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Budged 2012 Annual meeting Vaduz 1. Oct 2012

Budged 2012 Annual meeting Vaduz 1. Oct 2012. Budged 2012 Financial report 2012 Draft budget for 2013 Kai Ekholm Treasurer. CENL BUDGET 2012. Unbalance of 2011. Total unpaid CENL 2011 : EUR 2.000 (Greece 1 000 + Macedonia 1 000) Total unpaid TEL 2011 : EUR 68 . 348 .

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Budged 2012 Annual meeting Vaduz 1. Oct 2012

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  1. Budged 2012AnnualmeetingVaduz 1. Oct 2012

  2. Budged 2012Financial report 2012Draftbudget for 2013Kai EkholmTreasurer

  3. CENL BUDGET 2012

  4. Unbalance of 2011 Total unpaid CENL 2011 : EUR 2.000 (Greece 1 000 + Macedonia 1 000) Total unpaid TEL 2011 : EUR 68.348 Unbalance of 70.348 € for 2011

  5. Unbalance of CENL 2012 Expected 49 x 1.000 = 49.000 € Received 44.500 € Missing: 4.500 €

  6. Unbalance of TEL 2012 Expected 672.500 € according to budget Received 565.500 € Missing: 107.000 €

  7. Total unbalance of 2012 2012 totaling 109.000 €

  8. Total unbalance for 2012 and 2011 180 000 € (179 347,63 )

  9. OUTCOME FOR DRAFT BUDGETING FOR 2013 • The trend for TEL non-payment is a permanent and a seriousone. • Affects to the budgeting of 2013. • The trend of deficit is growing. • Weneed to takethis in account to the budget. • TEL budgetwillbediminished for 2013.

  10. CENL BUDGET 2012

  11. Unbalance of TEL 2012 Expected 672.500 € according to budget Received 565.500 € Missing: 107.000 €

  12. Unbalance of TEL 2012 Expected 672.500 € according to budget Received 565.500 € Missing: 107.000 €

  13. BUDGETING FOR 2013

  14. GENERAL • The budget of CENL hasbeensteady, butdeclining. • TEL hasbeen the no 1. choice and • is the biggestfinancialtask • and risk as well.

  15. RECOMMENDATIONS • Countriesnotpaidneed to make the balance. • CENL EC has to takeseriousmeasures with the unbalance, quickly. • CENL EC and TEL EC have to findothersolutions to finance TEL in long term. • Out of the box approachneedsseriously to beconsideredfinancing TEL. • CENL is becoming a ’allyear’ organization. • Priorities and resources in future?

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