7 and 8 KA3 & KA4 Thomas Skordas (Thomas.Skordas@cec.eu.int) DG Information Society European Commission

  2. IST Programme: 1999 - 20023.6 B Euro Future & emerging technologies Multimediacontent & tools New methods of working & electronic commerce Systems & services for the citizen 564 MEuro 547 MEuro 646 MEuro Essential technologies& infrastructure 1363 MEuro 319 MEuro Research networking 161 MEuro

  3. KA3 and KA4:7th Call at a Glance • Call Nr: • Launch dates: • Deadlines: • Indicative budget: (all KAs) • Evaluation: • Contracts: • KA3: • KA4: 7 15 June 2001 17 October 2001 450 M Euro November 2001 March 2002 4 RTD + 4 take-up 17 RTD + 10 take-up

  4. KA3:Multimedia Content and Tools • Objectives: • Support Convergence of media production, access & delivery • Improve the interaction with, and preserve knowledge and cultural heritage • Develop new educational services to fight skills gap • Improve creativity and innovation potential of SMEs in the content sector • More emphasis on timeframe beyond 5 years: • New: AL dedicated to exploratory, high-risk research • next-generation Learning and Digital Libraries • New: • x-Content future • Semantic web • Competence building (IT/multimedia)

  5. KA3: Action Lines • RTD • Publishing digital content • Heritage for all • Next generation digital collections • Self learning for work • e-Learning futures • Multilingual Web • Natural & multilingual interactivity • Semantic Web technologies • x-Content futures • Accompanying Measures • Competence building • Specific support measures Applications Futures Apply new content technology in publishing, eBusiness, training,heritage, etc Investigate content forms and service models radically different from today's; eg: e-Learning,digitallibraries, etc Technology Develop innovative middleware to create, access, filter, search & retrieve, visualise, spatialise, auralise, translate, summarise, deliver, … digital content Research, develop and embed natural, personal, interactive, multimodal and multilingual capability at all levels Support Build IT & multimedia competence Showcase, document and publish research results, including standardsConduct technology foresight and market watch Short term (2-4 years) - Longer term (5-10 years)

  6. 3.1: Interactive Publishing3.3 Human Language Technologies AL 3.1.1 Publishing Digital Content • Objective: To develop, validate and benchmark new methods, services and tools to facilitate creation, authoring, management, production and delivery of digital content • Actions:RTD, Trials (1 year duration), Thematic networks AL 3.3.1 Multilingual Web • Objective: Realising the “multilingual Internet” for individuals and enterprise knowledge management across languages • Actions: RTD

  7. 3.4: Information Access3.5: Work Spanning KA3 AL 3.4.1 Semantic Web Technologies • Objective: Develop semantic-based methods, models, systems and tools for access, retrieval and filtering of Web-based content • Actions:RTD, thematic networks AL 3.5.1 X-content Futures (RTD) • Objective: Experimental AL, addressing new concepts and paradigms and providing opportunities for breakthrough research / high risk AL 3.5.2 Competence Building (Take-up) • Objectives: Multimedia skills acquisition - Access to competence in multimedia AL 3.5.3 KA3 Specific Support Measures (AM, no take-up) • Objectives: Assessing and disseminating results - Impact analysis - spread of know-how

  8. KA4: Essential Technologies& Infrastructures Simulation, Visualisation & Interfaces Software, Systems & Services Computing, Communications & Networking Mobile & Satellite Communications & Systems Microsystems & Subsystems Micro- & Opto-electronics


  10. 4.2: Computing,Communications & Networks AL 4.2.1 Real Time Distributed Systems • Objectives: • Middleware supporting the development of real-time distributed applications • Robust cognitive vision systems • Novel strategies and platforms for real-time control of complex systems in uncertain environments • Actions:RTD; Demonstration; Thematic Networks; Accompanying measures (no take-up) AL 4.2.3 Terabit Optical Networks • Objective: Technologies and architectures for end-to-end signal distribution and management in optical networks • Actions: RTD; Demonstration; Thematic Networks; Accompanying measures (no take-up)

  11. 4.3: Software,Systems & Services Component based SW -engineering Trust and Openness Information management Open source and free SW Reusability What the user wants! Handle masses of data Planning and Customisation Human interpretation of patterns Service engineering Intelligence and knowledge sharing

  12. 4.3: Software,Systems & Services AL 4.3.1 Software Architecture • Objective: Ensure at the architectural level that required properties for the final sw systems will be met • Action: R&D AL 4.3.2 Funtionality Models and Building Blocks for End User Services • Objective: Enable adaptive end user services on mobile devices for information creation, exchange, storage and access • Actions: RTD; Trials AL 4.3.3 Free Software Development: Towards Critical Mass • Objectives: • Foster a critical mass of development of free sw released under GPL-compatible licenses • Make available support services for free sw projects • Actions: RTD; Studies

  13. 4.4: Simulation & Visualisation Technologies High-end systems Consumer systems Advanced services for new IP networks, 2nd generation interactive TV & telepresence Displays & sensors, multimodal user & service interfaces Signal processing, simulation & visualisation Mixed reality, 3D & immersive interfaces Serving end users Simulation services Serving corporate users

  14. 4.4: Simulation & Visualisation Technologies AL 4.4.1 Simulation and Visualisation • Objective: Technologies to support highly complex and dynamic information processing and telecom infrastructures and services • Actions: RTD AL 4.4.2 Mixed Realities and New Imaging Frontiers • Objective: Imaging technologies for interaction between people and information appliances • Actions: RTD AL 4.6.1 Advanced Displays and Sensors • Objective: Sensor and Display Technologies contributing to more intuitive interactions with systems • Actions: RTD AL 4.6.2 Interfaces and Buffers for Seamless end to end Services • Objectives: • Network independent platforms for interactive services, including broadcasting • Improve the usability of these services • Actions: RTD

