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What is CDS, what does it serve for ?

What is CDS, what does it serve for ?. Efficient and proven distributor of brands and products. Innovative , efficient supplier in the Hungarian market. Always improving , conscious organization and individuals. Provides a calculable future for its partners. SUPER s. DIY.

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What is CDS, what does it serve for ?

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  1. What is CDS, whatdoesitservefor? Efficient and provendistributor of brands and products Innovative, efficientsupplierintheHungarian market Alwaysimproving , consciousorganization and individuals Provides a calculable futureforitspartners

  2. SUPERs DIY PSs HYPERs DRUGs ELECTROs OTHERs CDS disztribúció 100˙% * * Weighted ** 67% ontraditional trade Why CDS? TRADITIONAL

  3. Advantages of the CDS System comparingtothetraditionalwholesale • Fully electronic sales system • Up to date and extensive reports and analysis • EvenStore-level profitability analysis • Reliable and traceable financial model • Procurement, stock, transparency of assets • Stable and highly qualified sales management and operation • Stablefinancialbackground

  4. Whatarethetaskswithin CDS? What is CDS capable of? Modern trade: Presence in every channels 1300 hyper and supermarkets Full Key Account Management Merchandising Execution of promotions Traditional: Direct contact to 11 000 stores Country-wide, regional and local handling of organized channels ( Coop, Cba, Real) Central warehouse or direct store supply 3 logistical bases 35 sales agents, area managers Further opportunities: Distribute the system to Slovenia, Croatia, Romania , potential opportunity in the Czech Republic and CEE Country-wide market coverage, directsalesatstores Specialsalestechniquesbasedonthe partner Training and motivation of salesagents Online monitoredadministration, PDA invoices, statistics, reports Mission of CDS tocreate a honest , quick and flexibleco-operationwithitspartners. CDS plansforthelongterm and wantstodeveloptogetherwithitssupplier. Let’sforgettheone-sidedSupplier-Customerrelationships! Ouraim is toworkwithourpartnerstransparently and on a (WIN-WIN) basis. Merchandisingsevices Storelevelstatistics, analysis, reportstothe partner Logistics, warehousing, shipmenttocentralwarehousesordirectlytostores Monitoring seasonaleffects, specialpackagesales

  5. Criteriafortheco-operationwith CDS CDS is a country-wide distributor. We would like to co-operate with partners who clearly define the fields of co-operation, does not provide only gaps… Whatweare searchingfor The distributed product has to be of good quality, branded if possible and has to mean value to the consumers. From the point of view of logistics, the product has to be similar to the present product range. CDS would like to narrow the items in its sortiment to increase its efficiency. The margin has to be encouraging for both parties to achieve success.

  6. Comendis - Misson Keep High level of numerical and Weighted Distribution in the Traditional Market Increase listed positions in the Modern Trade More Pharmacy relevant product / brands Having all the ability to give adequate and costeffective market solutions for leader Brands / Suppliers Other separated Business Units where it is needed Parallel increase Incomes from services Stable Business development with TESCO CEE (PL, Cz, SL, HU) Stable and profitability grow Become a most reliable distributor in Hungary and even more in the region

  7. Questions & Answers Canweco-operatewithyou?

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