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Natural Gas Transportation Markets: Contracting Trends and Challenges

Explore contracting trends, capacity release data, and regulatory insights in the natural gas transportation industry. Gain valuable insights into the market dynamics and challenges faced by stakeholders.

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Natural Gas Transportation Markets: Contracting Trends and Challenges

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  1. Natural Gas Transportation Markets: Contracting Trends and Challenges INGAA Regulatory Policy Committee February 10, 2000

  2. Three FERC Data Series • Index of Customers • Discount Reports • Capacity Release data

  3. 25 Pipelines =____% of Interstate Deliveries

  4. Transmission Capacity Held on 25 Study Pipelines by Customer TypeJuly 1, 1999 Index of Customers

  5. More Capacity Has To Be Sold Every Year • The amount of capacity that pipelines will have to sell in 2000 increased 56% between ‘96 and ‘98 • 51% of total pipeline capacity under contract as of July 1, 1999 will expire in the next five years • 33 % of pipeline capacity under contract as of July 1, 1999 will expire by January 1, 2003 • an additional 18 % will expire by January 1, 2005

  6. Capacity Release Market • Capacity release transactions constitute a significant portion -16%- of the transportation market • IT has shrunk from a high of 87% in 1987 to 11% in 1997. • Gray market remains uncounted

  7. Transmission Capacity Under Contract All Study PipelinesJuly 1, 1999 Index of Customers

  8. Sellers Commonly Discount • Most capacity release transactions sell at a discount • 54% of all capacity release transactions volumes are discounted • 57% of short term capacity release transactions volumes are discounted • On average, capacity release sells for 59% of max rate ($0.59 per $1.00 max rate) • 54% of max rate for short term releases

  9. Pipeline Discount Transactions • Between 7/1/98 and 6/30/99, the 25 study pipelines reported 48,693 discount transactions • Conservatively 21% to 31% of firm capacity was discounted • The average discounted transaction sold at 43% of max rate

  10. Comparison of PipelineDiscounts and Capacity Release DataAll Pipelines

  11. Pipeline Marketing Affiliates • Discount transactions for pipeline affiliated marketers relative to non-affiliated marketers were examined for all pipelines • the 25 pipelines grouped into 16 pipeline ownership families • a marketer affiliated to any pipeline in a pipeline family was considered to be an affiliate on all of the pipelines in the pipeline family

  12. Pipeline Affiliate Activity • Affiliated marketers hold 8.5% of the total pipeline capacity under contract on the 25 pipelines • contracts held by affiliated marketers on their “own” pipelines account for only 3.4% of the total contracted capacity on the study pipelines • contracts held by affiliated marketers on their “own” pipelines account for only 13% of the total contracted capacity held by all marketers on the 25 pipelines • Only 6% of discounted transactions were given by pipelines to affiliated marketers. The remaining 94% were given to customers other than affiliated marketers

  13. Affiliated vs. Non-Affiliated Discounted Transactions • For the study group as a whole, we have found no compelling evidence that affiliated marketers receive larger discounts than other non-affiliated marketers

  14. Comparison of Pipeline Discounts and Short-Term Capacity Release DataAll Pipelines

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