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JE Short (jshort@ucsd) and J Siegel ( jsiegel@hbs ) May 2007

Customer Transitions in Adopting Mobile Data Services: A Survey Analysis Comparing Korean and Japanese Users. JE Short (jshort@ucsd.edu) and J Siegel ( jsiegel@hbs.edu ) May 2007. Motivation and Questions.

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JE Short (jshort@ucsd) and J Siegel ( jsiegel@hbs ) May 2007

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  1. Customer Transitions in Adopting Mobile Data Services: A Survey Analysis Comparing Korean and Japanese Users JE Short (jshort@ucsd.edu) and J Siegel (jsiegel@hbs.edu) May 2007

  2. Motivation and Questions • Motivation: Wireless demand growth, user segmentation, application mix, usage (voice, data) and device preference, among others, is mediated by many factors, and is path dependent • Useful to study platform transitions as these transitions represent inflection points in aggregated profiles of use • Questions: • How do firms create markets for new products and services when these products / services are not yet introduced? • Consumer interactivity, expectations, pricing (economic incentives) • What motivates consumers to upgrade existing product / services? • What forms of incentives operate to transition behaviors (discontinuity) versus evolve behaviors over time?

  3. Background • Marketing literature: • WMDS adoption: customer switching and loyalty behavior as a function of technical complexity, personal innovativeness and trust • Keaveney, 1995; Jones and Sasser, 1995; Rust, Lemon and Zeithaml, 2004; Reinartz, Thomas and Kumar, 2005; Pirc, 2005 • General studies of technology adoption (co-evolution, etc.) • Venkatesh, Morris, Davis & Davis, 2003 • Communications literature: • Adoption of new technologies in developing economies, in more advanced economies, etc. • Noam, Komatsuzaki, and Conn 1994; Noam 1998, 1999 • Other factors • To discuss

  4. Study and Method • Companion surveys in Japan and Korea (same instrument), administered over same time period • Survey: 66 questions in five sections, administered in Japan and Korea, replicate planned for this year (to allow for longitudinal analysis) – full survey in paper • Respondent Pool: • Just over 5,000 people responded, and 4,609 responses were judged suitable for analysis (incompletes, etc.) • Average age of respondent was 26. Approx 90% owned a cell phone, just over 80% had owned a pager, allowing a detailed analysis of pager to cell phone transition

  5. Results • Transition Pattern (3 types) versus Price Sensitivity (Korean data)

  6. Results • When Consumers Started Accessing the Internet, Mediated by Pager

  7. Results • Reasons for Using the Internet a. I found out that the mobile Internet existed b. Using the mobile Internet became affordable c. I saw a need to use the mobile Internet. d. The services provided by the mobile Internet became attractive. e. Mobile Internet became easy to use. f. I became satisfied with security on the mobile Internet. g. Because my cell-phone happened to have Internet capability. h. Other

  8. Conclusions and Future Research • Japanese and Korean platform transitions between pager and cellular services were very different • Japanese consumers held on to pager services far longer, and were willing to use (and pay for) both devices • Korean consumers shifted across platforms quickly and started using Internet services much more rapidly • Mediating factor: Korean price subsidies • Further research • Replicate survey planned this year • Comparison of two platform transitions (within and between analysis)

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