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eHealth Strategy for NHSScotland 2011-2017

eHealth Strategy for NHSScotland 2011-2017. New proposals. Move away from funding discrete projects & programmes to outcomes based approach Funding allocated to Boards (3 funds) 5 strategic eHealth aims Boards will progress the 5 strategic aims over 6 years

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eHealth Strategy for NHSScotland 2011-2017

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  1. eHealth Strategy for NHSScotland2011-2017

  2. New proposals • Move away from funding discrete projects & programmes to outcomes based approach • Funding allocated to Boards (3 funds) • 5 strategic eHealth aims • Boards will progress the 5 strategic aims over 6 years • From 2012-13 outcomes will be incorporated into Board LDPs • Boards will also have eHealth plans, aligned to LDPs

  3. Implications • The new vision embraces the reality of Boards using different IT systems, having different work processes and being at different stages of implementation of the strategy • Boards will move at different speeds towards the same end point • A longer planning cycle enables Boards to use eHealth to bring about genuine improvements • Matches the ambition of the quality strategy • Covers 2 LDP cycles

  4. Consultation – so far • Directors of Finance • Medical Directors • Nursing and AHP Directors • Directors of Pharmacy • eHealth Leads • CCLG • 4 scoping workshops (included: patient groups, academics, individuals, third sector representation and health & social care workers)

  5. Scoping Workshops • Considered the wording and meaning of the 5 strategic eHealth aims (unintended consequences, equalities, diversity etc.) • Suggestions on where eHealth might make the greatest contribution • Some worries about Boards’ setting their own outcomes • Some concerns about Boards’ setting their own priorities • Most participants found the workshops interesting and welcomed the opportunity to be involved

  6. General approach • Boards welcomed outcomes based approach linked to LDPs • New approach will embed eHealth within organisations as enabler of achievement of clinical and business objectives • Territorial boards welcomed new financial model • Special boards worried about impact on systems that have been funded nationally/centrally

  7. Principles • eHealth will improve NHS Scotland services by reducing harm, variation and waste • SG interest in outcomes being achieved rather than defining how Boards will achieve them • Boards will have different priorities at different times • Reap the benefits from assets that have been acquired • Promote and implement good practice and successful local initiatives more widely • Encourage convergence of approaches to delivery of outcomes to reduce duplication of effort and reduce cost. • Promote collaborative working between Boards

  8. Principles • Boards supportive of principles proposed • Supportive of need for convergence and reduction in variation but unclear how this would work in practice • Need to promote and adopt standards to encourage convergence • Need to identify mechanism to support shared good practice and factors for success • Clarify central eHealth governance role

  9. eHealth strategic aims To use information and technology to: • maximise efficient working practices, minimise wasteful variation, bring about savings and vfm • support people to manage their own health and wellbeing, to interact with NHSScotland and improve decision making • contribute to shifting the balance of care to improved community based care and support for people with long term conditions and mental health problems • improve the availability of appropriate information for healthcare workers and the tools to use and communicate that information effectively to improve quality • improve medication management as an essential part of peoples’ care

  10. Consultation Questions • Do you agree with the wording of the 5 strategic eHealth aims? If not, why? • Do think our use of case studies, quotes and examples to illustrate the 5 strategic eHealth aims is appropriate? • What are you thoughts on the “actions” that are highlighted in bold at end of each of the 5 Strategic eHealth aims? • Are there any other “actions” that should be included under the 5 strategic eHealth aims? • Do you support the move to a longer planning horizon? If not, why?

  11. Consultation Questions • Do you agree that Boards’ LDPs are the appropriate mechanism for the Scottish Government to monitor Boards’ performance in eHealth? If not, why? • What are your thoughts on the requirement for Boards to produce separate eHealth plans and to report on their eHealth progress annually to the eHealth Division in the Scottish Government? • Do you have any other comments on the draft eHealth Strategy not covered by the questions?

  12. Next steps • First draft eHealth strategy approved by Strategy Board (March’11) • Written consultation on draft strategy – April/May’11 • Meetings with stakeholders April/May’11 • Material on website • Final draft to go to eHealth Strategy Board 16th June • Ministerial approval – June’11???

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