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Esophageal Motility Disorders. Anatomy. Active muscular organ with a complex neuromuscular structure and integration. The sequential muscular contractions push food from above and clear acid and bile reflux from below. Specialized sphincter at each end. UES and LES. Anatomy.
Anatomy • Active muscular organ with a complex neuromuscular structure and integration. • The sequential muscular contractions push food from above and clear acid and bile reflux from below. • Specialized sphincter at each end. • UES and LES
Anatomy • UES contracts during inspiration preventing air from entering into the GI tract, while the LES maintains a steady baseline tone to prevent gastric juice from refluxing into the esophagus. • LES also contracts during periods of increased intraabdominal pressure, preventing reflux due to pressure in the abdomen. • Inner circular layer, outer longitudinal layer of muscle. (ring occlusions and shortens)=> peristalsis.
Peristalsis • Sequential, coordinated contraction wave that travels along the whole length of the esophagus, propelling intraluminal contents downstream. • Primary wave strips from proximal to distal, triggered by swallowing center, 2cm/sec. • Secondary wave induced by distension of bolus, acts to clear esophagus of retained food. • Tertiary contractions are dysfunctional and have no role.
Motility Disorders • Achalasia • Primary spastic motility disorders, including DES, nutcracker esophagus, hypertensive LES • Secondary esophageal motility disorders related to DM, scleroderma, alcohol, psychiatric disorders, etc.
Achalasia • Loss of ganglion cells from the wall of the esophagus, starting at the LES and going proximally. • Loss of inhibitory nerves at LES. • Circular muscle layer thickened at LES but microscopically cells appear normal.
Achalasia • Loss of the inhibitory nerves at the LES causes failure of the LES to completely relax, and a hypertensive LES pressure over 40mmHg in 60% of patients. • Loss of nerves along the body of esophagus causes aperistalsis, stasis, dilatation.
Achalasia • Non-peristaltic isolated contractions or low-amplitude simultaneous contractions occur. • If high-amplitude (>60mmHg) simult contractions occur it is called Vigorous Achalasia.
Achalasia • Edrophonium (acet cholesterase inhib) increases LES pressure. • Atropine reduces the LES pressure in achalasia, which is why botulinum toxin can be therapeutic (ach release inhibitor).
Spastic Motility Disorders • Diffuse fragmentation of vagal filaments, mitochondrial fragmentation results in functional imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory pathways. • When DES occurs, diffuse muscular hypertrophy as much as 2cm has been described in the distal 2/3 of the esophagus, but wall thickening is also found in asymp patients, absent in patients with typical sympt and manometric findings too.
Scleroderma Esophagus • Primary defect here is related to smooth muscle atrophy and fibrosis. • The dysmotility here an absence of peristalsis in the esoph body and an atonic LES occur. • Motility is preserved at the striated muscle part of the esophagus.
Frequency • Achalasia and DES only a small percentage of disorders of motility. • Achalasia 1 case per 100,000 per year. • Familial clustering occurs but not genetic yet. • Nutcracker esoph is most common motility disorder, but the most controversial in significance.
Mortality and Morbidity • Achalasia associated with significant progressive discomfort, severe dysphagia, malnutrition, weight loss, dehydration. Increased incidence of SCC with long standing disease. • Spastic motility disorders are associated with sympt discomfort but not the severity of dysphagia as in achalasia. • Scleroderma associated with severe acid reflux, associated complications, including strictures, Barretts, adenocarcinoma.
Race, Sex, and Age • Racial differences not established. • Affects both sexes equally. • Achalasia presents in patients 25-60 yrs, although it can affect any age group.
History • Achalasia: progressive dysphagia for both solids an liquids is a hallmark. Regurge of food in dilated esoph common especially at night. Chest pain, sensation of heartburn (fermentation). Emotional stress or rapid eating makes it worse. • Spastic disorders: Chest pain hallmark, mimics angina, may be related to transient esoph ischemia, distension. Dysphagia to solids and liquids a common symptom, especially with DES, intermittent, non-progressive. Heartburn, regurge.
History • Scleroderma: involves esoph in 75% of patients. • Two forms- PSS a progressive form that is more fulminant, early involvement with internal organs; CREST- calcinosis, Raynauds phenomena, esoph dysfunction, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia. • Severe acid reflux, regurge, dysphagia, erosive esophagitis (60%), increased incidence of cancer • Dysphagia from peptic strictures, poor peristalsis.
