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This annex provides a correspondence table between the Eurostat classification and the Trial ICATUS for various activities including personal care, employment, study, household care, and more.
ANNEX 22. CORRESPONDENCE TABLE RELATING THE EUROSTAT CLASSIFICATION TO THE TRIAL ICATUS a Eurostat list PERSONAL CARE Trial ICATUS 0 000 01 010 Unspecified personal care SLEEP Unspecified sleep 011 012 02 020 021 Sleep Sick in bed EATING Unspecified eating Meals, snacks and drinks 15111 15112 15113 15132 15121 15122 Night sleep/essential sleep Incidental sleep/naps Sleeplessness Health/medical care to oneself Eating meals/snack Drinking other than with meal or snack 03 OTHER PERSONAL CARE 030 Unspecified other personal care 031 Wash and dress Other specified personal care 15131 15132 Personal hygiene and care Health/medical care to oneself 039 1 EMPLOYMENT 100 11 Unspecified employment MAIN JOB 111 Working time in main job 01111 Work in main job Note: Also includes categories 02-05 if main jobs 01115 Training and studies in relation to work Note: Also all corresponding division in categories 02-05 112 Coffee and other breaks in main job SECOND JOB 01114 Short breaks and interruptions from work 12 121 Working time in second job 01112 Work in other jobs Note: Also includes categories 02-05 if second job 01115 Training and studies in relation to work Note: Also all corresponding divisions in categories 02-05 122 Coffee and other breaks in second job ACTIVITIES RELATED TO EMPLOYMENT Unspecified activities related to employment 01114 Short breaks and interruptions from work 13 130 131 139 Lunch break Other specified activities related to 01122 01121 Lunch break from work Idle time before/after break employment Activities that the two classification categorize differently appear in shaded area 366 a
Annexes Eurostat list Trial ICATUS Looking for work Looking for/setting-up business Note: Also all corresponding divisions in categories 02-05 01201 01202 2 200 STUDY Unspecified study Unspecified activities related to school or university 210 211 212 Classes and lectures Homework 09111 09113 09120 School/university attendance Self-study for distance education courses Homework, course review, research related to general education 219 Other specified activities related to school or university FREE-TIME STUDY 09112 Breaks/waiting at place of general education Other activities carried out in relation to learning activities 092 22 221 Free-time study 0913 0914 Additional study, non-formal education Career/professional development training and studies 1212 Technical hobbies and related courses Sports-related courses HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CARE Unspecified household and family care FOOD MANAGEMENT 13 3 300 31 310 Unspecified food management 311 312 Food preparation Baking 06111 03112 Food management Making of other food products and beverages 313 314 Dishwashing Preserving 06111 03111 03112 Food management Processing of food products Making of other food products and beverages 319 Other specified food management 06111 Food management 32 HOUSEHOLD UPKEEP 320 Unspecified household upkeep 321 Cleaning dwelling 06112 Cleaning and upkeep of dwelling and surroundings 322 Cleaning yard 06112 Cleaning and upkeep of dwelling and surroundings 323 Heating and water 02114 Gathering of wild products, woodcutting and gathering firewood and other forestry activities 02117 061125 367 Collecting water Heating and water supply Note: No corresponding category in ICATUS Unpaid domestic services n.e.c. 324 Various arrangements Other specified household upkeep 329 069
Eurostat list MAKING AND CARE FOR TEXTILES Unspecified making and care for textiles Trial ICATUS 33 330 331 332 Laundry Ironing Handicraft and producing textiles 06114 061143 03113 Care of textiles and footwear Ironing/pressing Making textiles, wearing apparel, leather 333 and associated products 339 Other specified making and care for textiles GARDENING AND PET CARE Unspecified gardening and pet care 06114 Care of textiles and footwear 34 340 341 342 343 344 349 Gardening Tending domestic animals Caring for pets Walking the dog Other specified gardening and pet care 02111 02112 06116 06116 06116 Growing of crops; kitchen-gardening Farming of animals Pet care Pet care Pet care 35 CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS Unspecified construction and repairs 350 351 House construction and renovation 04111 Construction and repair for own capital formation 352 Repairs of dwelling 061131 Do-it-yourself improvement, maintenance and repair of dwellings 353 Making, repairing and maintaining equipment 061132 Installation, servicing and repair of personal and household goods 354 Vehicle maintenance Other specified construction and repairs 061133 061139 Vehicle maintenance and minor repairs Other specified activities related to do-it- 359 yourself decoration, maintenance and small repairs SHOPPING AND SERVICES Unspecified shopping and services 36 360 361 363 Shopping Commercial and administrative services Personal services Other specified shopping and services 06121 06122 15141 15142 06121 