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Titus 2. Required Characteristics for Older Men Older Women Younger Women Younger Men and Bond-slaves. Older Men were to be:. Temperate- ( nephalios ) sober, temperate- abstaining from wine, either entirely or at least from its immoderate use. Used only here, and in 1Tim.3:2,11 .
Titus 2 Required Characteristics for Older Men Older Women Younger Women Younger Men and Bond-slaves
Older Menwere to be: Temperate-(nephalios) sober, temperate- abstaining from wine, either entirely or at least from its immoderate use. Used only here, and in 1Tim.3:2,11. Dignified-(semnos) august, venerable, reverend; to be venerated for character, honorable. Used only here, and Phil.4:8; 1Tim.3:8,11. Sensible-(sophron) of sound mind, in one’s senses; curbing one’s desires and impulses, self-controlled, temperate. Used only here, and 1:8; 2:5; 1Tim.3:2. Sound-(hugiaino) to be sound, well, to be in good health; whole; metaphorically, teaching that which does not deviate from the truth. cp.1Tim.1:10; 6:3; 2Tim.4:3; Titus 1:9,13; 3John 2; They are to be sound in faith(pistos), love(agape), and perseverance(hupomone- steadfastness, constancy, endurance).
Older Womenwere to be: Reverent(hieroprepes) reverent, pertaining to proper reverence, worthy of reverence. Used only here, and obviously with behavior(katastema- demeanor, deportment, bearing). Not Malicious Gossips-(diabolos) prone to slander, slanderous, accusing falsely; . cp. 1Tim.3:11; 2Tim.3:3; everywhere else translated as “devil” in NASV. Nor (mede- and not, but not)Enslaved (douloo- to make a slave of, reduce to bondage)to Much (polus- many, much, large)Wine (oinos- wine)-cp. 1Tim.3:8; Eph.5:18. Teaching What is Good-(kalodidaskalos) from kalos- good, excellent in nature and characteristics, and didaskalos- teacher; “The word does not refer to formal instruction, but rather the advice and encouragement they can give privately, by word and example.” (J.N.D. Kelly; as quoted in Linguistic Key to the Greek N.T. by Reinecker & Rogers)Used only here. Encourage-(sophronizo) to restore to one’s senses; to moderate, control, curb; to hold one to his duty; to admonish or exhort earnestly. Used only here, though the root word, sophron, is often used as in 1:8; 2:5; 1Tim.3:2.
Younger Womenwere to be: Love their husbands-(philandros) compound word composed of philos- friend, to be friendly to one, to wish well; beloved, dear and andros- a man; husband. Used only here together, though often occurring separately. Love their children-(philoteknos) compound word composed of philo (see above) and teknon- offspring, children. Used only here together, though occurring separately. Sensible- (sophron) of sound mind, in one’s senses; curbing one’s desires and impulses, self-controlled, temperate. Used only here, and 1:8; 2:5; 1Tim.3:2. Pure-(hagnos) pure from carnality or defilement; chaste; modest; innocent. cp. 1Tim.5:22; 1Pet.3:2; 1John 3:3. Workers at Home-(oikouros) compound word composed of oikos- house, dwelling place, household occupants and ouros- a guard or one who keeps watch; thus, a watcher and/or keeper of the house; keeping at home and taking care of household affairs. Used only here.
Younger Womenwere to be: Kind-(agathos) good; of good constitution or nature; pleasant, agreeable, joyful, happy; excellent, distinguished; upright, honorable. Cp. 1:16; 2:10; 3:1; Phile.14. Subject to their Own Husbands-(hupotasso) compound word composed of hupo-under, and tasso- to order or arrange; thus to arrange oneself under another; (idios) own, pertaining to one’s own; (aner) male/husband. Cp. Lk.2:51; Rom.8:7; 13:1; Eph.5:21,24. That the Word of God May Not be Dishonored- (hina) so; so that; in order that; (logos) word; (theos) God; (blasphemeo) to speak evil of; to speak reproachfully of. Cp. 3:2; Rom.14:16; 1Tim.6:1; 2Pet.2:2.
Younger Menwere to be: Sensible-(sophroneo) to be of sound mind; to exercise self-control; think of oneself soberly. Cp. Mk.5:15; Rom.12:3; 1Pet.4:7. Show Yourself an Example- (parecho) to show, afford, supply; to offer, show, or present oneself; (seautou) thyself, thee; (tupos). Cp. John 20:25; Acts 7:44; Rom.6:17; 1Tim.4:12. of Good Deeds- (kalos) morally good, noble; (ergon) business, employment, that which any one is occupied; an act, a thing done. Cp. 1:16; 2:14; 3;1,5,8,14.
Younger Menwere to be: Purity in Doctrine-(aphthartos) uncorrupted, not liable to corruption or decay, imperishable; (didaskalia) teaching, instruction; that which is taught; doctrine. Cp. Rom.1:23; 1Pet.1:4,23; *of the 21 times didaskaliaappears in the N.T., 15 occur in the letters to Timothy and Titus. Dignified- (semnotes) the characteristic which entitles a person to reverence and respect; (seautou) thyself, thee; (tupos). Used only here and in 1Tim.2:2; 3:4. Sound in Speech- (hugies) sound; whole; healthy; (logos)word or speech; discourse; teaching, instruction. Cp. Matt.12:13; 15:31; Acts 4:10; John 4:41; Acts 1:1; 14:12
Bond-Slaveswere to be: Subject to Masters in Everything- (hupotasso) as previously, a compound word composed of hupo- under, and tasso- to order or arrange; thus to arrange oneself under another; (despotes) a master, Lord; ruler; (pas) all, any, total, whole, every kind. Cp. Lk.2:51; Rom.8:7; 13:1; 1Tim.6:1-2; 1Pet.2:18 Well-Pleasing- (euarestos) acceptably pleasing. Cp. 2Cor.5:9; Eph.5:10; Col.3:20 Not Argumentative- (antilego) a compound word consisting of anti- over against, opposite to + lego- to say, speak; thus to speak against, gainsay, contradict; to oppose one’s self to one, decline to obey him, declare one’s self against him. Cp. 1:9; John 19:12; Acts 13:45; 28:22
Bond-Slaveswere to be: Not Pilfering- (nosphizomai) to set aside, separate, divide; to set aside for one’s self; to purloin, embezzle, withdraw covertly and appropriate to one’s own use. Used only here and Acts 5:2,3. Showing all Good Faith- (endeiknumi) to point out, show, demonstrate, prove, whether by arguments or by acts; to manifest or display; (pas) all; (agathos) good, excellent, distinguished, upright, honorable; (pistis) character of one who can be relied on. Cp. 3:2; Rom.2:15; 2Cor.8:24; Rom.3:3; 1Tim.5:12