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Communication Technology. Room 223a 305-822-1500 ext. 2416. Mr. Clifford Z alis. Program Structure This program is a planned sequence of instruction consisting of the courses shown in the following table:.
Communication Technology Room 223a 305-822-1500 ext. 2416 Mr. Clifford Zalis
Program Structure This program is a planned sequence of instruction consisting of the courses shown in the following table: In addition to the above courses, the Advanced Technology Applications (8601900) is appropriate to be used for content area continuation in this program after all three credits of this program have been completed. The purpose of Advanced Technology Applications course is to provide students with a capstone opportunity to develop a school based project from "vision" to "reality". Working in teams to design, engineer, manufacture, construct, test, redesign, test again; and then produce a finished "project". This would involve using ALL the knowledge previously learned, not only in Engineering & Technology Education but also across the curriculum. See the Advanced Technology Applications framework for more information.
Laboratory Activities: Laboratory activities are an integral part of this program. These activities include instruction in the use of safety procedures, tools, equipment, materials, and processes related to occupations in this industry. Equipment and supplies should be provided to enhance hands-on experiences for students.
Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) The Florida Technology Student Association (FL-TSA) is the appropriate career and technical student organization for providing leadership training and reinforcing specific career and technical skills. Career and Technical Student Organizations provide activities for students as an integral part of the instruction offered. The activities of such organizations are defined as part of the curriculum in accordance with Rule 6A-6.065, F.A.C.
Cooperative Training Cooperative training is appropriate but not required for this program. Whenever offered, the rules, guidelines, and requirements specified in the Florida Department of Education Cooperative Education Manual apply. Work-Based Experience (8601800) is the appropriate course to provide Engineering & Technology Education students with the opportunity, as student learners, to gain real world practical, first-hand exposure in broad occupational clusters or industry sectors through a structured, compensated or uncompensated experience. Work-Based Experience (WBE) is also designed to give the student learners an opportunity to apply and integrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired during their school-based experience to actual work situations, independent of school facilities. At least one credit of an Engineering & Technology Education program consisting of three credits must be completed before enrolling in WBE. See the Work-Based Experience framework for more information.
Essential Skills Essential skills identified by the Division of Career and Adult Education have been integrated into the standards and benchmarks of this program. These skills represent the general knowledge and skills considered by industry to be essential for success in careers across all career clusters. Students preparing for a career served by this program at any level should be able to demonstrate these skills in the context of this program. A complete list of Essential Skills and links to instructional resources in support of these Essential Skills are published on the CTE Essential Skills page of the FL-DOE website: (http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/dwdframe/essential_skills.asp).
Essential Skills • Demonstrate language arts knowledge and skills. • Demonstrate mathematics knowledge and skills. • Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing and interpreting information and ideas. • Solve problems using critical thinking skills, creativity and innovation. • Use information technology tools. • Describe the roles within teams, work units, departments, organizations, inter-organizational systems, and the larger environment. • Describe the importance of professional ethics and legal responsibilities. • Demonstrate leadership and teamwork skills needed to accomplish team goals and objectives. • Explain the importance of employability skill and entrepreneurship skills.
Articulation For details on articulation agreements which correlate to programs and industry certifications refer to: http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/dwdframe/artic_frame.asp. Fine Arts/Practical Arts Credit Many courses in CTE programs meet the Fine Arts/Practical Arts credit for high school graduation. A listing of approved CTE courses is published each year as a supplemental resource to the Course Code Directory (http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/CCD/default.asp).
Standards After successfully completing this program, the student will be able to perform the following: • Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and scope of technology. • Demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts of technology. • Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among technologies and other fields of study. • Demonstrate an understanding of the influence of technology on history. • Demonstrate an understanding of the design process. • Demonstrate an understanding of and be able to select and use information and communication technologies. • Demonstrate safe and appropriate use of tools, machines, and materials in communications technology. • Demonstrate technical knowledge and skills in the area of product design.
Perform layout, design, and measurement activities associated with desktop publishing. • Express technical knowledge and understanding of major printing processes. • Identify computer components and their functions. • Demonstrate proficiency with common computer peripherals, including connections to standard input and output devices. • Demonstrate knowledge of computer file management. • Demonstrate proficiency using the Internet to locate information. • Demonstrate an understanding of Internet safety and ethics. • Develop and apply word processing and document manipulation skills. • Develop and apply fundamental spreadsheet skills. • Demonstrate an understanding of color theory and its role in communications design.
Demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of graphic design. • Demonstrate an understanding of typography. • Demonstrate basic proficiency in using digital photography and digital imaging. • Demonstrate proficiency in using a software application for digital imaging. • Develop an awareness of emerging technologies associated with communication design. • Demonstrate an understanding and application of the various approaches used in problem solving. • Demonstrate abilities to apply the design process. • Demonstrate safe and appropriate use of tools, machines, and materials in communications technology. • Demonstrate technical knowledge and skills in the area of design.
Demonstrate technical knowledge and skills in finishing, binding and packaging. • Demonstrate proficiency in using presentation software. • Define, design, and complete a desktop publishing project. • Demonstrate proficiency in using digital photography and digital imaging. • Demonstrate proficiency in manipulating two-dimensional images. • Demonstrate an understanding of kinetic typography. • Use computer networks, internet and online resources to facilitate collaborative communication. • Compare and contrast various forms of digital media delivery systems. • Plan, organize, and carry out a communications project plan. • Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology.
Demonstrate the abilities to use and maintain technological products and systems. • Demonstrate proficiency in the design of communication solutions involving motion, rich media, or special effects. • Demonstrate proficiency in producing a communications product for delivery using mobile communication devices. • Demonstrate technical knowledge and skills in digital and electronic communication. • Demonstrate the abilities to assess the impact of products and systems. • Demonstrate an understanding of career opportunities and requirements in the field of communications technology. • Demonstrate an understanding of the use of emerging technologies in communication and advertising. • Plan, organize, and carry out project plans for creating various communications products.
The purpose of this program is to provide students with a foundation of knowledge and technically oriented experiences in the study of communications technology. This program focuses on transferable skills and stresses understanding and demonstration of the technological tools, machines, instruments, materials, processes and systems in business and industry. The content includes, but is not limited to, a study of the processes, uses and technical skills of graphic communication technology. The content and activities also include the study of entrepreneurship, safety, and leadership skills. • Post Secondary Education: College readiness for college graduate or undergraduate degrees or Vocational/Adult Education Center Industry Certifications. • Printing: press, bindery, desktop, sales, customer service, technician, management. • Graphic design: advertising agencies, art studios ,free lance graphic designer, printing houses, television, movie industry, computer software companies. • Animation: television, film industry, ad agencies, art studios, and more evolving • Fine Artist: screen printing, block printing, photography, graphic artist, and more evolving. • Television: graphic artists, Video, desktop operator, and more evolving • Film/video: graphic design, ad agencies, studios, and more evolving • Photography: ad agencies, studios, freelance, and more evolving • Business/life skills: general computer/digital design/multi media skills – general work skills • Entrepreneur: Start your own business in what ever you choose • Web Design: Working for a graphics company, freelance, or in-house. • Emerging Technologies: Digital Communication-Social Media related
Every grading period all students are expected to be moving forward in either learning, becoming proficient in, or becoming more expert in: Adobe Creative Suite Software (Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, InDesign, & Flash), as well as Mac Applications (i-Photo, i-movie, & Garage Band. Also one or more projects are usually due. These may include: Web design, animation, desktop publishing, printing, screen-printing (T-shirts), button & sign-making, laser etching, & any new technologies added in the future. • Home work is due the first class of every week. • Every Student acknowledges the importance of learning, education, and this class • Every student produces a portfolio of their work that is either stored in class or has it readily available when needed or requested. • Every student keeps a lab notebook and has it readily available every class session to take notes on the demonstrations and tutorials presented in class. • Everyone submits an entry in the spring for ‘The Fair’, (to be explained by Mr. Zalis). • And most importantly, come to every class, we need you!
Class Rules Students must have received all required safety instruction and Mr. Zalis’ permission and supervision to work on any and all equipment in this lab. Always follow Mr. Zalis’ safety, lab and class instructions. Do not download any files, music or videos, or load personal CD’s on school computers without Mr. Zalis’ permission . Treat others, as you would like to be treated. -This is professionalism! Always come prepared to class and school. –this is your own self respect! Hair and all loose items should be removed or pulled back around machinery. Think safety, be careful, and responsible. No running or throwing anything in class. Always handle tools and chemicals in a safe and professional manner. Always properly maintain equipment and clean up after yourselves. Absolutely no vandalizing or stealing! Do not change any computer’s system files, desk-top, software, or appearance. These are strict MDCPS rules. Clean up after yourself. Do not leave a mess for someone else to clean!!!
