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Beware the Harmful Words: Vocabulary Lesson 11

Dive into words like 'baneful' and 'nefarious' that describe harmful actions or intentions, impacting health or reputation negatively. Learn to identify and understand these detrimental terms.

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Beware the Harmful Words: Vocabulary Lesson 11

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  1. Hot SAT Words Lessons 11-20

  2. LESSON # 11 • The BAD • The VERY bad • The BADDEST HARMFUL

  3. LESSON # 11 • The BAD • The VERY bad • The BADDEST HARMFUL

  4. BANEFUL • Adj. Causing ruin; harmful; pernicious

  5. BANEFUL • A teacher’s BANEFUL comments about Becky destroyed her chances of getting into the Honor Society.

  6. DELETERIOUS Adj. Harmful to one’s health or overall welfare; pernicious

  7. DELETERIOUS • Many processed foods contain chemicals and other ingredients which can be DELETERIOUS to our health.

  8. DETRIMENTAL • Adj. Harmful

  9. DETRIMENTAL • Smoking has a DETRIMENTAL effect on one’s health. The effect is DELETERIOUS.

  10. DEVIOUS • Dishonest & deceptive

  11. DEVIOUS • UNSCOM inspectors looking for WMDs in Iraq found Saddam Hussein’s minions not only not forthcoming, but actually most DEVIOUS.

  12. INIQUITOUS Adj. Wicked, vicious; SINFUL

  13. INIQUITOUS • Eating a chocolate sundae for breakfast is absolutely INIQUITOUS, but evil never tasted so good!

  14. MALICIOUS Adj. Intending to hurt or harm another; spiteful

  15. MALICIOUS • MALICIOUS gossip did irreparable harm to her reputation.

  16. NEFARIOUS • Adj. Very mean and wicked

  17. NEFARIOUS • The most henious of his many NEFARIOUS deeds was kidnapping the children of his rivals.

  18. ODIOUS • Adj. Loathsome; evil; revolting in a disgusting way

  19. ODIOUS • I can’t imagine a more ODIOUS crime than priestly pedophilia.

  20. OMINOUS • Adj. Pertaining to an evil omen; foreboding

  21. OMINOUS • The settlers viewed the gravestones along the trail as an OMINOUS sign of the hardships to come.

  22. PERNICIOUS • Adj. Very destructive or harmful, usually in an inconspicuous and relentless way

  23. PERNICIOUS • Lady Macbeth plants the PERNICIOUS seed of regicide in her husband’s mind and sets his feet firmly on the road to perdition.

  24. RANCOROUS Adj. Deeply hateful or spiteful; malicious

  25. RANCOROUS • The RANCOROUS debate over whether or not Pres. Clinton’s impeachment impeded bipartisanship in the Congress.

  26. VIRULENT Adj. Extremely poisonous; deadly; full of spiteful hatred

  27. VIRULENT • A particularly VIRULENT strain of flu is going around this year. I advise you to get an innoculation.

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