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Single Honours Dual Honours Major/Minor Single Honours English & American Literatures. AMERICAN STUDIES AT KEELE. 2012 entry 2014/15 entry. Overview. American Studies: our history and philosophy Our degree programmes and degree structure Year 1 and Year 2

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  1. Single Honours Dual Honours Major/Minor Single Honours English & American Literatures AMERICAN STUDIES AT KEELE 2012 entry 2014/15 entry

  2. Overview American Studies: our history and philosophy Our degree programmes and degree structure Year 1 and Year 2 Opportunities to study abroad Year 3 Staff Learning, teaching and assessment Sources of support Distinctive features Other facilities Careers Further information

  3. American Studies – our history & philosophy Keele pioneered American Studies Multi- and inter-disciplinary study Key global role of U.S. Internationalism Generic and transferable skills

  4. Our degree programmes Single Honours American Studies Dual Honours American Studies with another principal subject (History, English …) Single Honours English & American Literatures Major in American Studies (minor in the other principal subject) Minor in American Studies (major in the other principal subject eg. LLB Law with American Studies)

  5. Three years – 120 credits a year Two semesters per year – 60 credits a semester Four 15 credit modules a semester Core modules in American literature, history, film and politics Elective modules approved as part of the programme Elective modules in foreign languages, topics of general interest, studying abroad, volunteering, employability skills Single Honours – 255 credits (17 modules) Dual Honours – 120 credits (8 modules) Major route – 240 credits (16 modules) Minor route – 90 credits (6 modules) Degree structure

  6. Year 1 Single Honours • Core modules (compulsory) • Semester 1 • A Beginner’s Guide to Contemporary America • Starting Out: An Introduction to American Literature • Semester 2 • New York, New York: An Introduction to American Culture • EITHER • The American Past: Explorations in US History • OR • Debates in American Politics

  7. Year 1 Single Honours • Elective modules (optional) • Mass media in America • Historical research and writing • Reading Film • Transatlantic Gothic: C19 English & American Literatures • Approaches to Film • The American Past and Debates in American Politics are also available as electives

  8. Year 1 Dual Honours • Core modules • Semester 1: A Beginner’s Guide • Semester 2: New York, New York • Elective modules • Starting Out / Reading Film / Historical Research and Writing / Mass Media in America • The American Past / Transatlantic Gothic / Approaches to Film / Debates in American Politics

  9. Year 2, Semester 1 American Studies • Choose at least two from: • Burning Crosses: Religion and American Culture / History of the US in the Twentieth Century / The Romance of Fiction: History and Society in C19 American Literature / Atlantic Frontier: From Empires to Independence / Twentieth Century Novels into Films / Aspects of the Novel 1740-1930 / Imperialism and Empire / Global Political Economy / The UN in World Politics / U.S. Government and Politics

  10. Year 2, Semester 2 American Studies • Choose at least two from: • The Detective and the American City / Alfred Hitchcock’s America / History of the American West / From Modernity to Counter-Culture: American Literature and Social Criticism in the C20 / The New World in Chains: Slavery and the Bonds of Race in America, 1619-1877 / Why Policy Changes / Historical Sources and Debates / Power in the Modern World / Politics and Cinema / Analysing Culture / Peace, Conflict and Security / Globalisation and its Discontents

  11. Opportunities to study abroad • Go to the USA, Canada, or Europe • Fine to stay at Keele • One semester (dual honours) or two semester option for single honours (pay one semester fees only) • Selection by competition and interview • Compulsory Year 1 module in Intercultural Communication • Tuition, accommodation and books at Keele rates • Special insurance rates • High season travel expenses • Return with transcript and portfolio • Grades count towards Keele degree • More specialized regional modules

  12. Opportunities to study abroad • Campus and urban university settings: • Appalachian State, Ball State, Bowling Green State, Colorado State, Loyola, Minnesota State, Oklahoma State, Old Dominion, Maryland, North Carolina (Greensboro or Wilmington), North Texas, San Diego State, Southern Mississippi, Southern Maine, San Antonio, Knoxville, Salt Lake City, Willamette • Alberta, British Columbia, Brock, Montreal, Dalhousie, Guelph, Memorial, Ottawa, Toronto, Windsor, York

  13. Year 3 • 60 credits a semester • Must do one year-long 30 credit Independent Study Project (e.g. a dissertation) plus 3 modules each semester) • Can do two ISPs (plus 2 modules each semester) • ISPs available in American Studies, English Literature, Creative Writing and all other principals

  14. Year 3 American Studies • Choose from: • Social Thought and Social Movements in the U.S. / Film Noir: the Dark Side of America / Silence, Strength, and Sentiment: Gender and Sexuality in C19 American Literature / The Politics and Cultures of the Death Penalty / Postcolonial and World Literature in English / The U.S. Presidency / Streets, Skyscrapers and Slums / Conspiracy! • Words and Pictures: The Contemporary American Graphic Novel / Under God: Religion and Society in the U.S. since World War Two / `Eyes on the Prize’: The Struggle for Civil Rights in America / High Culture: Drink, Drugs and the American Dream / Postmodernism: Fiction, Film and Theory / The Canadian Metropolis / Protest and Social Movements / Environmental Politics in the U.S. / US Education Politics and Policy

  15. Year 3 Independent Study Projects • 30-credit American Studies dissertation (10,000 words) • Work spread over 2 semesters • Structured programme of lectures, group meetings, individual supervision • Choose your topic and work autonomously with expert guidance • Culminating piece of work; preparation for postgraduate studies

  16. Core Staff • Professor Ian Bell – American modernism • Professor Oliver Harris – Twentieth-century American literature and film • Dr Tim Lustig – American literature, nineteenth century to contemporary • Dr James Peacock – Contemporary American literature • Dr Laura Sandy – Colonial history; slavery; Civil Rights • Professor Axel Schaefer – Twentieth-century American history; evangelicalism

  17. Learning and teaching Lectures Seminars Workshops Individual consultation Individual supervision Extracurricular events and activities

  18. Assessment Essays Examinations Tutorial performance Formative exercises Portfolios Oral presentations Dissertations

  19. Sources of support • Programme Director • Personal Tutor • Module Tutors • KLE via Hallsnet or Wifi (eVision, Blackboard, online texts and documents, quizzes, Chat facilities, assignments, announcements and much more) • Staff-Student Liaison Committee • Life and Learning team in Student Support and Development Services • Resident tutors in each hall • Student Union Independent Advice Unit

  20. Distinctive Features Flexible and varied programmes Interesting and challenging modules Specialize or range widely Study abroad opportunities Research-active staff Development of subject-specific, generic and transferable skills A supportive team of tutors who will get to know you as an individual

  21. Other facilities Library IT provision Undergraduate Resource Centre Drama society Keele Writing Visiting speakers and writers Film and theatre trips Extensive and attractive campus environment Modern and well-equipped teaching rooms

  22. Careers Tracking graduate destinations High proportion of graduates in employment Teaching, management, postgraduate studies, media and journalism, law and government, financial and business… Close relationship with Careers Service, including dedicated seminars for English students

  23. Further information • http://www.keele.ac.uk/americanstudies • for news and events, full programme specifications, module outlines and more… • Programme Director: Dr James Peacock • j.h.peacock@keele.ac.uk

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