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Welcome Liberty Parents

Welcome Liberty Parents. Parent Programs Office. Director of Parent Programs Theresa Dunbar. Parent Programs Office- exists to facilitate communication between parents and the University, and to promote the inclusion of parents in the Liberty community. Parent Programs Office.

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Welcome Liberty Parents

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  1. Welcome Liberty Parents

  2. Parent Programs Office • Director of • Parent Programs • Theresa Dunbar

  3. Parent Programs Office- exists to facilitate communication between parents and the University, and to promote the inclusion of parents in the Liberty community.

  4. Parent Programs Office • Vice President • for Student Affairs • and Dean of Students • Dr. Mark Hine

  5. Parent Programs Office • Our GOAL • Guide parents in the transitional phase of being a supportive Liberty parent • Offer parents information about University resources, campus events and activitiesAssist parents by providing inter-campus direction.Lend parents opportunities to interact with one another and their student

  6. Did you know… • your generation of parents is fondly referred to by colleges across the nation as ….

  7. …Helicopter Parents because of your hovering tendencies.”

  8. Dealing with a Problem • Let your student resolve their own problems and situations. • This will ultimately provide for a better learning experience.

  9. Finding a balance… • Show genuine interest in your student’s life, but don’t smother. • Stay in touch, but strive for a balance in the number of contacts you initiate.

  10. Transition is Key… • We want this to be a smooth transition for you and your student as they move on campus. • Allow for a time of adjustment for you and your student. • The first 2-3 weeks is most crucial in their establishing friends and becoming familiar with their new environment. • Encourage them to get involved.

  11. Office of Student Leadership • Campus Pastor and Director of • Office of Student Leadership (OSL) • Dwayne Carson

  12. Office of Student Leadership • Campus Pastor and • Associate Director of OSL • (SLDs) • Michael Miller

  13. Three Concentrations • Minister • Mentor • Mobilize

  14. Four Objectives for EVERY student on campus • Loved • Prayed for daily • Prayed with • Discipled

  15. Minister • How?- SMALL GROUPS • Every on-campus student is in a small group with a designated Prayer Leader.

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  17. Student Leadership Overview: • We have carefully selected Student Leaders to minister to students. These student leaders live on the floor with the students they are responsible to.

  18. Student Leadership Overview: • We have 122 floors – • Each floor has an RD • Each floor has 2 RAs • Each floors has 2 SLDs • Each floor has 7 to 10 PLs • Our desire is a 1:5 ratio

  19. Student Leadership Overview: • Freshmen can be a prayer leader – they need to let their RA know in the fall of their interest and then have an interview.

  20. Mentor • CONVOCATIONS • CAMPUS CHURCH SERVICES • We provide opportunities for God to speak to our students.


  22. Office of Student Leadership • We invite you to come and visit our office. • See the Leadership Training Room • See the Prayer Room

  23. Thank You! -Office of Student Leadership

  24. Liberty University Parents’ Development Board • Director of PDB • Ashleigh Streeter

  25. Liberty University Parents’ Development Board • serves the University • by helping enrich • the education and experience • of its students

  26. Parents’ Development Board (PDB) • What is the Parents’ Development Board? • a way to stay involved • made up of dedicated Liberty parents who represent all Liberty parents and serve as leaders on and off of the Liberty University campus • commit their energies to aid in fund-raising efforts for the University • offers a unique, interactive stewardship opportunity, allowing parents to have an impact on the lives of current students

  27. Parents’ Development Board (PDB) • What is Expected of PDB Members? • Commit to the future of the Liberty University PDB by serving a two-year term, with consecutive terms by invitation only • Serve as an ambassador by developing a working knowledge of Liberty University to promote the University to alumni, friends and potential students • Commit to an annual gift to the Parents’ Fund

  28. Parents’ Development Board (PDB) • What is Expected of PDB Members? cont. • Participate in the Liberty Family Reach Out program, conducted each fall and spring by PDB members, linking members with freshman families • Attend two meetings annually • One the Friday of Parents’ Weekend • One on a Saturday in the Spring

  29. Parents’ Development Board (PDB) • Benefits • many opportunities the Board offers – from hearing a variety of speakers, to visiting with Liberty administrators, staff and faculty, to special events and much more • Yet, many believe the greatest benefit is the close connection you will have with Liberty and ability to impact student life

  30. Student Computingat LU

  31. Does Liberty recommend a specific computer? • What type of Internet connection will be available? • What about virus and spyware protection? • Are there any requirements to get online? • Where can students go for help? • What cell phone service should they have?