  15. 4.5: Mobile & PersonalCommunications & Systems Reconfigurable Radio Wireless Information Society Satellite Broadband 4th Generation S-UMTS Broadband W-LAN Bluetooth DVB-S Personal Area Networks Satellite/HAPS DVB-T IR DAB UMTS ++ Body LANs Indoor Broadband WFA Broadcasting UMTS GPRS/EDGE MBS 60 MWS Local Area Networks GSM MBS 40 xMDS Cellular Wireless Local Loop Quasi-Cellular

  16. 4.5: Mobile & PersonalCommunications & Systems AL 4.5.1 Reconfigurable Radio Systems and Networks • Objective: To support evolution towards 4th generation wireless systems; heterogeneous radio networks to inter-work and adjust adaptively to traffic load; characteristics, services and user requirements, targeting dynamic spectrum sharing • Actions: RTD AL 4.5.2 Terrestrial Wireless Systems and Networks • Objective: Novel terrestrial wireless systems and networks including fixed wireless access systems, advanced public/private wireless LANs, inter-working mobile/broadcasting systems supporting the provision of broadband multimedia services • Actions: RTD AL 4.5.3 Satellite Systems and Services • Objective: Technologies and architectures for the support of multimedia services in the context of advanced mobile systems and of next generation interactive broadcasting systems • Actions: RTD

  17. 4.7: Peripherals,Sub-Systems & Microsystems Systems - subsystems - microsystems - embedded networkedappliances Products • additional technologies • additional functionality • software / hardware design • embedding

  18. 4.7: Peripherals,Sub-Systems & Microsystems AL 4.7.1 Subsystems • Objective: To develop the critical building blocks (electronic multicomponent assemblies) of future applications • Actions: R&D AL 4.7.2 Microsystems • Objective: To develop multi-function intelligent microsystems and to integrate and validate these in real application systems • Actions: R&D AL 4.7.3 Subsystems and Microsystems - Take-up Measures • Objective: Take up of advanced microsystems, subsystems and their underpinning technologies, equipment and materials in new products and processes and in manufacturing • Actions: Take-up measures; trials; best practice; access; assessment

  19. 4.8: Microelectronics -Optoelectronics Design • Hardware description • library cells • user constraints PA System A/D D/A RF Software PERI µP DSP I.P. blocks Memories ASIC Process transistors design reuseconcurrentdesign Blocks implementedindependently

  20. 4.8: Microelectronics -Optoelectronics AL4.8.1 MEL Design and Test & Application Specific MEL • Objective: Improve efficiency of design teams; Specific tools and reusable IP blocks • Actions: R&D; trials; AM (no take-up) AL 4.8.2 MEL Technologies: Processes, Equipment and Devices • Objective: Increase data transfer rates of communication systems and processing speed and storage capacities of terminals • Actions: R&D; trials; access; AM (no take-up); concerted actions; thematic networks AL 4.8.3 Optical and Opto-electronic Technologies • Objective: Optical and opto-electronic functional components: • Long term: all-optical networks, interconnection, smart imaging • Shorter term: with exploitation plans (manufacturability, packaging, scalability) • Actions: R&D; AM (no take-up); thematic networks AL 4.8.4 Industrial MEL Technologies - Take-up Measures • Objective: Semiconductor equipment assessment • Actions: Assessment actions

  21. 4.1: Work Spanning KA4 AL 4.1.1 Design of Networked Embedded Systems • Objective: To integrate and validate concurrent design and validation tool frameworks for resource constrained hw/sw systems embedded in intelligent devices and their networking • Actions: RTD; Demonstration and combined projects AL 4.1.3 Development of Skills in Micro- and Opto-Electronics • Objective: To address the shortage of highly skilled staff • Actions: AM (no take-up); Thematic Networks

  22. KA3 and KA4: 8th Call Call Nr: Opening: Closure: Indicative budget: (all KAs) 8 15 November 2001? 15 February 2002? 330 M Euro KA3 focus: • ALs that span across all KA3 topics • Towards future research actions KA4 focus: • Consolidating, completing and extending research launched in previous phases • Concentrating on activities to be reinforced in next Framework Programme

  23. Overview of KA32002 Action Lines Spanning Actions Action Line Action Type Title 3.1.1 AM, Thematic Networks Critical mass for future research 3.1.2 RTD KA3 futures 3.1.3 AM KA3 specific support measures DRAFT DRAFT Indicative budget for KA3: 45 M Euro

  24. Overview of KA42002 Action Lines DRAFT Action Lines for 2002 4.1 Computing, communications & networks • Cognitive vision systems • Advanced control systems • Networks for distributed services & applications • Take-up 4.2 Software, systems & services • Composability & dynamic adaptability 4.3 Simulation & visualisation technologies • Simulation & visualisation technologies 4.4 Mobile & personal communications & systems • Towards 4G technologies, systems & networks • Validation of wireless & mobile systems & technologies 4.5 Interfaces making use of various senses • Networked audio visual systems & services 4.6 Peripherals, sub-systems & microsystems • Microsystems and miniaturised subsystem modules • Integration of sensors & actuators 4.7 Microelectronics - Optoelectronics • MELs design and IP re-use - technos, processes, devices • Optical & opto-electronic technologies • Assessment actions and take-up Indicative budget for KA4: 110 M Euro

  25. For more information http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ka3 http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ka4 Email: ist@cec.eu.int Tel. (32-2) 29-68596 Fax. (32-2) 29-68388

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