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Ethics and ethical systems: GENERAL 14 January

COMP 381. Ethics and ethical systems: GENERAL 14 January. What is ethics ?. philosophical study of morality Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. .

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Ethics and ethical systems: GENERAL 14 January

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  1. COMP 381 Ethics and ethical systems: GENERAL14 January

  2. What is ethics? philosophical study of morality Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.

  3. What is ethics? philosophical study of morality rules of conduct describing what people in a society should and should not do

  4. Society Association of people organized under a system of rules designed to advance the good of its members over time Rawls, A Theory of Justice

  5. What is the common good? • James Moor’s core values • Life, happiness, ability to accomplish goals • Declaration of Independence • Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness • John Finnis’sintrinsic goods • Life, knowledge, play, aesthetic experience, sociability, religion, practical reasonableness

  6. Ethics • What choices that people make are part of ethics? • Must be voluntary • Must relate to morality • What is the fundamental purpose of any moral system? • To advance the common good • What rules of conduct did you learn growing up?

  7. Possible Criteria for Ethical Systems • Balance justice and mercy • Protect individual freedoms and rights • Recognize unethical laws • Flexibility • Deal with relativism • Precludes deception • Recognizes informed consent

  8. Criteria for Ethical Systems What should OUR criteria be?

  9. Class Criteria • gives me free choice (happiness, creator not follower) • adaptable (flexible as society changes) • should not impede individual choice, it shouldn't overweigh individual preferences • should be just • protect the weak • re-evaluate unjust laws • independent of varying belief systems • not based on unfounded beliefs

  10. Ethical Dilemma • Apparent conflict between moral imperatives • New technologies can open up new social problems and new ethical dilemmas • Examples? • Can new technologies change morality? • Why does cyberethics seem different?

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