  32. Does Liberty recommend a specific computer? • Educational discount – appr. 15% off retail price • 3 year onsite warranty & 3 year accidental damage protection • On-campus computer service center with full support – both hardware and software • Light & thin – easy to carry to class

  33. What type of Internet connection will be available? • All dorms have both wired and wireless • Wired: OC3 connection (155.52 Mbs/second) • Wireless: 802.11b/g

  34. Virus and spyware protection • McAfee Enterprise 8.5i • McAfee AntiSpyware

  35. Are there any requirements to get online? • Cisco Clean Access • McAfee Enterprise 8.5i • Up-to-date virus definitions • Current Windows Updates

  36. Where can students go for help? • HelpDesk – Over-the-phone support (7:30am – 2:00am) • On-campus computer repair center (8:00am – 8:00pm)

  37. What cell phone service should they have? Alltel US Cellular Verizon T-Mobile Cingular Sprint

  38. Resident Student Advocate Office Student Advocate Office Supervisor Bethany Lynn Emery

  39. Liberty University Resident Student Advocate Office TO CONNECT students and parents with existing Liberty support services that will provide additional assistance needed for degree completion. TO SUPPORT your student if they have gone through all the customary operating procedures, but have not been able to resolve particular challenges. Your student’s advocate will proactively pursue resolutions, help explain policies, and seek out new solutions to your student’s challenges. TO SUCCEED in college and in life is the goal of each student. By evaluating the student body of Liberty University, the advocates understand trends and risk factors that would affect students and their goals to graduate from Liberty. They proactively work with the students to help them reach their goals.

  40. Liberty University Resident Student Advocate Office 434-582-7200 studentadvocate@liberty.edu www.liberty.edu/SAO Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, ET Campus North, Rm. 2668

  41. Our Partnering Vendors • Out of the Box Celebration • Taste Selects • Cheryl’s Secret Garden • Lynchburg Summer Storage starting at $225 summer • See resource cards for more info!

  42. Parent Resources • Please stop by our table in front of room or in hallway to pick up our handouts. • Remember - books for recommended reading are available in the LU bookstore . There is a 10%discount coupon in your student’s packet.

  43. Parent Programs Office • Plan now to join us in the fall for our annual • Family Weekend! • September 28-29 2007 Many fun activities are being planned just for YOU and your family! Saturday Morning Meet & Greet with Faculty/Staff • Football Game and BBQ Dinner • Friday night family dinner in Pate Chapel at TRBC • Ice Skating in LaHaye Ice Rink, Family Movie Night, a Family Pool Party and much more! ONLINE REGISTRATION will begin late July! Please check parent website periodically! Make your hotel reservation NOW at www.liberty.edu/parents Ask for special LU rates! Hotel link is on the parent website!

  44. The Importance of Prayer • There are Offices and People who are here to care for your students while at Liberty as well as care for you. • The best way that we care for your students is that we pray for them • This is also the best thing for you to do for your student while they are with us.

  45. The Importance of Prayer • Remember our goal: that EVERY student is prayed for.

  46. Ministry of Prayer Colossians 1:9-11 “9For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

  47. Colossians 1: 9-11 10that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;

  48. Colossians 1: 9-11 “11strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy;

  49. KNOW the WILL of GOD • WALK will be Worthy (pleasing) before the Lord • WORK will be productive (fruitful) for the Lord • WISDOM will increase about God

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