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Welcome slide. Future arrangements for the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education Survey. Davina Madden – HEFCE Regional Consultant and Interim Head of Provision of Information Policy. Manchester 20 August 2013. Aims of the event. Provide an update on the process for 2014

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  1. Welcome slide

  2. Future arrangements for the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education Survey Davina Madden – HEFCE Regional Consultant and Interim Head of Provision of Information Policy Manchester 20 August 2013

  3. Aims of the event • Provide an update on the process for 2014 • Hear from an institution that manages the survey • Hear from us about what a potential contractor could offer • Discuss the pros and cons of each of our options and feed back to us

  4. Changes to DLHE survey 2014-15 • Rationale • White Paper’s commitment to develop a ‘level playing field’ between all types of HE provider • English FECs would be required to fund and administer the DLHE survey for themselves • Circular letter outlining options for FECs (April 13) • To ‘go it alone’ - fund and administer the DLHE survey for themselves • HEFCE to tender on behalf of FECs to establish a framework supplier • To collaborate with other FECs/HEIs to run the survey as a consortium

  5. Update on the process • Support to manage procurement and data quality. • HEFCE to appoint a supplier through OJEU open tender process. • First tranche of the survey (April 2014) for English FECs to become optional • HEFCE supplier in place to support second tranche (January 2015) • After 2015, FECs expected to use framework supplier if data does not meet requirements.

  6. What this will mean for your institution. • We want to explore with you... • What our proposals would mean for your institution • What considerations should we build into the Invitation to Tender for approved supplier. • How we can further support you through these changes

  7. Association of Colleges (AoC) Nick Davy – AoC HE Policy Manager Manchester 20 August 2013

  8. Data Quality Richard Puttock – HEFCE Head of data and management information Manchester University 20 August 2013

  9. Why good DLHE data is important • High response rates • Target response rate: • Full Time – 80% • Part Time – 70% • Important because: • Comparable and publishable data – used to inform student choice • Quality assurance and enhancement • Informs public policy - the social, cultural and economic benefit of Higher Education

  10. HEFCE’s Data Thresholds... • Currently a minimum of 23 students • Concern of non-publishable data • Round table discussions about data thresholds • Part of HEFCE’s financial memorandum • Data contributes to the wider debate around the value of HE in FE • Distinctive contribution of smaller providers

  11. HEFCE’s requirements • Data requirements • Complete responses and full data • Correct SOC and SIC coding • Data submission via HEFCE extranet, linked to ILR (XML format). • Preparedness checklist • To help FECs think about the practicalities of running the survey • To allow HEFCE to act as a critical friend

  12. DLHE Collection In-House Jan Moore Assistant Head of Careers & Employability Manchester Metropolitan University

  13. DLHE Collection In-House – the MMU context We are a very big institution – some 9,000 students are surveyed every year across the April and January collections so we can reap economies of scale Extensive telephone follow up is required - only 12% of our students replied on-line in the 2011/12 collection Growing interest in destinations due to DLHE being a KPI means that we have to offer MMU staff an expert and professional support service throughout the year Two members of C&E staff now work full-time on DLHE and related graduate labour market issues

  14. The advantages of doing DLHE in-house It’s good PR - continued contact when other university services have ceased Highlights our ‘after-sales’ service Increases knowledge of the graduate labour market – emerging trends can be identified quickly Enables the writing of great case studies and marketing materials Quality assurance – always has been an informal means of getting honest feedback Existing students help with the ‘phone survey – great for their skill development and they get paid!

  15. The disadvantages of undertaking the DLHE collection in-house Identifying your POPDLHE – need excellent relations with your IT people and they need to be interested in/have time for DLHE too The evening work! (Overtime and TOIL) Manual paper sifting vs. electronic processing Marking up and coding incl. JACS and SOC 2010 Steady flow of HESA circulars that need to be read – and understood! There is an annual re-visiting and revision training of what we need to do - and when

  16. DLHE Collection In-House: Key Issues Level of support from your institution as a whole Level of support that can be called on from IT/Management Information systems Interest and knowledge of the staff involved Support network – HEIs have AGCAS and increasingly regional and LinkedIn groups but CFE’s? Value for Money – what you get back in terms of greater knowledge, alumni contacts etc must justify the cost

  17. What a contractor would offer Matthew Barrow – HEFCE HE Policy Adviser Manchester 20 August 2013

  18. Running the DLHE survey through a contractor • HEFCE to run a tender exercise to establish a preferred supplier. • This should: • Ensure economies of scale • Reduce the burden for FECs to run competitive tender exercises • Support FECs to provide good quality data

  19. Current Contractor • Current contractor for the collection of DLHE data for FECs covers: • 116 colleges • 22,438 graduates • College populations range from 4 to 1590 • Response target of 80% (high) • Means contacting over 17,950 graduates

  20. College’s Responsibility • Provide the contractor with a contact list of the survey sample • Communicate with the contractor

  21. What the contractor will provide • Contracted to run the survey on your behalf • Set up data systems • Advertise and market the survey • Digital copy of the survey sent out via e-mail • Specialist online survey software with unique access codes • Adapted for smart phones • Text messages • Letters • Fully trained call team • Diagnostics • Producing the data and analysing

  22. Costs involved • Costs • Currently, the survey runs at a cost of ≈ £10 per student • Dependent on the bids that we receive from our Invitation to Tender • There may be an annual set up cost • There may be a cost per student

  23. Practicalities of using a contractor • Staff and student awareness of the survey running • Quality of the alumni contact records • Set up costs for institutions

  24. Benefits to using a contractor • Benefits • End to end service • Reduced risk • Fixed costs • Expertise and experience • Soc and Sic coding • The rules and any changes • No need to recruit temporary staff • Economies of scale • Brand awareness

  25. Group Discussion Davina Madden – HEFCE Regional Consultant and Interim Head of Provision of Information Policy Manchester 20 August 2013

  26. Discuss in groups • Feedback on HEFCE’s process • Timing • Options available • Preparedness checklist • What would be the implications for your institution • How can HEFCE support FECs through these changes

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