06122 Shopping for/purchasing of goods Shopping for/availing of services Receiving personal care Receiving health/medical care Shopping for/purchasing of goods Shopping for/availing of services 362 369 37 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT 371 38 380 382 Household management CHILDCARE Unspecified childcare Physical care and supervision Teaching the child Reading, playing and talking with child 06115 07111 07112 071122 Household management Caring for children: physical care Teaching, training, helping children Reading, playing and talking with 381 383 children 384 389 Accompanying child Other specified childcare 07113 07114 079 Accompanying children to places Minding children (passive care) Providing unpaid care-giving services to household members 368
Annexes Eurostat list HELP TO AN ADULT FAMILY MEMBER Trial ICATUS 39 391 Help to an adult family member VOLUNTEER WORK AND MEETINGS Unspecified volunteer work and meetings ORGANIZATIONAL WORK Unspecified organizational work 07121 07122 07123 Care for adults: physical care Care for adults: emotional support Accompanying adults to places 4 400 410 41 411 Work for an organization Volunteer work through an organization Other specified organizational work 08131 08132 08121 Volunteer work for organizations Volunteer work through organizations Community-organized work: cooking for 412 419 collective celebrations etc 08122 08123 08124 Work on road/building repair, clearing and preparing community land, cleaning (streets, markets etc.) Organising and work on community- based assistance to villages, other sublocations Organising and work on community- based assistance to families and individuals INFORMAL HELP TO OTHER HOUSEHOLDS 42 420 Unspecified informal help 421 Food management as help 08111 Household maintenance and management as help to other households 422 Household upkeep as help 08111 Household maintenance and management as help to other households 423 Gardening and pet care as help Construction and repairs as help Shopping and services as help Help in employment and farming 08111 08113 08114 08112 08115 Household maintenance and management as help to other households Construction, renovation and repairs of dwellings and other structures as help to other households Repairs of consumer and household goods as help to other households Shopping for/purchasing of goods and services as help to other households Unpaid help in business/farm and employment as help to other households 424 425 426 427 429 Childcare as help Help to an adult of another household Other specified informal help 08116 08117 089 Childcare as help to other households Adult care as help to other households Community services and help to other 428 households n.e.c. PARTICIPATORY ACTIVITIES Unspecified participatory activities 43 430 431 Meetings 082 Attendance in meetings 369
Eurostat list Trial ICATUS 432 Religious activities 15151 Private prayer, meditation, and other informal spiritual activities 15152 Participating in religious activities 439 Other specified participatory activities 08300 Involvement in civic and related responsibilities Community services and help to other households n.e.c. SOCIAL LIFE AND ENTERTAINMENT 089 5 500 51 510 Unspecified social life and entertainment SOCIAL LIFE Unspecified social life 511 512 513 514 519 Socialising with family Visiting and receiving visitors Feasts Telephone conversation Other specified social life 10112 10112 10111 10114 Socializing activities Socializing activities Talking, conversing Unsocial/antisocial/negative social activities Socializing and community participation n.e.c. ENTERTAINMENT AND CULTURE Unspecified entertainment and culture 109 52 520 521 522 Cinema Theatre and concerts 11112 11113 Attendance at movies/cinema Attendance at theatre, opera, ballet, concerts 11113 Attendance at theatre, opera, ballet, concerts 523 Art exhibitions and museums 11111 Visit museum, art gallery, historical/cultural park, heritage site 524 525 Library Sports events Other specified entertainment and 142 11131 11132 10121 Visiting library Attendance at professional sports events Attendance at amateur sports events Participating in community celebrations 529 culture of cultural/historic events Participating in community rites/events (non-religious) of weddings, funerals, births and similar rites of passage Participating in community social functions (music, dance etc.) Attendance/visit to zoo, animal park, 10122 10123 1112 botanic garden, amusement center, fairs, festivals, circus, animal shows, plant shows Attending/visiting sports, entertainment and cultural events/venues n.e.c RESTING: TIME OUT 119 53 531 Resting: Time out 15161 Doing nothing; resting, relaxing 370
