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CALL 6. Key Action IV Introduction and Action Lines: IV.1.2, IV.2.1, IV.2.2, IV.2.4 Brussels, 16. Jan 2001. Colette Maloney European Commission. Key Action IV - Scope. Interdisciplinary work (IV.1) Computing and Networking (IV.2) Software Engineering Simulation, Visualisation

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  1. CALL 6 Key Action IV Introductionand Action Lines: IV.1.2, IV.2.1, IV.2.2, IV.2.4 Brussels, 16. Jan 2001 Colette Maloney European Commission

  2. Key Action IV - Scope • Interdisciplinary work (IV.1) • Computing and Networking (IV.2) • Software Engineering • Simulation, Visualisation • Mobile Communications • Interfaces • Microsystems and Subsystems • Microelectronics & Optoelectronics

  3. Key Action IV - Context • Interoperable device, network and service infrastructures • Service engineering, provisioning, access and management • Distributed, networks of embedded systems (sensors, processors, actuators,..) • Subsystems and components with increased integration & performance, optimised power consumption & cost • Objectives: Affordability, Usability, Interoperability

  4. IV.1.2 Multiservice networks - middleware for seamless access to services Issue: generic requirements on infrastructures and technologies for seamless service delivery Aim: make service access independent of underlying network, user location and terminal Scope:fixed, mobile, wireless, satellite networks signalling, mobility management, QoS, link-optimisation bandwidth + resource optimisation adaptive and ad-hoc networks (self-aware, self- organising) protocol interworking, inter-networking handover

  5. IV.2.1 Real-time distributed systems (i) Issue: sharing in real-time of processing, memory, data, graphics environment,… among multiple users of an application with distributed access Aim: middleware supporting the development of real-time distributed applications Scope:solutions (h/w, s/w, architectures...) should be non- proprietary and open (in the sense of being interoperable)

  6. IV.2.1 Real-time distributed systems (ii) Issue: vision systems with the capability of perceiving and interacting with their environment Aim: to develop robust cognitive vision systems... Scope:behavioural-modelling of 3-D environments complex shape & deformable object representation memory organisation, attention, incremental learning representation of knowledge and its integration with image analysis architectures integration: feedback, model-based integration, task- oriented integration, multi-cue integration

  7. IV.2.1 Real-time distributed systems (iii) Issue: control of distributed systems including networks, embedded sensors, actuators, applications... Aim: to develop novel strategies and platforms for real-time control of complex systems in uncertain environments Scope:reasoning, control & optimisation under uncertainty time-critical operations, multiple distributed processes - composable design & implementation - robust, probabilistic control strategies model-based-, task-oriented-, meta-level- integration

  8. IV.2.2 Network and services interoperability, interworking and management (i) Issue: seamless interoperability among heterogeneous networks Aim: improve capacity of networks to interoperate and support advanced (interactive, nomadic,..) services and applications Scope: network gateways and protocols integration: fixed/mobile, hybrid fibre/cable interoperability: access/core, home/access QoS support, Service Level Agreements, accounting

  9. IV.2.2 Network and services interoperability, interworking and management (ii) Issue: flexible control over networks and network services Aim: dynamic optimisation of network resources to assure service transparency in a multi-domain context Scope: active network management harmonised approach to network management dynamic reconfiguration of network elements for service deployment and support

  10. Juxtaposition : IV.1.2 and IV.2.2 Context: Heterogeneity and the need for interoperability IV.1.2 Services + applications (interworking, transparency) IV.2.2 Networks (interoperability, management)

  11. IV.2.4 Computing, Communication and Networks - Take-up measures Trials • to adapt leading edge methodologies and technologies for use in industry and service organisations • driven by technology supplier in collaboration with user Best Practice • to promote the exploitation of established methodologies and technologies in industry and service organisations to improve efficiency of operation • driven by technology user

  12. IV.2.4 Computing, Communication and Networks - Take-up measures Topics: agents middleware vision and/or control Examples: exploit agent technologies in new services / applications use of middleware in integration with legacy applications integration of vision and/or control systems in networked industrial environments New clusters: agents and middleware

  13. Contact points for open ALs Action LineFocusContact IV.1.2 Seamless service access Paulo.Desousa@cec.eu.int IV.2.1 Distributed applications Merce.Griera-I-Fisa@cec.eu.int Cognitive vision systems Colette.Maloney@cec.eu.int Advanced control systems Alkis.Konstantellos@cec.eu.int IV.2.2 Network interoperability Paulo.Desousa@cec.eu.int Active network technologies Merce.Griera-I-Fisa@cec.eu.int IV.2.4 Agents, middleware and Max.Lemke@cec.eu.int and vision, control (take-up) Tom.Clausen@cec.eu.int

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