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Municipal Association of Victoria Rate Cap Forum 25 th November 2015

Municipal Association of Victoria Rate Cap Forum 25 th November 2015. Ian Mann CT Management Group 0429 941 435 ianm@ctman.com.au. COUNCIL FINANCES. Rates & Charges - $5,203 million Employee Costs - $3,208 million Materials and Services - $2,444 million. Forecast Max Rate Increase

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Municipal Association of Victoria Rate Cap Forum 25 th November 2015

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  1. Municipal Association of VictoriaRate Cap Forum25th November 2015 Ian Mann CT Management Group 0429 941 435 ianm@ctman.com.au

  2. COUNCIL FINANCES Rates & Charges - $5,203 million Employee Costs - $3,208 million Materials and Services - $2,444 million

  3. Forecast Max Rate Increase (16/17) (17/18) (18/19) 3.05% 2.85% 2.8% RATE CAP IMPACT 2015/16 – SRP 17 Councils show future rate increase at less than 3% Remaining Councils retained rate increases on average at ~5% Assumption: Rate increases 5% pa - Rate cap 3.05%, 2.85%, 2.80%, 2.75%.. Impact: Year 4 – 9% reduction Year 10 – 21% reduction PAGE 3

  4. Salaries and Wages CONTEXT

  5. FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT Services (??) LTFP Assets (AM Plans Renewal Programs CW Programs) • Management Approaches • Revenue Management (seek additional income) • Expenditure Management (drive efficiencies) • Service Management (service delivery options) • Asset Management (renewal, new, upgrade)

  6. SUSTAINABLE SERVICE DELIVERY KEY QUESTIONS • What are the current range of services that Council provides to the community? • Is Council delivering the most appropriate level of serviceto the community within its financial capacity? • Is Council delivering these services in the most efficient manner? • Is the current service delivery model sustainable? PAGE 6

  7. SERVICE MANAGEMENT OPTIONS Capacity to deliver services in a revenue constrained environment $ All Services Discretionary Services “like to do” Efficiency Gains Business as Usual Preferred Services “should do” Mandatory Services “must do” Time PAGE 7

  8. FINANCIAL PLANNING INFORMATION Services Capital Works (New/Upgrade) 10 yr CW Program Asset Renewal SRP LTFP LTFP 0 1 5 10 15 YEARS

  9. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK COUNCIL PLAN Financial Sustainability Service Management Strategic Resource Plan Service Strategies Service Plans Long Term Financial Plan Service Operations Capital Works (New, Upgrade, Expansion) Capital Works Evaluation Capital Works Program Asset Management AMP (Roads) AMP (Drainage) Capital Works (Renewal) AMP (Buildings) Infrastructure Operations & Maintenance AMP (Bridges) AMP (Open Space)

  10. SERVICE PLANNING FIT COUNCIL PLAN Financial Sustainability Service Management Strategic Resource Plan Service Strategies Service Planning Service Plan Reviews Long Term Financial Plan Service Comparative Choice Evaluation Service Summaries Service Operations Capital Works (New, Upgrade, Expansion) Capital Works Evaluation Capital Works Program Asset Management AMP (Roads) AMP (Drainage) Capital Works (Renewal) AMP (Buildings) Infrastructure Operations & Maintenance AMP (Bridges) AMP (Open Space)



  13. RELATIVE IMPORTANCE Self Assessment Community Surveys

  14. COMPARATIVE CHOICE High Relative Importance Low Stage 1 – Summary Service Profile for each Service (Tactical Level) Parks ICT Road Maintenance Youth Services Environmental Health Regulatory Services Children’s Services Aerodrome Management Aged Services Statutory Planning Other Services Parks ICT Road Maintenance Youth Services Environmental Health Regulatory Services Children’s Services Aerodrome Management Aged Services Statutory Planning Other Services Later Stage - Detailed Service Plan for each Service (Operational Level) -Efficiency All Council Services PAGE 14




  18. LONG TERM FINANCIAL PLANCan Council sustain its current range of services at the current level of service? PAGE 18


  20. PROCESS Community Input Service Profiles “Profile” of each Service (Contextual Information) Investigate Options (Co-design) Decide on a course of Action Understand Current Position Assessment of each Service (Relative Importance) Integrated Solution LTFP (10yr) Services ($ Forecasts) Service provided (Co-produce options) Capital Works Program New, upgrade expansion ($ Forecasts) Asset Renewal ($ Forecasts) Understand what you do, what it costs and the benefits to the community

  21. With this framework you will: • Have a better understanding of the services that your Council provides • Have a strong foundation on which to engage with the community on a range of options • Be in a better position to make sound comparative choice decisions which provide the best outcomes for your community • Move towards a much stronger customer outcome focused organisation

  22. End Ian Mann CT Management Group 0429 941 435 ianm@ctman.com.au

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