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EndNote. Download link: http://www.endnote.com/endemo.asp. Reference Manager. Download link: http://www.refman.com/rmdemo.asp. Reference Management for Systematic Reviewers Michelle Fiander, EPOC Group Doug Salzwedel, Hypertension Group Cochrane Colloquium 21 October 2011. Agenda.

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  1. EndNote Download link: http://www.endnote.com/endemo.asp

  2. Reference Manager Download link: http://www.refman.com/rmdemo.asp

  3. Reference Management for Systematic Reviewers Michelle Fiander, EPOC Group Doug Salzwedel, Hypertension Group Cochrane Colloquium 21 October 2011

  4. Agenda • Workshop objectives • Principles of file management • File naming and organisation • Principles of reference management • Demo: Reference Manager • Demo: EndNote • Practical exercises

  5. Objectives • Save effortby establishing file naming conventions for search strategies & results • Effectively manage strategies & results by establishing folder organisation • Create a template reference database • Identify import & export filtersfor moving references to and from databases

  6. File Management Purpose To clearly identify & ensure access to the content of files/documents associated with a project in the present & for the future. Planning • Decide on abbreviations • Define a folder structure where files will be saved • Versioning: decide how to identify multiple versions of a single document

  7. File Naming Principles Purpose: • File name should clearly identify the document • Don’t rely on Folders to describe content of a file because files may become detached from folders. Process: • Decide on abbreviations relevant to project content • Decide on types of material to be saved

  8. File Naming Principles • Determine at beginning of a project/systematic review • File naming conventions for • Search strategies • Search results • Screening results • Decide on an abbreviated title to represent your review • Medication review in hospitals might be abbreviated as MedRev • Reduction of antibiotic use in primary care—Antibi-PC or RedAntib • Use this abbreviation at the beginning of any and all files you create for your project • Purpose of filename is to clearly define content of file

  9. Material/content for systematic reviews • Search results (raw) • Search results formatted (RefMan, EndNote, Excel) • Search strategies • Screening/selection results • Data extraction forms • Manuscripts/drafts

  10. Abbreviation: SR Topic Interventions to reduce antibiotic prescribing in primary care Antib-PC or Antib-Redc-PC Impact of medication review on antibiotic prescribing MedRev-Antib OR MedRev Interventions to improve management of childhood diabetes DM-Child OR DM-Peds

  11. Abbreviations: Databases ML =Medline PM =Pubmed EM = EMBASE Coch = Cochrane CIN = Cinahl Soc = Sociological Abstracts Psyc= PsychInfo

  12. Principles of reference management What we need to track…

  13. Search results • Source of search results (database) • Date of search • Number of search results • Format of search results

  14. Organising search results • Separate text files for each database of results • Combined file to remove duplicates

  15. File organisation

  16. File organisation

  17. Organising results

  18. PRISMA

  19. Organising results – Plan ahead CRD guidance: • Set clear rules about who can add, edit records in the database of references retrieved • Use clear terminology to record decisions when screening • Usually preferable to have one person manage the database of references www.york.ac.uk/inst/crd/guidance.htm

  20. Reporting your search • Need to ensure strategies provide enough detail to be reproducible, transparent • List all sources searched • Search strategy used for at least one database • Time periods of the searches

  21. Well-documented searches… • Contribute to transparent, reproducible reviews • Make updating the review faster, easier • Avoid needless duplication of results

  22. Live demo: Reference Manager

  23. Live demo: EndNote

  24. Hands-on exercises - EndNote Folder: A001 (Walk) • Export references from EndNote library • Email them to someone who uses Reference Manager Folder: EndNote to RevMan files: • Export 4-5 references from EndNote (RIS format) • Import to RevMan (check out a copy of a review to test this!) • Try moving imported refs to a different folder in RevMan Folder: Files to import to EndNote • Import each of the 4 files to EndNote using appropriate filter • Remove duplicates • Export remaining references as RIS and save with appropriate name

  25. Creating Databases—Reference Manager Copy a database you have worked with before –especially if you’ve customized it. If not, customize fields to enable you to add content relevant to your project. Useful fields— Search Info [User 21] Inc/Exc TiAB [User 18] Inc/Exc FT [User 19]

  26. Customizing Fields—Reference Manager: Field Type Edit

  27. Customizing what you see (RM)--Reference List Display

  28. Screening in Reference Manager Move Decision field to a position that works for you. Display decision column Search on decision column Export decisions to Excel

  29. Questions? Comments?

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