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Explore an array of words like ephemeral, evanescent, and transient, describing things that are short-lived or fleeting in time or place. Dive into the nuances of these transient terms with vivid examples.
Hot SAT Words Lessons 21-30
LESSON # 23 Here Today, gone Tomorrow! Words Relating to Being Short Lived in Time or Place
EPHEMERAL Adj. Fleeting; lasting a short time
EPHEMERAL • Dave has followed baseball steadily since he was nine, but his interest in other sports has been EPHEMERAL. • To a child, time goes by slowly; to an old man, it’s EPHEMERAL.
EVANESCENT Adj. vanishing quickly; fleeting
EVANESCENT • Snowfall in the spring is usually EVANESCENT; it melts quickly. • Old timers tend to lament the EVANESCENCE of youth.
FLEETING Adj. short lived
FLEETING • Willie and Wanda had a FLEETING romance. Their fling couldn’t have lasted more than 24 hours. • Time is FLEETING when you are enjoying yourself, while pain seems to last forever.
ITINERANT Adj. wandering about; tending to move around, travel
ITINERANT • Susan and Ellie wandered around Europe for months, enjoying a carefree, ITEINERANT life. • Peter’s ITINERARY for two weeks included stops in ten cities and five countries.
NOMADIC Adj. wandering
NOMADIC • NOMADIC tribes wandered endlessly about the Arabian peninsula. • Oren, like a NOMAD, cannot settle down in one place. He has to keep moving.
PERIPATETIC Adj. Moving or walking about; itinerant
PERIPATETIC • Mrs. Shivers paces PERIPATETICALLY around the room during lecture and discussion. • Lila was exhausted after a PERIPATETIC shopping trip to the city. She walked from store to store to store all day long!
TRANSIENT Adj. lasting for only a short time; temporary
TRANSIENT • The motel serves a TRANSIENT clientele. Few visitors stay for more than a night. • The large number of houses for sale suggests that the population here is TRANSIENT.
TRANSITORY Adj. fleeting
TRANSITORY • The morning fog is TRANSITORY. It burns off quickly. • The joy of winning a game is a TRANSITORY feeling. It lasts only until the next game.
VOLATILE Adj. explosive or changing very quickly
VOLATILE • Lou has a VOLATILE temper. He can turn angry in an instant. • Careful where you store that can. It contains VOLATILE fuel that blows up when heated.