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Introducing NHSScotland (NHSS)

Testing for the Best The flexible online resource to support educational development www.test4best.scot.nhs.uk. Introducing NHSScotland (NHSS). 160,000 employees (approx.) 14 territorial health boards 8 ‘special’ health boards.

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Introducing NHSScotland (NHSS)

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  1. Testing for the Best The flexible online resource to support educational developmentwww.test4best.scot.nhs.uk

  2. Introducing NHSScotland (NHSS) 160,000 employees (approx.) 14 territorial health boards 8 ‘special’ health boards

  3. Wide range of educational provision, ranging from national programmes (e.g. for certain professional groups/grades) to in-house developed provision and informal work-based learning Within this context, each health board is responsible for identifying local needs and choosing educational solutions to address those needs Learning in NHSScotland

  4. NHS Scotland Special Health Board, whose mission is to: ‘ ….help to provide better patient care by providing educational solutions for workforce development. We do this by designing, commissioning, quality assuring and where appropriate providing education for NHSScotland staff. ‘ Supporting national solutions which meet local needs NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

  5. Overview • What IS Testing for the Best? • What’s in Testing for the Best? • Next steps

  6. What IS Testing for the Best? • Some key questions for individuals involved in developing educational solutions for NHSScotland staff include: • What learning or skills are needed by staff? • How can we be sure that our educational developments will address those needs effectively? • How can we ensure that those developments bring best value to the individual learner, the patient and to the service as a whole? • Testing for the Best is a web resource designed to support staff involved in addressing these issues. It is not a prescription for how educational solutions should be developed. Instead, it provides good-practice guidance and access to a wide range of resources.

  7. Why ‘testing for the best’? • The resources are organised around a series of 3 'tests', each designed  to ensure that the educational solution you are developing is as successful as possible. • Test 1: Best outcome - What outcome is required of this new educational solution, and how will we know if we've achieved it? • Test 2: Best design and delivery - How can we design and deliver this educational solution to achieve the best outcome for the service and for the individual user? • Test 3: Best value - How can we ensure that this educational solution delivers best value to the individual and to the service?

  8. Introducing theTesting for the Bestwebsite

  9. In each section…… • Decision guides outlining some of the questions which we need to consider when developing educational solutions • Guidance checklists to prompt thinking and guide decision making in key question areas • Information sheets to provide more background in each question area • Links to limited lists of Resources relevant to the key questions

  10. Additional features • Resource library including glossary and a planned library of case studies • Ideas in action – mini case studies illustrating features of key decision making (in development) • User community to enable site users within NHS Scotland to contribute to its development, and to exchange ideas • Widgets (intelligent links) designed to sit on NHS Board’s intranet and provide direct link to Testing for the Best

  11. Next steps • Further development of case studies and ideas in action • Establishment of the user community, to support exchange of ideas and make the site responsive to users’ needs • Guidance for users, to help make the most of the site • Refreshing and reviewing – and ironing out glitches • Increasing support for evaluation

  12. For more information……. • Visit: • www.test4best.scot.nhs.uk • Email: • test4best@nes.scot.nhs.uk • Speak to: • Simon Williams (NES Educational Projects Manager) - 0131 313 8079 • Karen Adams (NES Educational Projects Manager) - 0131 313 8094 • Rob Coward (NES Educational Projects Manager) - 0131 313 8095

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