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Healing in AYUSH - Introduction to Traditional Medicine Systems

Explore the fundamentals of AYUSH systems like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy, and their role in treating diseases and promoting holistic well-being. Learn about key practices and scientific evidence supporting traditional healing methods.

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Healing in AYUSH - Introduction to Traditional Medicine Systems

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  1. Fundamentals of AYUSH -An Introduction Dr. VartikaSaxena HOD, AYUSH Professor, Department of Community & Family Medicine

  2. Allergic diseases • Atopic Dermatitis • Allergic Asthma • Anaphylaxis • Allergic Rhinitis etc.

  3. Neurodegenerative disease Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease • Early symptoms include memory problems, behavioural changes, poor coordination, and visual disturbances. • Later dementia, involuntary movements, blindness, weakness, and coma occur. • About 90% of people die within a year of diagnosis.

  4. Rabies

  5. Osteoarthritis and muscular dystrophies

  6. Progeria

  7. Cancers • Cancer is the second leading cause of death • Globally, 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer. • Globally, estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018.

  8. Psychological And Psychiatric Problem Prevalence- 9.5 to 102 per 1000 population

  9. Physician’s role “curer of disease” than “healer of the sick” “Healing in its comprehensive way has faded from medical attention and is seldom discussed in the medical literature.”

  10. Organ Specific Treatment and Management

  11. Biomedical sciences, have just focused on the identification and treatment of symptoms of diseases.


  13. Haelen = Wholeness Healing is a transformative process in it’s true sense; it is individualized, may vary person to person; it is innate or naturally occurring; it is multidimensional; and it involves restoration, repair and revitalization of mind, body, and soul.

  14. AYUSH

  15. Ayurveda is said to be the off shoot of Atharva Veda Ayurveda = Ayu meaning "life” Veda = System of knowledge Ayurveda = Knowledge or science of life


  17. Ayurveda attributes 80% of all disease to imbalances of the digestive system and, therefore, much attention is given to its maintenance.


  19. Raj yoga complied by Patanjalihas been accepted as the synthesis of all yogic paths. It has eight subsequent limbs (an eight limbed tree): Yama(social ethics: ahimsa- not harming self or others; satya- not lying; asteya- not stealing; brahmacharya- restraint; aparigraha- nonattachment); Niyama (self ethics: shaucha- purity; santosha- contentment; tapas- austerity; swadhya- self-study; ishvarapranidhana- surrender to God to reach super consciousness) Asana(physical postures),Pranayama (breath regulation), Pratyahara (control of the senses), Dharana(concentration),Dhyan(meditation), and Samadhi (trance).

  20. UNANI SYSTEM OF MEDICINE Origin -ancient Greece (Y’unan), primarily adopted from the Egyptian medicine. Arab adopted the same and developed it to a maximum extent. In India it was introduced by Arabs and Persians and achieved great popularity. Unani medicine has its unique fundamental principles which deals with body physique i.e. Tabiat (human nature) termed as medicatrix nature (Tabiat-Mudabbirate-Badan), the supreme planner of our body. It lies in every individual as a natural power.

  21. Seven natural components of human body are responsible for existence as well as maintenance of health. The loss of any one of these leads to death of individual: • Elements (Arkan or Anasir) • Temperament (Mizaj) • Humours / Body fluid (Akhlat) • Tissue or Organs (A’za) • Pneuma / Vital Spirit (Arwah) • Faculties / Power (Qua) • Functions (Afa’l) Schematic presentation of Humors (Courtesy bySeyed Mahdi Mirghazanfar, November 22, 2017 Tehran Times)

  22. SIDDHA SIDDHI = “Perfection” or “Eternal Bliss” which is the ultimate goal of life to be achieved Developed among the Dravidian civilization and culture • Five Elemental Theory • Nilam (Earth) • Neer (Water) • Thee (Fire) • Vayu (Wind/Air) • Vinn (Space/Ether)

  23. HOMOEOPATHY German physician and chemist Dr. Christian Freidrich Samuel Hahnemann. Greek word wherein “homeo” means similar and “pathos” means suffering. Basic principle of “Similia SimilibusCuranter” that means “Like cures like”.

