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Learn about ASCII files, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, and how they store textual data in bits. Explore ASCII coding, sample codes, and their use in exchanging information between devices.
Exercise Two: Uploading an ASCII file to UHUNIX Part 3: ASCII donna Bair-Mundy
What is an ASCII file? Language of diplomacy: French
What is an ASCII file (cont'd) Multi Mate Word Perfect Wordstar Microsoft Word A 01000001 B 01000010 C 01000011 D 01000100 E 01000101 F 01000110 G 01000111 H 01001000 Standard code: American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
Data representation Bit (binary digit) - the smallest unit of data handled by a computer; consists of a single "on" or "off" digital value (0 or 1) Byte - a group of 8 bits; used to represent a single character (number, letter, punctuation mark, etc.)
ASCII Standardized coding system for representing textual data Each character is stored or transmitted in one byte Originally a seven-bit code; now expanded to eight bits Allows exchange of information between applications, computers, devices Used on personal computers (EBCDIC for mainframes)
Sample ASCII codes 048 0 049 1 050 2 … 065 A 066 B 067 C … 097 a 098 b 099 c … 128 Ç 129 ü 130 é 007 (beep) … 010 (line feed) … 013 (carriage return) … 032 (space) 033 ! 034 " 035 # 036 $ 037 % 038 & 039 ' 040 ( Alt + 224 = ? Alt + 234 = ?
ASCII coding A = 65 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 (64) (1)
ASCII file Also called "text" file Text plus punctuation encoded in ASCII No proprietary formatting codes ASCII files with HTML tags used in creating Web pages Proceed to Part 4