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Test Security and Special Populations. Test Security. Test Security Issues 2011 - 2012. Unauthorized access to electronic devices Discovered two ways: During scoring Common responses discovered in same format and language. In some cases, students actually indicated the website.
Test Security Issues 2011 - 2012 Louisiana Believes • Unauthorized access to electronic devices • Discovered two ways: • During scoring • Common responses discovered in same format and language. • In some cases, students actually indicated the website. • Advanced language indicated possibility of use of outside source (e.g., online college textbook, research papers) • Teacher observing students accessing devices during testing.
Test Security Issues 2011 – 2012 (cont.) Louisiana Believes • State policy –Bulletin 118, Chapter 3 • §316. Cell phones and Other Electronic Devices A. If district and school policy allows for students and personnel to carry cell phones or other similar technological devices with imaging or text-messaging capability, test administrators must make certain that the devices are in the off position while test booklets and answers documents are in the vicinity. • Recommendations regarding electronic devices
Test Security Issues 2011 – 2012 (cont.) Louisiana Believes • Recommendations regarding electronic devices • Reexamine your district’s policy • Clarify procedures for handling students who do bring cell phones or other devices into the classroom • Test Administrator remind students to hand them in or, if discovered during testing, their tests will be voided. • Provide envelopes to place phones. • Consistently implement policy regarding phones. • Test Administrators should emphasize the statement in the Oath of Security. • Send LDOE examples of other successful procedures so we can share them with other districts.
Test Security issues2011-2012 (cont.) Louisiana Believes • Locally Developed Test Prep Materials • Contained actual test items or minimally changed items • Recommendations • Minimize access to secure test materials. • Require submission and review of locally developed test prep materials. • Submit to LDOE if there is a question regarding materials.
Test Security Issues 2011 – 2012 (cont.) Louisiana Believes • EOC issues • Monitoring during EOC (especially retests) • Items were copied and shared with students testing at a later date. • Students copied from other students’ monitors • Recommendations • Must have at least two people in the room at all times. • TAs must not be sitting at computers doing other work. • All written materials must be collected and shredded. • STC must check each testing room for placement of students. • Require a seating chart.
Administrative Errors Louisiana Believes • Policy allows for retest on tests high stakes for students paid for by district ($350 per test) prior to next scheduled testing administration. • LEAP grades 4 and 8 ELA and Mathematics • GEE and LAA 2 grades 10 and 11 • EOC tests (except US History until December 2013) • Primary causes this year • Accommodations not provided correctly • Students not tested in retests. • Test prep materials included test items
Test Security Resources Louisiana Believes • Bulletin 118, Chapter 3 • Manuals • Procedures • Oaths of Security • Test Security Webinar • February 14, 2013: 10:00 – 11:00 am • Will be posted on eDIRECT
English Language Development Assessment (ELDA) Louisiana Believes • Shortened tests for 2012-2013 • Grades 3 through 12 • Reading, Listening, Speaking • New, more sensitive approach to determine the composite score. • ELDA Consortia conducted the analysis and development of the shortened versions. • ELDA Assessment Guide • Detailed description of shorter version • New release items with scoring information
Frequently Asked Questions ELDA Louisiana Believes • May English Language Learners (ELL) students receive their language accommodations on ELDA? • No, this assessment measures their English proficiency. • If parents decline ELL services, does the student have to take ELDA? • Yes, as long as the student is identified as ELL, NCLB requires the student to be assessed in grades K-12. • What happens if the test administrator translates ELDA into the student’s native language? • The test is invalid and must be voided.
Test Accommodations Louisiana Believes • Descriptions in Administration Manuals, Handouts posted on eDIRECT, EOC system, LDOE website • Must be documented on IEP, Section 504 IAP, or ELL accommodation plan 30 calendar days prior to testing • Exception: Emergencies • May use IAP Emergency form – do not submit to LDOE
Frequently Asked QuestionsTest Accommodations Louisiana Believes May students receive the accommodations Tests Read Aloud and Communication Assistance on the new Writing sessions? Yes. All parts of the Writing sessions including the passages or sources may be read aloud or signed to students with these accommodations.
Frequently Asked QuestionsTest Accommodations (cont.) Louisiana Believes • If a student has a calculator, can they use it for the parts of the test that do not allow calculator for other students? • Yes. Not providing it is considered an administrative error. • What should we do if a student refuses accommodations during testing? • Stop testing. Notify parent of situation. If decision is for the student to continue without accommodations, have student and parent/guardian sign form indicating that decision.
Frequently Asked QuestionsTest Accommodations (cont.) Louisiana Believes • What should we do if we discover the day of testing that the student has not received his accommodations? • Notify the STC and DTC immediately. If the student can be brought in THAT same day prior to having the opportunity to discuss the test items, the student can return to those items with the accommodations. If the student has left for the day or there has been discussion of items, the student cannot return to the items and it is considered an administrative error.
Frequently Asked QuestionsTest Accommodations (cont.) Louisiana Believes • What if an EOC tester with Tests Read Aloud or Large Print notifies the test administrator after he starts testing that he doesn’t have those accommodations? • Stop testing immediately and notify the STC and DTC. There are detailed procedures in the EOC administration manual on how to handle these situations. If the student does not return to test on the same day, the student is unable to return to previously attempted items. In that case, it is considered an administrative error.
LEAP Alternate Assessment, Level 1(LAA 1) Louisiana Believes • No changes to assessment for 2012-2013 • Resources • LAA 1 Assessment Guide • Access Guide for Students with Significant Disabilities http://sda.doe.louisiana.gov/default.aspx • LAA 1 Professional Development Materials • LAA 1 Webinar – posted to eDIRECT • Sample items, student and administrator booklets
LEAP Alternate Assessment, Level 2(LAA 2) Louisiana Believes • No changes for 2012-2013 • Writing session has not been changed. • Grades 4-8 are the only grades included in accountability scores. • Grades 10 and 11 • May be administered to students eligible for LAA 2 who have not been or are not expected to be successful on the related EOC content area tests. • Purpose of testing at grades 10 and 11 is to enable these students to meet graduation requirements.
LAA 2 Students and EOC Testing Louisiana Believes Students are required to take the EOC tests as part of their course grade. Students in the EOC cohort may use the EOC test results, LAA 2 test results, or a combination of EOC and LAA 2 to meet graduation requirements. If students are identified as eligible for LAA 2 prior to taking their first EOC test, the test results may be used for 5% of their course grade.
LAA 2 Students in the GEE Cohort Louisiana Believes Students in the GEE cohort for graduation cannot use EOC test results to meet graduation requirements. Students in the GEE cohort may use the GEE test results, LAA 2 test results, or a combination of GEE and LAA 2 test results to meet graduation requirements. Students can continue to receive the test accommodations they received while enrolled in school.