Physical • Results of a physical exam are usually unrevealing. • Pay attention to signs of scleroderma in proper clinical setting. • A bedside swallowing challenge can be performed with a glass of water. • Check nutrition and hydration if dysphagia reported.
Causes • Primary disorders are idiopathic in nature. • Viral • Infectious • Environmental • Genetic
Other Problems • Differential diagnosis depends on presenting symptoms. • CAD, mechanical obstructing lesions, benign or malignant should be ruled out. • Differential of achalasia includes Chagas disease secondary to Trypanosoma cruzi infection and pseudoachalasia from GE junction tumors.
Chagas Disease • Mimics achalasia. • Reduviid (kissing) bug bite. • Endemic in SA, CA. • Septicemia first, then chronic stage ensues. • Widespread ganglion destruction throughout the body involving heart, gut, GI tract, urinary tract, respiratory tract. • Symptoms take years to develop. • Treatment: disrupt LES like in achalasia.
Pseudoachalasia • Term used to describe clinical picture of GE junction obstruction. • Present in 5% of patients with clinical and manometric diagnosis of achalasia.
Pseudoachalasia • Clinical presentation is more likely to occur with rapidly progressive disease, older age of onset, profound weight loss. • Workup includes upper endoscopy, biopsies should be obtained with any suspicion of malignant process. If suspicious lesion found, image with CT, MRI, EUS if indicated. • In 50% of patients the diagnosis is adenocarcinoma of GE junction.
Diffuse Esophageal Spasm • DES and achalasia can be confused. Manometric criteria require that normal esophageal peristalsis be present intermittently for DES. • LES relaxation, which is incomplete in achalasia, should be normal in DES.
Workup • CXR: Dilated esophagus, looks sigmoid like, air fliud level, wide mediastinum, absence of gastric air bubble. • Esophagram: In achalasia, dilated, A-F level, tapered LES, bird’s beak appearance. Diverticula above LES, hiatal hernia. In DES corkscrew or rosary bead esophagus. In scleroderma, slightly dilated esophagus, absent peristalsis, free reflux.
Manometry • Achalasia: aperistalsis of esophageal body is manometric hallmark. • DES: Normal peristalsis, simultaneous contractions in >30% water swallows, incomplete LES relaxation, increased LES pressure (>40mmHg), or repetitive, prolonged(>6sec), high-amplitude contractions (>180mmHg).
Manometry • Nutcracker: Normal patterned peristalsis with high amplitude contractions(>180mmHg), repetitive contractions, increased LES pressure(>40mmHg). • Hypertensive LES: Increased LES pressure (>40mmHg). Significance of this is questionable.
Endoscopy • Exclude mechanical and inflammatory lesions that are causing dysmotility, structural cause of obstruction. • Endoscopic US still investigational in managing achalasia, used to assist in botulinum toxin injection.
Pharmacological Treatment • Smooth muscle relaxants including Ca channel blockers, nitrates. Also used, anticholinergics, amyl nitrite, NTG, theophylline, ,beta-2-agonists. Experience with these are limited in comparison to the first two.
Pharmacological Treatment • Spastic Disorders: antireflux therapy, TCA, trazodone. • Botulinum toxin injection: into the LES used to treat pts with achalasia. A potent inhibitor of ach release from nerve terminals. May be a good alternative for poor surgical candidates, disadvantage is high cost and need for repeated injections.
Endoscopic Therapy • EGD with pneumatic dilatation is the standard for achalasia. Forceful distension of the LES to 3cm with disruption of the circular muscle layer is needed for symptomatic relief. • Complication is perforation (8%) • If pressure after is less than 10mmHg, outcome excellent.
Surgical Care • Surgical treatments target the LES to relieve the high pressure. • Heller myotomy is procedure of choice for achalasia. It decreases the LES pressure across GE junction and eliminates dysphagia. • Myotomy may lead to GE reflux, so a fundoplication may be necessary with the myotomy.
Surgical Care • Heller myotomy is performed thru either transthoracic or transabdominal approaches. • Efficacy is 60-100% in different series.
Surgical Care • Esophagectomy with gastric pull up or intestinal interposition for patients with advanced disease or refractory cases, unresolved symptoms, carcinoma, perforation during dilation. • Extended Heller Myotomy last resort for DES when pain or dysphagia is severe. • Operation is a myotomy that starts at the LES and goes to thoracic inlet.