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STEP 1 I learned that I am a tactile/ kinesthetic learner. I think that this will really help me study better and get better grade because now I know how I actually learn. I never knew I was a visual learner. I just thought that I didn’t pay enough attention and didn’t use my time wisely. Using these skills will help me improve my grades as I make my way through high school.
STEP 2 This schedule surprised me. I never knew that I spent so little time on studying. I’m busy doing other random stuff that I don’t even need to do. For example, I spend an hour on the internet and one and a half hours just watching TV, if I add that time to my studying time I could expand my study time to four and a half hours instead of two. That would be more than double. I need to shift around my schedule.
STEP 3 Explanation: While many people swear by the cramming method, it is ultimately terrible at long term knowledge retention and can cause undue stress. Fix: Study for days up until the test. Or, if you do prefer cramming, try cramming two nights prior to the exam so that the final night will not consist of stress. Rather it will be a night for review. Explanation: Eating too much food during studying can disrupt retention of material. It can also take too much time away. You may want to snack lightly during studying, but not eat enormous meals. Fix: Keep a small bag of snacks by your study area. You won’t have to leave the area just to pick up food when you get hungry Explanation: While it may be comfortable, your bed can also sooth you to sleep instead of study. Fix: Sit at a desk in your room instead of on your bed. Do not study on your bed late at night, as you will be tempted to fall asleep. Explanation: A poor study environment can ruin all quality time. If you are uncomfortable at a chair, desk, room, the temperature is too cold or too hot, you will be unsuccessful studying. Fix: Test out different sites until you find the best place for you. It may be the library; it may be your room, your bed, your best friend’s backhouse. Who knows? Find what works best for you and stick with it. Explanation: While fun, sometimes you may lose out on quality study time by socializing. Fix: Find one good study-buddy if you like group studying. Otherwise, "just say no" when everyone wants to study together.
STEP 3 In this step, I learned that the things I do can result in the lack of studying. The above are some of those things. I hadn’t known that these small little things are the things that make the difference and stop my grades from increasing. I thought that I was just slacking off. From now on I will stop these things from interfering in my studying time.
STEP 4 SCORE=35 Take responsibility for yourselfRecognize that in order to succeed you need to make decisions about your priorities, your time, and your resources Put first things firstFollow up on the priorities you have set for yourself, and don't let others, or other interests, distract you from your goals Discover your key productivity periods and placesMorning, afternoon, or evening?Find spaces where you can be the most focused and productive.Prioritize these for your most difficult study challenges Consider yourself in a win-win situationWhen you contribute your best to a class, you, your fellow students, and even your teacher will benefit. Your grade can then be one additional check on your performance Look for better solutions to problemsFor example, if you don't understand the course material, don't just re-read it. Try something else! Consult with the professor, a tutor, an academic advisor, a classmate, a study group, or your school's study skills center
STEP 4 These are some of the things that I need to start doing. I find myself constantly not being to concentrate or improve my grades because of my study habits. My result on this test above is the proof. I can never find the right time or place to study. There are times when I can sit down and put my full concentration into studying and then there are other times in which I can’t fully concentrate for even 10 minutes. Using these techniques will help me study better.
STEP 5 Cornell Note Taking/ Mind Mapping: I find Cornell Note Taking easier compared to Mind mapping. I think that the Mind map just gets really confusing. In Cornell Note Taking, I can listen to the facts that are given to me and ask questions about the things that I don’t understand. I can easily put things into my own words so I can back to them when necessary. It’s also easier to study from, when it’s time for exams. There’s no need to think about everything again. Everything is already there, ready for me to study off from.