Ad Hoc Committee Briefing 23 March 2013. BLUF. Ad Hoc Committee assignment from November 2012 BoD Meeting Revalidate the purpose of the CMLDP: Purpose has e volved Is the program structured to deliver this purpose: No
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Ad Hoc Committee Briefing23 March 2013
BLUF Ad Hoc Committee assignment from November 2012 BoD Meeting Revalidate the purpose of the CMLDP: Purpose has evolved Is the program structured to deliver this purpose: No How should the program be governed? Program led by NCMA Chief Learning Officer (CLO); Guidance from a BoD Oversight Committee Who is responsible for generating program content? NCMA Staff lead by CLO
Ad Hoc Committee Members Karl Bird Sara Brown Terry Raney Deb Scheider Darryl Scott Penny White NOTE: Information gathered from John Wilkinson, Gary Zura, Al Boykin, Russ Blaine, Michelle Currier, Pat Garcia, Carly Cox, also presented in this briefing.
CMLDP Background
CMLDP Historical Context 2003-2004: Major change in NCMA Governance Structure Debates over structural changes led to grave concerns that NCMA Chapters would atrophy Structural changes eliminated customary forums for member/chapter direct participation in NCMA national affairs 2004: Working Group created and met to address chapter concerns Recommended a leadership development program Grow leadership for NCMA to fill the ‘bathtub’ created by aging workforce Create a replacement forum for members to participate in NCMA affairs 2006: Leadership Development Program Chartered Administered by the national staff Oversight body to monitor the operation of the program
Original CMLDP Purpose and Structure Original Program Purpose To ensure effective and continuous chapter operations through training, mentoring and succession planning Program Structure Consists of three learning elements NCMA training Leadership training Contract management training
CMLDP Original Goals Provide the educational opportunities, program structure and association support to assure the development, and motivation of leaders for chapter operations Create a “leadership career path” Provide the basis for succession planning and depth of leadership for current leadership Achieve 75% Chapter participation in the Leadership program with 3 members participating from each chapter
CMLDP at a Glance Program in 7th year; 166 graduates to date Overwhelming feedback from past participants on program value Program structure still based off three original learning elements Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to Honor and uphold the contract management code of ethics Required to serve two additional years with NCMA Actively participate in their local chapters
Current Program Structure NCMA Training CM Code of Ethics NCMA Governance System & NCMA Policies and Practices Attend BoD meeting at GCMC site Attend Mid-Year Leadership Conference Participate in chapter meetings, workshops, & seminars Leadership Development 4 all-day in resident events (Franklin-Covey’s) 3 Ethics & Compliance (with deliverables) 8 Leadership Webinars (with deliverables) Research Paper Mentoring Action Plan Contract Management Competence 3 NCMA Conferences (GCMC, ADTF, & WC) National Education Seminar (at Mid Year)
Current Program Issues Purpose and Program content no longer in line original charter Each program year added additional assignments to original curriculum Current program curriculum includes large amounts of course work with many deadlines and deliverables Students expecting more after graduation than chapter participation Graduates very satisfied with overall program benefits but not as satisfied with curriculum/content Governance Missing clearly defined program goals and objectives Blurred roles and responsibilities of Staff and Oversight Committee
Current Program Value For participant Professional development and networking Career development and mentoring Commitment to the Association For the Association Branding mechanism for NCMA Enhanced “distribution system” for NCMA message/mission An investment in the future CM leaders
Committee Conclusions
Revalidate CMLDP Purpose Purpose of ensuring effective and continuous CHAPTER operations through training, mentoring and succession planning has progressed into something bigger—which is a good thing Evolved Purpose: To identify and develop the next generation of leaders within the contract management profession and NCMA Provide a program/experience that will develop future contract management leaders that are committed to the advancement of the profession and the growth and success of NCMA by providing them training, skills, relationships and expertise to succeed in both government and industry contract management careers
Is the program structured to deliver this purpose? No; Evolutionary forces have driven purpose beyond chapter leadership development to contract management and NCMA leadership development Program needs to be re-chartered to ensure it is in-line with evolved purpose
How should the program be governed? Senior NCMA staff leadership Led by the NCMA Chief Learning officer (CLO) “Near full time” NCMA staff for day-to-day management Oversight Committee (5-7 members) Oversight Committee leadership should be carried out by the incoming or past presidents of NCMA At least 2 CMLDP graduates Committee Members should be neutral parties that do not participate in the day to day operations of program Establish working groups to support/make recommendations to committee on program details such as selecting participants, etc.
Who is responsible for generating program content? NCMA staff led by CLO Developing program curricula (content) for use in the program Overall administration and management of the CMLDP program Oversight committee Reviewing and approving program curricula Assessing the program Recommend program changes
Recommendations: Short Term (~6 Mo) Determine NCMA resource commitment to the CMLDP Assemble a small working group comprised of BoD Members, CMLDP graduates and CLO to develop a “strawman” for new program Define clear goals and objectives for program Revise Charter Clarify/Define role of Oversight Committee and NCMA Staff Obtain BOD approval of program and implementation plan
Recommendations: Long Term (12~16 Mo) Hiatus (No more than 1 program year) to allow NCMA the opportunity to define a program that meets the revised purpose NCMA Staff (lead by CLO) Develop new program curriculum based on new goals and objectives Obtain BOD approval of program implementation and curriculum Oversight Committee Hand select a pilot class (10-15 students) for new program to test ideas, processes and content Announce pilot class at World Congress 2014