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Super KEKB project. WIN03 Oct 9 th , 2003 Nobu Katayama KEK. Outline. Belle/KEKB status Super KEKB plan Physics Detector study Accelerator study. KEKB status 1999/10 - 2003/7/1. 1.057 10 34 cm -2 s -1. > 50 fb - 1 in years 2002, 2003. LER~1.55A HER~1.1A With SRF. 158.7 fb -1.
Super KEKB project WIN03 Oct 9th, 2003 Nobu Katayama KEK
Outline • Belle/KEKB status • Super KEKB plan • Physics • Detector study • Accelerator study Nobu Katayama
KEKB status1999/10-2003/7/1 1.0571034 cm-2s-1 > 50 fb-1 in years 2002, 2003 LER~1.55A HER~1.1A With SRF 158.7fb-1 Nobu Katayama
Best day (May 12th, 2003) 579.1 pb-1/day recorded Nobu Katayama
SVD 1 SVD 2 RBP 1.5 cm RBP 2.0cm RL1 2.0cm RL1 3.0cm Rout 8.8cm Rout 6.0cm 8+10+14= 32 ladders 6+12+18+18= 54 ladders SVD1 SVD2 Nobu Katayama
How much improved? Nobu Katayama
We have just started! More and more Bs Super KEKB
Mission of Super B Factory(ies) Bread’nd butter for B factories Mission 1: 300 fb-1 Precision test of KM unitarity See quantum effect in penguin and box loop Mission 2: 3,000 fb-1 Search for new physics in B and t decays Mission 3: 30,000 fb-1 Identify SUSY breaking mechanism Very important if New physics = SUSY Nobu Katayama
In which processes can we find New Physics? • Rare decays • B Xsg ,rg • B K*mm • CP violations • B fKSandh’KS • B Xsg , rg • b c emitting charged Higgs • Forbidden decays by SM • Forbidden/rare decays of t Nobu Katayama
CPV in penguin decays Prove ACP(fKS, h’KS)≠ACP(J/yKS) In SM, 5sdiscovery fKS K+K-KS h’KS ACP New phase in penguin loop may change this relation Belle (August 2003) ACP(fKS)=-0.96±0.50 ACP(h’KS)=+0.43±0.27 KEKB PEP-II Next B factory ACP(J/yKS)=+0.731±0.057 Nobu Katayama
Atmospheric Neutrinos Can Make Beauty Strange? • Leptogenesis models inspired by the naïve SO(10) unification exist where the near-maximal mixture of nt and nm results in large mixing of RH super-b and super-s, giving O(1) effects on bs transitions such as • Asymmetry in B fKs (effect is in first order) • Bs mixing • b sg (effect is of the order of |Cg(NP)|2) • Ref. R. Harnik, D. Larson, H. Murayama and A. Pierce (hep-ph/0212180), D. Chang, A. Masiero and H. Murayama (hep-ph/0205111) • Many other GUT inspired models are coming up! Nobu Katayama
Dominant Right-Right Mixing case Nobu Katayama
SUSY effect in BK*mm F/B asymmetry m(mm)2 distribution A.Ali SUSY models with various parameters set SM • These measurements are excellent probe to search for SUSY • Inclusive decay, bsll, is much less model dependent. An e+e-B factory provides a unique opportunity to measure this by pseudo reconstruction technique Nobu Katayama
Rare decays of t Nobu Katayama
Charged Higgs in tree decay • Large branching fraction: ~1% • Uncertainty in form factor cancels • in the ratio G(BgDtn)/G(BgDmn). • t polarization is more sensitive to H±. BD(*)tn vs. D(*)mn M.Tanaka +/- Nobu Katayama
Comparison with an LHC experiment G(BDtn)/G(BDmn) at B factory with 5,000 fb-1 B factories don’t really do tree diagrams of new particles with the exception of charged Higgs… But together with LHC measurements, we can determine tanb! Nobu Katayama
What can we do? Compilation at the 5th High Luminosity WS Nobu Katayama
KEKB upgrade strategy larger beam current smaller by* long bunch option crab crossing L~1036 ILER=20A Constraint: 8GeV x 3.5GeV wall plug pwr.<100MW crossing angle<30mrad dt =3000fb-1 L=1035 before LHC!! ILER=9.4A One year shutdown to: replace vacuum chambers double RF power upgrade inj. linac g C-band Present KEKB L=1034 ILER=1.5A2.6A dt =500fb-1 2002 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Nobu Katayama
Detector upgrade • Higher luminosity collider will lead to: • Higher background • radiation damage and occupancy in the vtx. detector • fake hits in the EM calorimeter • radiation problem in the tracker and KLm detector • Higher event rate • higher rate trigger, DAQ and computing • Require special features to the detector • low pm identification for smm reconstruction eff. • hermeticity for n “reconstruction” Nobu Katayama
Detector upgrade: an example Aerogel Cherenkov counter + TOF counter SC solenoid1.5T “TOP” + RICH 3.5GeV e+ CsI(Tl) 16X0 pure CsI (endcap) 8GeV e- Tracking + dE/dx small cell + He/C2H5 remove inner lyrs. New readout and computing systems Si vtx. det. 3 lyr. DSSD m / KL detection 14/15 lyr. RPC+Fe 2 pixel lyrs. + 3 lyr. DSSD tile scintillator Nobu Katayama
SVD occupancy and CDC hit rate • Current most inner layer of SVD’s occupancy is 3~5% • Current most inner layer of CDC’s occupancy is 2~3% • With 1035 luminosity, two layers of pixel + silicon (~15cm R) + CDC survives • With 1036 luminosity, Pixel + Silicon a la super BaBar design? Cathode Inner Main Radius = 15cm Nobu Katayama
