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Second cresco coordination meeting, Roma, 6 July 2007. Sub-Project III 4 : CRESCO-SOC-COG Second Progress Report ( 15 February 2007 - 14 June 2007). Contribution of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Impresa Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”.
Second cresco coordination meeting, Roma, 6 July 2007 Sub-Project III 4:CRESCO-SOC-COGSecond Progress Report(15 February 2007 - 14 June 2007) Contribution of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Impresa Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Massimiliano Caramia Coordinator : Adam Maria Gadomski, ENEA
DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution Introduction: Conceptualization Platform • Information, Preferences and Knowledge(IPK model) • An Information is data describing a state (or a property) of an object or entity of interest. • knowledge is every abstract property of a human or artificial agent which has the ability to process an information into another information. • A preference is an ordered relation between two states (properties) of a domain of the activity of an agent. It indicates a property with higher utility for an agent. • Preference relations serve to establish an intervention goal of an agent. • Information, preferences and knowledege are essential components for every decision process.
DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution The general framework • Given a state (information) X of the system, a knowledgeKjtransformsX into another state (information) Y. • An intelligent agent (IA) has a set of knowledge K = (K1,..,Kn) to exploit. • IA wants to choose the knowledge Kj* in K that allows the current system state X to be trasformed into the requested state (goal) • Preferences allow the IA to compare the possible (expert based) outcomes of different knowledge and make a decision
DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution How it works • Information I arrives from a domain of activities • It is transformed by the set of (model-) knowledge K producing a set of new information • Information are confronted with preferences to establish the goal, i.e., a state maximally preferred • Goal enables to choose the appropriate (operational-) knowledge Kj*in K • Kj*processes information: I'= Kj*(I) • The new information indicates how to modify the domain of activity
DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution The IPK decision network Managerial decisions level Different points of view. …. Different meta-levels… Management is focused on first meta-level.
DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution Universal Management Paradigm Subjective socio-cognitive perspective: … Relation to the large organization structure …..
DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution A distributed modeling framework of IPK and UMP Top-view Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Tasks, information Tasks, information Tasks, information Tasks, information Tasks, information Tasks, information Manager Manager Manager Manager I,P,K I,P,K I,P,K I,P,K
DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution The model proposal • Implementing a distributed IPK and UMP model in a grid infrastructure • An study example: Applying a market based model (intervention domain) to let actors/agents negotiate for the achievement of their intervention-task (from a supervisor) • Experimentation on a set of verification & validation instances (syntetic) • Application to the selected real test cases of the socio-technological network under high-risk decisions.
DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution • Organization modeled as a computer network • 2. How to mitigate organization vulnerability. • 3. The first aspect refers to the the information exchange, communication and tasks distribution • 4. The messages are carriers of IPK • 5. What is managed by a manager?
The Grid framework (Ranganathan and Foster, 2002) Doamain of activities Supervisors Manager
Economic Models for Grid Resource Management DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution In economy, high-risk decisional example: • Providea quantitative framework for resource allocation and for regulating supply and demand in the Grid computing environments • They primarily charge the end users for services that they consume on a demand-and-supply basis • They optimize resource provider and consumer objective functions through trading and brokering services • A user is in competition with other users and a resource owner with other resource owners
The example study: Economic Models DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution • Commodity Market Model • Posted Price Model • Resource Sharing Model via Negotiation • Tendering/Contract-Net Model • Auction Model • Bargaining model • Bid-based Proportional Resource Sharing Model • Community/Coalition/Bartering Model • Monopoly and Oligopoly All of them are based on the Domain-of-Activity attributes (for identification) and attributes of Intelligent Agent
Main Players in the Grid Market Place DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution • Grid Service Providers(GSPs) providing the role of producers. In the TOGA context they are managers, informatives, and advisors • Grid Resource Brokers(GRBs) representing consumers. In the TOGA context they are supervisors • Grid Market Directory(GMD) to mediate the interaction between GRBs and GSPs. In the TOGA context they represent meta-knowledge and meta-information
Two decisional perspectives (different top-tasks): Tender-Contract Net Model DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution Buyya et al., 2002 • From the resource broker perspective: • The broker announces its requirements and invites bids from GSPs. • Interested GSPs evaluate the announcement and respond by submitting their bids. • The broker chooses the best offer and sign a contract to the most appropriate GSP. • From the GSP perspective: • It receives announcements. • It evaluates the service capability. • It responds with a bid. • It delivers service if bid is accepted. • It reports results and bill the broker.
The Simulation Study DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution • Two different scenarios for the Grid system: • Scenario ECO1: tasks are mono-thematic applications and their requests are submitted to the same ES (GRB) that interacts with the LSs (GSPs) of clusters dedicated to that kind of applications. • Scenario ECO2: tasks are heterogeneous and there are as many GRBs as many tasks. • In Scenario ECO2 the GSP of a cluster may receive awards from many GRBs, and it will respond with an acceptance only to the award related to the most useful announcement for the cluster, and with a refusal to the other awards.
The possibilities of data processing: The Data Set DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution Grid1: |M| = 10 identical clusters, with 10 machines each Grid2: |M| = 11 clusters with different number of machines according to WWG Testbed, Buyya et al. (2002). • Tasks arrive according to a Poisson arrival process, where is the average # of tasks per t.u. • 45% of arriving tasks are background tasks, and they have priority with respect to external tasks. • Average task size Oj = 10000 MI • 1000 t.u. • Average task budget Bj = 250 G$
DII - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Contribution • We compared ECO1 and ECO2 with Round Robin protocol • We analysed: load goal function, utility goal function, penalty goal function • Load and utility are the two main goals in the system: the former refers to the manager, the latter to the supervisor
Conclusions: • - State of the art analysis • Distributed model proposal • Mapping between TOGA and Computer network • Implementation and testing of the model • Preliminary results on validation instances • Future work: tests on case study Some references Gadomski A.M. (1994), TOGA: A Methodological and Conceptual Pattern for Modeling of Abstract Intelligent Agent. In Proceedings of the "First International Round-Table on Abstract Intelligent Agent". A.M. Gadomski (editor), 25-27 Gen., Rome, 1993, Publisher ENEA, Feb.1994 Gadomski A. M., S. Bologna, G.Di Costanzo, A.Perini, M. Schaerf. (2001), “Towards Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Emergency Managers: The IDA Approach”. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management. Gadomski A. M., (2003), Socio-Cognitive Engineering Foundations and Applications: From Humans to Nations, Preprints of SCEF2003 ( First International Workshop on Socio-Cognitive Engineering Foundations and Third Abstract Intelligent Agent International Round-Tables Initiative), Rome, 30 Sep. 2003. Gadomski A.M. , A. Salvatore, A. Di Giulio (2003) Case Study Analysis of Disturbs in Spatial Cognition: Unified TOGA Approach, 2nd International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome Gadomski A.M. (2006), Socio-Cognitive Scenarios for Business Intelligence Reinforcement: TOGA Approach, The paper preliminary accepted for publication in Cognitive Processing, International Quarterly of Cognitive Science, Springer Verlag.