Grading Policy • Passing this course requires that: You must be here every class. All homework, projects and tests must be completed. A $20.00 lab supply fee must be paid by the end of the first grading period for all the materials you will use this year. • Excessive absences can can cause a student to fail! • A student will receive an “F” for every day absent (unexcused) after the allowed maximum of 10. • Projects 40% • Home work 25% • Test & quizzes 05% • Work related competencies 15% • Special assignments/participation 15% • Final grade = 100%
We Should all know that: • Enterthis lab in a respectful manor and sit at your assigned seat until attendance is taken and any preliminary class work or lecture is finished. • When using computers please use only your assigned computer with your student ID# as the password. • When working on projects please stay and work within your assigned group. • Do not leave during the class without the teachers permission. • Have the appropriate hall pass when out of this room during class. • Do not congregate at the door waiting for the bell to ring and wait for the period ending bell to ring before leaving this class. • Speak professionally, using industry & business terminology without the use of profanity. This is a NO CURSING ZONE!!! • Active learning/education/perfecting skills takes place from bell to bell. • Be professional, respectful, and thoughtful of others (and hopefully you can live your life like this!). This is a NO BULLYING ZONE!!!
You and your parents should know that: • A student that completes 3 years of any one technology or vocational course can receive a ‘Bright Futures Gold Seal Scholarship that pays 75% tuition at any Florida State University. • Requirements are a 3.0 GPA and a 3.5 average for the 3 years in the vocational course. • There are minimum test scores for the SAT and or ACT. Check on-line for the latest requirements (they change). • Level 2&3 are Honors classes (Students receive more GPA points). • The Florida Technology Student Association (FL-TSA) is the appropriate club, career and technical student organization for this class. • Every Junior is required to pass the ACA exam in Photoshop. • Every Senior is required to pass an ACA exam in Dreamweaver.
Scan Skills: see ‘Florida Essential Skills’ on the www.fldoe.org or on my web site. • Basic Skills: reading, writing, mathematics, speaking, and listening. • Thinking Skills: creative thinking, decision making, reasoning, problem solving, mentally visualizing, and knowing how to learn. • Personal Qualities: individual responsibility, self-management, integrity, believes in own self-worth.
Competencies: • Information: acquiring evaluating, organizing, maintaining, interpreting, and communication information using computers for processing information. • Interpersonal Skills: participation as a member of a team, teaching others, serving clients/customers, exercising leadership, negotiating to arrive at a decision, working well with cultural diversity. • Resources: managing time, money, material and facility resources, and human resources. • Systems: understanding how social, organizational, and technological systems work and operate, monitoring and correcting performance, improving and designing systems. • Technology: selecting and applying technology, maintaining and troubleshooting technology.
Beginnings and Endings • The beginning of the school year is the perfect time for students to make some really important choices. If they begin on a solid foundation of guiding principles and expectations, they are much more likely to experience a better end. • New School Year – Beginnings can determine outcomes – School culture – guiding principles • Responsibility – Self management - Reflection
Getting to know Me • I care about you so let me know who you are. • Let me know your career and life goals so I can help advise you. • I have an open door policy with my students, so you can talk to me about what ever is preventing you from realizing your true self, your potential. • I am always here. From early before school starts, during lunch, and at least a half hour after school ends my door is always open to you. • Like some of your other teachers (I hope), I am not here for the money, I’m here for you!
We Thank you for taking this class • You are the reason this is a successful program! • Work hard! • Play hard! • And have a wonderful year! Z
Public Speaking, tell us: • What is your name? • What grade are you in? • How old are you? • What level of communications technology are you in? I, II, III, or IV (advanced)? • What do you expect to get out of this class? • What are your strong points (assests, good qualities)? • What are your weak points (need to improve on)? • What is your career goal? • On a scale of 1-10 how much effort would you like to give in supporting our lab, program, school, me, and yourself for your future success and happiness?