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AAP - quality improvement

Learn about the American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) efforts in pediatric quality improvement, including database development, evidence-based medicine, and health insurance coverage for the underprivileged. Explore the structure of pediatrics, payment methods, managed care models, and quality care incentives. Discover cost-saving opportunities, the definition of quality in healthcare, and AAP's ranking model code for doctors. Enhance your understanding of quality improvement priorities and AAP's impact in medical education and patient care.

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AAP - quality improvement

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  1. AAP - quality improvement Bukur-Doczy Krisztina, M.D.

  2. The goal of AAP • Protect the patients – children • Develop a database on doctors • Develop practices that will follow evidence based medicine • Develop health insurance coverage for the under priviledged

  3. The structure of pediatrics • Academics • Research based positions • Specialties in tertiary centers • Private • Governmental sponsored • Hospital • Health Department

  4. Private • Private practice • Hospital based • Combined • Office based

  5. Who pays for the care • Private: Insurance companies • Government sponsered: Medicaid • State sponsored insurance companies • Selfpay • New method:Prometheus

  6. What gets paid and what does not ? • Managed care decides how much and who will get the best premiums

  7. Example: Office visit level 3 • Medicaid • Self pay • AETNA • Oxford • MVP

  8. Negotiate your payment • Hire the best CEO you can afford • Large groups have leverage • Develop business model • Examples: two groups compare

  9. Three drivers of health care expenditure • Cost • Access • Quality

  10. Managed care model • 1990´s • Cost plus access: gatekeeper model

  11. Quality care model Incentives for quality care Reason: increased number of babyboomers

  12. Quality care model • The biggest barrier: present system rewards waste and does not factor in quality • Physicians need to embrace and direct changes neccessary to improve care • Physicians are best equipped to make the judgement for the best care

  13. How much can be saved • 1.4 billion dollarsUS health care cost • 15-30 % by operating efficiently and improving quality • 8-9% technology • 2.5 % medical errors • 1 % waste

  14. How is quality defined? • Subjective • Few evidence based studies • Incentives: 10 % bonus if you achieve quality • Measures: • Overall satisfaction • Communications • Timelines of care • Treatment received

  15. Increased patient cost Example

  16. Quality rating agencies National Committee for Quality Assurance • URI and antibiotic use • Strep pharyngitis and antibiotic use Bridges to Excellence • Create quality of care • Financially reward physicians

  17. Quality improvement • Improvement priorities • - obesity • - patient safety • - neonatalogy • - chronic care services • ( access to care, developmental care, menatl health, oral health, medical home)

  18. Quality improvement • Medical education • Patient care • Patient access • Cuomo´s doctors ranking model code to adopt principles of accuracy, transparency, and oversight

  19. Under the Doctor Ranking Model Code insurers will, • Ensure that ranking of doctorś are not based solely on cost • Use estabilished national standards to measure quality and costefficiency, including measures indorsed by the NQF

  20. Disclose to consumers how the program is designed and how doctor´s are ranked, and provide a process for consumers to register complains about the system • Discolse to physicians how ranking are designed, and provide a process to appeal incorrect rankings • Nominate and pay for the rating examiner who will oversee compliance with all aspects of the new rating model

  21. Protects consumers • Sets the standard for all insurers to meet

  22. AAP main branch and chapters • SOAPM – section of practice management • SERMO

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