Annexes Eurostat list SPORTS AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Trial ICATUS Smoking Reflecting/meditating, thinking, planning 15162 15163 6 600 610 Unspecified sports and outdoor activities PHYSICAL EXERCISE Unspecified physical exercise 61 611 612 613 614 615 Walking and hiking Jogging and running Biking, skiing and skating Ball games Gymnastics 13111 13111 13112 13114 13115 13113 Walking and hiking; jogging and running Walking and hiking; jogging and running Biking, skating, skateboarding Ball games, individual sports Ball games, team sports Aerobics, yoga, weight-training and other fitness programmes 616 Fitness 13113 Aerobics, yoga, weight-training and other fitness programmes 617 619 Water sports Other specified physical exercise 13116 13117 13118 1312 13122 Water sports Winter/ice/snow sports Contact sports Camping Horseback-riding Indoor and outdoor sports participation and related courses n.e.c. PRODUCTIVE EXERCISE 139 62 620 Unspecified productive exercise 621 Hunting and fishing 02113 Hunting, trapping and production of animal skins 02115 Fishing and fish/aquatic farming 622 Picking berries, mushrooms and herbs Other specified productive exercise 02114 Gathering of wild products, woodcutting and gathering firewood and other forestry activities Note: No corresponding category in 629 ICATUS SPORTS RELATED ACTIVITIES 63 631 Sports related activities 139 Indoor and outdoor sports participation and related courses n.e.c. HOBBIES AND GAMES 7 700 71 710 Unspecified hobbies and games ARTS Unspecified arts 711 712 713 719 72 720 721 722 Visual arts Performing arts Literary arts Other specified arts HOBBIES Unspecified hobbies Collecting Computing – programming 12111 12113 12112 129 1212 1212 Visual arts Performing arts Literary arts Hobbies, games and other pastimes n.e.c. Technical hobbies and related courses Technical hobbies and related courses 371
Eurostat list Trial ICATUS 723 Information by computing 14141 14142 Using computer technology for reading Using computer technology for video/audio 724 725 726 729 73 730 731 732 733 Communication by computing Other computing Correspondence Other specified hobbies GAMES Unspecified games Solo games and play Parlour games and play Computer games 10113 10113 129 12131 12132 12134 12133 Reading and writing mail Reading and writing mail Hobbies, games and other pastimes n.e.c. Solo games Card games, board games Social/group games Computer games (including arcade and video games) 734 739 Gambling Other specified games 12135 129 Gambling Hobbies, games and other pastimes n.e.c. 8 MASS MEDIA 800 81 810 Unspecified mass media READING Unspecified reading 811 812 819 82 821 822 Reading periodicals Reading books Other specified reading TV AND VIDEO Watching TV Watching video 14112 14111 14119 14121 14122 Reading periodicals Reading books Reading other specified materials Watching/listening to television Watching/listening to video programmes 83 RADIO AND MUSIC Unspecified listening to radio and music 830 831 832 Listening to radio Listening to recordings TRAVEL AND UNSPECIFIED TIME USE 14131 14132 Listening to radio programmes Listening to other audio media Note: No corresponding main category. Included as division within each main 9 category TRAVEL BY PURPOSE 90 900 Unspecified purpose 901 Travel related to personal care Travel as part of/during main job Travel as part of/during second job 152 Travel related to personal care and maintenance activities Travel related to work in the formal sector Note: Also include corresponding divisions in categories 02-05 Travel related to work in the formal sector Note: Also include corresponding divisions in categories 02-05 911 013 912 013 913 Travel to/from work 013 Travel related to work in the formal sector Note: Also include corresponding divisions in categories 02-05 372
Annexes Eurostat list Trial ICATUS 921 Travel to/from school or university Travel related to free time study 093 Travel related to learning Travel related to hobbies, games and 922 122 other pastimes and related courses Travel related to indoor and outdoor sports participation and related courses 132 931 Travel related to household care Travel related to shopping and services 062 Travel related to provision of unpaid domestic services Travel related to provision of unpaid domestic services 936 062 938 Transporting a child 072 Travel related to unpaid caregiving services to household members 939 Transporting an adult family member Travel related to organisational work Travel related to informal help Travel related to participatory activities 072 Travel related to unpaid caregiving services to household members Travel related to community services and help to other households Travel related to community services and help to other households Transportation assistance to other households Travel related to community services and help to other households 941 084 942 084 08118 943 084 951 Travel related to social life 102 Travel related to socializing and community participation 952 Travel related to entertainment and culture Travel related to sports and outdoor activities 112 Travel related to attending/visiting cultural, entertainment and sports events/venues Travel related to indoor and outdoor sports participation and related courses 961 132 971 Travel related to hobbies 122 Travel related to hobbies, games and other pastimes and related courses Travel related to use of mass media 143 981 Travel related to changing locality Note: Included in all travel related to categories 10-13 982 995 999 Driving for pleasure Filling in the time-use diary Unspecified time use 13123 Pleasure drives 373