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Building Bridges for Successful Offender Re-entry in Kansas

Kansas Department of Corrections and Parole Board work together to reduce re-offending risks through assessment, supervision, and community integration for successful offender re-entry. Learn about evidence-based practices and partnership strategies in risk reduction.

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Building Bridges for Successful Offender Re-entry in Kansas

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  1. KANSAS RISK REDUCTION Partners Building Bridges to Facilitate Successful Offender Re-entry Building Bridges to Facilitate Offender Supervision Keven Pellant, Deputy Secretary Community & Field Services Kansas Department of Corrections

  2. KANSAS RISK REDUCTION Partners Building Bridges to Facilitate Successful Offender Re-entry Kansas Department of Corrections Mission Statement The Department of Corrections, as part of the criminal justice system, contributes to the public safety and supports victims of crime by exercising safe and effective containment and supervision of inmates, by managing offenders in the community, and by actively encouraging and assisting offenders to become law-abiding citizens.

  3. KANSAS RISK REDUCTION Partners Building Bridges to Facilitate Successful Offender Re-entry Kansas Parole Board Mission Statement Consistent with the principles of evidence based practices, parole privilege shall be extended to those offenders who demonstrate suitability by having served incarceration time set forth by the courts and who have demonstrated a reduction in risk to re-offend such that re-victimization is minimized and rehabilitation and successful reentry are maximized; similarly, parole suitability shall be rescinded in cases where an offender demonstrates increasing risk in the community.

  4. KANSAS RISK REDUCTION Partners Building Bridges to Facilitate Successful Offender Re-entry Kansas Sentencing Structure – Determinate Sentences Offenders sentenced under the determinate sentencing structure are not released under the Parole Board’s discretion, therefore, they rarely meet with the Parole Board prior to release from a prison setting. Indeterminate sentenced persons still require Board action. Prior to an offender’s release, the Parole Board establishes special conditions of supervision by conducting a file review and assessing: offender’s risk areas and needs programmatic accomplishments institutional behavior pattern of crime input from victims This review process commences six months prior to an offender’s projected guidelines release date and may be revisited several times within that six month time frame as new and/or amended information becomes available.

  5. KANSAS RISK REDUCTION Partners Building Bridges to Facilitate Successful Offender Re-entry Risk Reduction Work as a Partnership Setting conditions based on use of risk & needs assessment instrument (LSI- R) AND facility staff recommendations The Board has recently rewritten the standard conditions and the language for special conditions to cater to the needs of offenders and allow flexibility for the supervision of the offender (Responsivity) Culture Change & Skill building for both Parole Board Members and Supervision Staff

  6. KANSAS RISK REDUCTION Partners Building Bridges to Facilitate Successful Offender Re-entry How Does it Work? Risk & Needs Assessment (LSI-R) is done in the field, at facility intake, and at follow up intervals Specific treatment assessment by providers elicits recommended treatment

  7. KANSAS RISK REDUCTION Partners Building Bridges to Facilitate Successful Offender Re-entry (continued) Parole Board wording of conditions of supervision allow supervision staff to use the provider’s treatment recommendation Do not need to return to Board to change wording of conditions Use treatment recommendations & conditions to respond to violations as an intervention in behavior

  8. Strengths based case management skills Advanced Communication/Motivational Skills LSI-R (overview of the instrument) Cognitive skills (T4C) Celebrate successes /hold the offenders accountable for relapses Development & Use of Graduated Sanctions Culture and Skill Building means: KANSAS RISK REDUCTION Partners Building Bridges to Facilitate Successful Offender Re-entry

  9. KANSAS RISK REDUCTION Partners Building Bridges to Facilitate Successful Offender Re-entry The Bridge with Victim Services The Kansas Parole Board works closely with the Kansas Department of Corrections Office of Victim Services to facilitate notification processes, enhance confidential communication of victims’ concerns, implement conditions to promote victim safety, and continuously identify opportunities that improve policies and procedures to include the victims in the parole process.

  10. Literature Review on Evidence Based Practices Choosing a Risk Assessment Tool Managing Culture Change Balancing Risk Management Developing/Piloting/Exploring Ceasing “What Does Not Work” Doing “What Does Work” Measuring/Evaluation of Every Step How Did We Get Here, well…. KANSAS RISK REDUCTION Partners Building Bridges to Facilitate Successful Offender Re-entry

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