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Clock Reading: an Underestimated Topic in Children with Mathematics Difficulties Elise Burny , Martin Valcke & Annemie Desoete Ghent University , Department of Educational Studies, H. Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Gent. Theoretical framework.
Clock Reading: anUnderestimated Topic in ChildrenwithMathematicsDifficulties Elise Burny, Martin Valcke & AnnemieDesoete GhentUniversity, Department of Educational Studies, H. Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Gent Theoreticalframework Clock reading tasks are likely to bedifficultforchildrenwith MD Methods Clock reading skills of 154 childrenwith MD (age 6-12) werecompared to those of 571 average avchievingpeers Childrenwith MD= below pc25 onmath test + at least average IQ Testingbymeans of paper and pencil tests forclock reading and mathematics (LVS) Results Discussion Childrenwith MD struggle5-min and 1-minclocktimesonanalog and digital clocks demandcombination of retrieval + proceduralstrategies(Siegler & McGilly, 1989) FACTSPROCEDURES e.g., misounting e.g., misinterpretation of numbers Teaching clock reading skills -> focus onmeaning of numbers (e.g., link withnumberline) and countingstrategies (e.g., countingforward and backward) multiple errors B/09031/02