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Before Class - Students shall enter class quietly. There shall be no fooling around upon entering class. Students shall proceed directly to their assigned seats. Students should prepare their materials (ie. sharpen pencils, take out all required materials) before class begins.
Beginningof Class – Students will write the daily agenda in planner and begin daily warm up. You will have six minutes to copy down questions or comment and answer.
Correct Heading - Student's full name, date, and period number must be written neatly at the top right corner of each assignment. Label the assignment on the first line of your paper. Points will be deducted from any assignment not having the correct heading. No names are trashed.
Sharpening Pencils – Pencils must be sharpened before class. You may use the “silent sharpener” if it is during class, and you do not have a spare pencil. ALWAYS have two pencils with you sharpened for back up.
Asking Questions or Making Comments During Discussions or Group Work - Students shall raise hands quietly and wait for Mr. Walden to call on them. Do not shout out
Tardies – (Excused Tardy) Students shall enter quietly and put pass on Mr. Walden’s desk. Student shall go directly to assigned seat and begin work quietly. It is policy to be in your seat and ready to learn when the tardy bell rings. If you are tardy and unexcused, immediately go to the attendance office and get a late pass and detention slip. Enter quietly and put tardy slip on Mr. Walden’s desk and go directly to assigned seat and begin work.
Agenda for the Day - I will post the day's date and agenda on the white board at the front of the classroom every day. Homework assignments will also be posted on the white board.
No-Name Papers - Any papers collected with no names will be placed in the trash. I will not save them and try to find the owner, please be responsible and label your paper with your first and last name, date, period, and label the assignment with pages, etc.
Phone calls: When the classroom phone rings, be quiet. Only the teacher answers the phone. Do not begin talking or get off task if I am on a phone call.
Food/Drinks: No eating, food, or drinks. I do allow water bottles only, and you must store it underneath your desk, away from books and materials.
Turning in work: Turn in coursework to the “in” side of the box labeled with the correct period. DO NOT PUT WORK ON MY DESK.
Time outs: If you are sent out as a consequence, you will report directly to the teacher/office that I assigned you. Failure to report will result into further disciplinary action taken due to defiance.
Progress Reports: Mr. Walden sends home progress reports every two weeks. They are to be signed and brought back the following Friday for points, and placed in the “In basket.” Each is worth 10 points, so you can raise your grade just by showing your parents your progress. If you hide it, or throw it away, your grade will go down.
16.Homework: Homework is given every Monday and is due on Friday, giving students four days to complete. Save all of your returned homework packets in your binder to review for tests.
Dismissal at the End of the Period - Students will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. The classroom must be cleaned and desks straightened before any student leaves class. You are to remain in your seat until class is dismissed