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Common Eye Conditions Related to Aging Eyes

As people age, vision issues are a common problem. Know what are the common eye issues related to aging eyes.

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Common Eye Conditions Related to Aging Eyes

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  1. Common EyeIssues Relatedto Agingeyes

  2. There are a few different eye conditions that become more prevalent as individuals become older, but anyone of any age mightbeaffectedbythem.Here are some of the common aging eyesproblemsthatyoumustbe awareof: Introduction

  3. Macular degeneration, also known as Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a degenerative eye disease that causes central and sharp vision to deteriorate as people get older. Macular degeneration affects the central retina,whichisresponsiblefordetailedvision.WetAMDandDryAMDarethe twotypesofAMD. Itisnotresponsibleforcompleteblindness,althoughitdoescontributeto vision loss. Laser treatment or medicine injected under the skin may be helpfulforpeoplewhohavethemoresevereformofAMD. 1.MacularDegeneration

  4. Oneofthemosttypicaldiabetescomplicationsisdiabeticretinopathy (DR). Diabetic retinopathy can even lead to blindness. The retina is the light- sensitive tissue at the rear of the eye, and its blood vessels are particularly vulnerabletodamageinthiscondition. Diabeticretinopathytypicallyaffectsbotheyes. Controllingone'sbloodsugareffectivelycanhaveaconsiderableandpositive effect on one's risk of developing diabetic retinopathy, which is a significant benefit. 2.DiabeticRetinopathy

  5. Floatersaredefinedasminusculedotsorspecksthatmoveacrossaperson's lineofsight.Usually,peoplenoticethesedotswhenthey'reoutinthesun. Floaters are frequently considered to be perfectly normal; nevertheless, they canoccasionallybeanindicationofeyeproblemssuchasretinaldetachment, mainlywhenflashesoflightaccompanythem. Ifyoustarttonoticeachangeinthequantityortypeofspotsorflashes,you shouldmeetyoureyedoctorassoonaspossible. LasikeyesurgeryspecialistsinDelhicanhelpyou. 3.FloatersandFlashers

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