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YouRNI Karlsruhe 2018

YouRNI Karlsruhe 2018. Teaching intercultural communication to refugees. Intercultural communication. Talking about cultures : Falling into the trap of Stereotypes? Prejudices ? Racism ? Or : Accusations of b eing prejudices ?. introduction. Intercultural communication.

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YouRNI Karlsruhe 2018

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Presentation Transcript

  1. YouRNI Karlsruhe 2018 Teaching interculturalcommunicationtorefugees Eva Götz

  2. Interculturalcommunication Talkingaboutcultures: Fallingintothetrapof Stereotypes? Prejudices? Racism? Or: Accusationsof beingprejudices? introduction

  3. Interculturalcommunication Teaching „Interculturalism“ in 60 minutesis like teaching „The languagesofAfrica“ in 1 hour or „The historyofmankind“ in 2 hours Time Aspects

  4. What this presentation is • A shortsummaryofsomeexperienceswith different approachestothesubject • Not a descriptionofscientificortheoreticalmodels (Hofstede….) • A recipeforhowto do itsuccessfullyandthoroughly

  5. interculturalcommunication Assimilation: Traditional immigrantsocieties: ideaofthe „meltingpot“ Integration: Ideaofthe „salad bowl“, „unity in diversity“. 3. Transculturalism: Global nomads live an interculturallifestyle Resultofimmigration

  6. Interculturalcommunication Counterdevelopments Identification Localisation Tribalisation Patriotism, Nationalism, Chauvinism ?

  7. Interculturalcommunication First Steps Increaseteachers‘ awareness Methodstosupportstudents‘ abilitiestonoticeculturaldifferences, understandthecontextandactappropriately.

  8. Interculturalcommunication Procedures Orientation classes: 30 lessons, questionaire, multiple choiceexam Information byexperts: Lectures byjudges, doctors, policeofficers Refugeesworkingas„multipliers“intheirethniccommunity: Biculturalformerimmigrants „Leben in Deutschland“ as a separate/integratedpartofthecurriculum

  9. Interculturalcommunication Integrating „Life in Germany“ intolessons Every topicincludesinformationaboutliving in Germany Studentslearn German culturethroughlanguagelearning Cultural habitsare discussedtoun- covermisconceptions andpreventconflicts. 4. Teachers must be flexible andcooperative.

  10. Thankyouforyourattention

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