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The Blockheads. PowerBlocks. Ben. Ale. Nick. Max. Powerblocks = LEGOs + lighting. Modular lighting Build your own / customize Change / reconfigure at will Authentic to Max Home lacks great lighting Moving a lot Like building stuff. Lighting head(s). Neck pieces. Base(s).
The Blockheads PowerBlocks Ben Ale Nick Max
Powerblocks = LEGOs + lighting • Modular lighting • Build your own / customize • Change / reconfigure at will • Authentic to Max • Home lacks great lighting • Moving a lot • Like building stuff Lighting head(s) Neck pieces Base(s)
The Blockheads Max Ben Nick Ale
Version 1 -- 1/11 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience 1. High-end (wealthy) home owners 2. Office build-outs3. Low-end (IKEA mkt), dorm students Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service Modular lighting/power:CustomizationFlexibilityRe-usabilityConvenienceSmart-home integrationPrice Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Int. DesignerRetailers Key Resources Channels Design IPBrandInt. designers Wholesale to Interior designers Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 1 -- 1/11 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience 1. High-end (wealthy) home owners 2. Office build-outs3. Low-end (IKEA mkt), dorm students Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service Modular lighting/power:CustomizationFlexibilityRe-usabilityConvenienceSmart-home integrationPrice ? Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Int. DesignerRetailers Key Resources Channels Design IPBrandInt. designers Wholesale to Interior designers Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 1 -- 1/11 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience 1. High-end (wealthy) home owners 2. Office build-outs3. Low-end (IKEA mkt), dorm students Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service Modular lighting/power:CustomizationFlexibilityRe-usabilityConvenienceSmart-home integrationPrice ? Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Int. DesignerRetailers Key Resources Channels Design IPBrandInt. designers Wholesale to Interior designers 4. Mid-range home owners Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 2 -- 1/18 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service ? 1. Mid-range home owners Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Int. DesignerRetailers CustomizationFlexibility Key Resources Channels 2. Office build-outs Design IPBrandInt. designers Wholesale to Interior designers Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 2 -- 1/18 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service ? 1. Mid-range home owners Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Int. DesignerRetailers Customization Flexibility Key Resources Channels 2. Office build-outs Design IPBrandInt. designers Wholesale to Interior designers Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 2 -- 1/18 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service 1. Mid-range home owners Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Int. DesignerRetailers Customization Flexibility Key Resources Channels 2. Office build-outs Design IPBrandInt. designers Wholesale to Interior designers Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 2 -- 1/18 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service ? 1. Mid-range home owners Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers Customization Flexibility Key Resources Channels More/less light 2. Office build-outs Directed light Design IPBrand Retail Direct online 3. Young professionals Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 3 -- 1/25 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service ? Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers Young professionals (20-40 yr old) Flexibility:More/less light Directed light Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand Retail Direct online Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 5 -- 2/8 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service ? Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers Young professionals (20-40 yr old) Flexibility:More/less light Directed light Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand Retail Direct online Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 5 -- 2/8 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -Online ads -Prod. reviews Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers Better lighting thru flexibility: -More/less light -Directed light Young professionals (20-40 yrs) Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Online – direct and mass market Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 6 -- 2/15 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -PR, blogs, WOM Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers -New parents (baby <1 yr) -Influence: parents, friends -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Online retail Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 6 -- 2/15 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -PR, blogs, WOM Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers -New parents (baby <1 yr) -Influence: parents, friends -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Online retail Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 6 -- 2/15 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -PR, blogs, WOM ? Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers -New parents (baby <1 yr) -Influence: parents, friends -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Online retail Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 6 -- 2/15 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments ? DesignMarketingCust. Experience -PR, blogs, WOM Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers -New parents (baby <1 yr) -Influence: parents, friends -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels ? ? ? Design IPBrand -Onlineretail Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 6 -- 2/15 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -PR, blogs, WOM ? Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers -New parents (baby <1 yr) -Influence: parents, friends -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Online retail Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 6 -- 2/15 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -PR, blogs, WOM Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers -New parents (baby <1 yr) -Influence: parents, friends -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand blogs -Online retail Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 6 -- 2/15 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -PR, blogs, WOM Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers -New parents (baby <1 yr) -Influence: friends, blogs -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep -1st baby Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Online retail Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 6 -- 2/15 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -Blogs,WOM Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers -New parents (1st baby, baby <1 yr) -Influence: friends, blogs -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Online retail Cost Structure Revenue Streams Asset Sale Value-Driven( = high end) Renting
To The Future? • Online product rental? • Netflix for baby stuff • Car simulator Now 2 years 5 years
Version 8 -- 3/1 So here’s where we ended up Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments -Blogs,WOM DesignMarketingCust. Experience Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment -New parents (1st baby, baby <1 yr) -Influence: friends, blogs -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels -Online retail Design IPBrand Cost Structure Revenue Streams Asset SaleRenting Value-Driven( = high end)
Version 8 -- 3/1 Question 1: Can we build it? Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments ? -Blogs,WOM DesignMarketingCust. Experience Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment -New parents (1st baby, baby <1 yr) -Influence: friends, blogs -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels -Online retail Design IPBrand Cost Structure Revenue Streams Asset SaleRenting Value-Driven( = high end)
Version 8 -- 3/1 Question 2: Do the costs work? Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments ? -Blogs,WOM DesignMarketingCust. Experience Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment -New parents (1st baby, baby <1 yr) -Influence: friends, blogs -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels -Online retail Design IPBrand Cost Structure Revenue Streams Asset SaleRenting Value-Driven( = high end)
Version 11/11/11 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience 1. High-end (wealthy) home owners 2. Office build-outs3. Low-end (IKEA mkt), dorm students Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service Modular lighting/power:CustomizationFlexibilityRe-usabilityConvenienceSmart-home integrationPrice Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Int. DesignerRetailers Key Resources Channels Design IPBrandInt. designers Wholesale to Interior designers Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 21/18/11 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience High-end residents Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Int. DesignerRetailers CustomizationFlexibility Key Resources Channels Also looking at commercial lighting Mid-end Interior designers Design IPBrandInt. designers Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 31/25/11 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience Young professionals Acquisition / RetentionSelf-Service Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers More/less light Directed light Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Retail -Direct online Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 42/1/11 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -Trade show-Online ads -Design mag. Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers Flexibility: -More/less light -Directed light Young professionals (20-40 yrs) Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Retail -Direct online Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-Driven( = high end) Asset Sale
Version 52/8/11 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -Online ads -Prod. reviews Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment, supportDistributors: Retailers Better lighting thru flexibility: -More/less light -Directed light Young professionals (20-40 yrs) Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Online – direct and mass market Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-driven Asset Sale
Version 62/15/11 Powerblocks Business Model Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Demand Creation Customer Segments DesignMarketingCust. Experience -PR, blogs, WOM Outsourced: mfg, fulfillment -New parents (baby <1 yr) -Influence: relatives, friends -Baby stops crying -Baby goesto sleep Key Resources Channels Design IPBrand -Online retail Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value-driven Asset Sale