  24. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCES LIV 52 for liver disorders, Cystone for renal calculi. Triphla: several researches have showed evidence of significant immunostimulatory effects on cytotoxic T cells (CD3−CD8+) and natural killer cells (CD16+CD56+), increase in absolute numbers. Vadde R, Radhakrishnan S, Reddivari L, Vanamala JK. Triphala Extract Suppresses Proliferation and Induces Apoptosis in Human Colon Cancer Stem Cells via Suppressing c-Myc/Cyclin D1 and Elevation of Bax/Bcl-2 Ratio. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:649263.

  25. Meditation helps in lowering negative stress indicators and primary prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD). Yoga has favorable effects on diastolic blood pressure, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and uncertain effects on LDL cholesterol. Hartley L1,  Yoga for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 May 13;(5):CD010072. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010072.pub2. Intervetion review.

  26. A significant improvement in Quality of Life (QOL) scores was observed for the three health related QOL domains in Sudarshan kriya yoga (SKY) intervention arm. Ayurvedic intervention may benefit patients with higher baseline HbA1c values. Mawar N et al Sudarsha kriya yoga improves the quality of life in healthy people living with PLHIV: results from an open label Randomized clinical trial. Elder C1, Aickin M, Bauer V, Cairns J, Vuckovic N. Randomized trial of a whole-system ayurvedic protocol for type 2 diabetes. AlternTher Health Med. 2006 Sep-Oct;12(5):24-30.

  27. Recognition of ISM by the government of India Government of India created the Department of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy (ISM and H) in 1995 which was renamed as the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) in 2003.

  28. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi’s started (2017) • ‘The Centre for Integrative Medicine and Research’ which is a state-of-the-art research Centre, where top experts from various disciplines of modern medicine will collaborate with Yoga and Ayurveda specialists, both for disease treatment and for preventive healthcare

  29. World Health Organization WHO has recognized importance of Traditional – Complimentary - Integrative Medicine (T&CM). The WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023 has set the course for TM and CM (T&CM) in the next decade.

  30. . Traditional medicine (TM):“It is the sum total of the knowledge, skill, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness”.

  31. All India Institute of Medical Sciences , Rishikesh

  32. Need of incorporation of elements of AYUSH into MBBS course • AYUSH system of medicine is an integral part of our health care system which have existed for hundreds of years. • Despite the existence and recognition ,there is a lack of awareness about it among practitioners of modern medicine.

  33. Knowledge about other medical systems will enable doctors to offer more treatment options to the patient. • The most cost effective therapy for a particular condition needs to be offered to the patient which may be in another system of medicine. • Patients use these systems of medicine often along with Modern Medicines which may have favorable or unfavorable interactions, and we need to know this. • Promote holistic wellbeing and make experts from both the systems of medicine open to the idea of working in tandem.

  34. Course Objectives

  35. Objectives of the course Evidence based teaching of AYUSH disciplines will be conducted with following objectives - • To introduce medical students about basic concepts, basis of diagnosing diseases and treatment modalities of AYUSH disciplines. • To sensitize them about drug interaction, contraindications, adverse-effects and precautions in use of different modalities of AYUSH treatments. • To develop orientation of medical students towards integration of evidence based AYUSH and other alternative systems with modern practice of Medicine. • To sensitize and motivate medical students about the need of generating evidences in AYUSH/alternative therapies through systematic research with internationally accepted standards.

  36. Coursework Schedule

  37. Further details • Course material – Fundamentals Of AYUSH • Examination – Learning of students will be assessed based on objective assessment at the end of third professional. Passing the exam for promotion to fourth semester will be mandatory; however this will not carry any credit.

  38. ॐभूर्भव: स्व:तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यंभर्गोदेवस्यधीमहिधियोयो न: प्रचोदयात्।। Who Is Most Glowing, Pure And Adorable. May There Be Peace In The Three Phenomenal Worlds Inspire And Guide Our Intellect In The Right Direction. (Gayatri Mantra is one of the Rig Veda mantra which is very powerful mantra. It has power that purifies, guides, guards and cures. It removes darkness and brings grace. Everyone can chant this mantra this means we meditate upon the divine mother.)

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