Does CDC work with L>1035 ? • Smaller cell • Faster gas • Larger starting diameter Yes !! Nobu Katayama
Small Cell Chamber (with SVD2) ~20cm Nobu Katayama
XT curve for small cell measured Normal cell Small cell Nobu Katayama
New PID detector Requirements: - Thin detector with high rate immunity - >3s p/K separation up to 4GeV/c - low pp/m separation TOP counter for barrel & Aerogel RICH for endcap Present Belle: Aerogel Cherenkov counter both for barrel and endcap. Nobu Katayama
Time of propagation (TOP) counter photon hits Reflection mirror 200mm 20mm A few meters Fused silica(n=1.47) time & X sensitive PMTs Nobu Katayama
Aerogel RICH for endcap • Hit distribution • Single event display Nobu Katayama
What’s impressive about KEKB • KEKB and PEP-II have achieved the highest luminosities in history of particle accelerator/collider • KEK and PEP-II have recorded more than 140 fb-1 of data and continue to accumulate • Thanks to tremendous efforts by and ingenuity of the commissioning and operation groups Nobu Katayama
Features of KEKB • Super conducting RF cavities and ARES cavities • Holds more than 1A of beam current with SRF • IR region • 3m100m: the smallest beam size among the storage rings • Finite crossing angle • Solenoids for positron ring • Suppress photo-electron clouds • Flexible Optics • Real time monitor and correction system Nobu Katayama
Challenges with Super KEKB • High beam currents (LER 9.4A+HER4.1A) • Heating, breakdown will occur • Ultra high vacuum, beam lifetimes • Power consumption (80~100MW) • Stability of the beam/photo electron clouds • Injection • Noise/Background to detector • Beam-beam effect (tune shift of 0.05 assumed for 1035) • Beam-beam tune shift; unknown • For a double ring machine, more than 50 parameters must be optimized simultaneously • Hard to maintain the optimum beam conditions due to disturbances • Optics with very small focusing depth (3mm) • KEKB vertical beta is <6mm (world record) • Shorter bunch length:=more peak current gives more power dissipation, shorter lifetime Nobu Katayama
Towards Super KEKB • LER 9.4A + HER 4.1A (4~6 times as now) • Rewind solenoids • Double RF systems • Replace vacuum chambers of the both rungs • Cooling system • More focusing and shorter bunch (half as now) • New IR • Charge switch and better/faster injection • 8GeV positron injection with a C-band linac • Damping ring • New positron production target • Crab crossing Nobu Katayama
Accelerator Upgrades for Super KEKB • Crab cavities • Super Belle • New beam pipe & bellows • New IR • More RF sources • More cavities • Damping ring • Charge switch by C-band • Positron source K. Oide @ Izu 2003 Nobu Katayama
Machine parameters bx = 20 cm bx = 15 cm Nobu Katayama
Crab cavity developments xy ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ • Crab crossing may boost the beam-beam parameter up to 0.2! (Strong-weak simulation) K. Ohmi Head-on(crab) (Strong-strong simulation) crossing angle 22 mrad • Superconducting crab cavities are under development, will be installed in KEKB in 2005. K. Hosoyama, et al Nobu Katayama
50% more RF cavities Double # of Klystrons D1 D2 5 buildings should be added. (Each building for 4〜6 RF units.) #RF/#SRF 30/8 44/12 HER-RF (ARES) new D11 new D4 HER-RF (SCC) LER-RF (ARES) D10 new D5 #Kly/ACPW(MW) 23/45 56/73 new new D8 D7 Nobu Katayama
Energy exchange(HER : e+/LER : e-) • Advantages : • Effect of photoelectron cloud can be reduced. • Positron energy increases. • Injection time can be reduced. • Intensity of injector : e- > e+ • Beam current : e- > e+ • Unknowns : • Multipactering occurs in e+ at HER or not ? • Height of vacuum chamber is smaller than LER. • Is fast ion instability safe for e- in LER ? • Electron energy decreases. • Major upgrade of injector linac is needed. • Energy upgrade : C-band scheme Nobu Katayama
Linac upgrades for 8 GeV e+ S-band accl. units are replaced with C-band units. Accl. Field 21 -> 41 MV/m 2-Bunches for Simultaneous Injection 1-st bunch -> e- Injection 2-nd bunch -> e+ production e+ Damping Ring for lower emittance • Achieved • 40 MW (0.5ms, 50pps), • > 40 MV/m (1m structure) Goal: 40 MW 40 MV/m Nobu Katayama
Summary • Belle and KEKB have achieved 1.06×1034 cm-2s-1 and 158 fb-1 • We have installed SVD2, two more RF cavities and come back online in 2 wks • We are hoping to upgrade KEKB and Belle to reach 1035 luminosity and to accumulate 3000fb-1 before 2010 when LHC starts producing results • Simulation tells us that we may reach 51035 with head-on collision with crossing angles using the crab cavities Nobu Katayama