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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Discover Satan's subtle schemes to deceive the unsaved and tempt the saved. Learn strategies to overcome through faith and obedience to God's Word.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. Satan’s Subtle Devices Introduction We are in involved in a spiritual war against a well organized and powerful adversary. There are 2 equal and opposite errors: Disbelieve in demons Believe with an excessive interest

  3. Satan’s Subtle Devices Introduction “Schemes” (“wiles’) in Ephesians 6:11 is from the word from which we get “method” The devil and the demons seek to know our weaknesses so they can attack our most vulnerable position.

  4. Strategies Against the Unsaved The grand strategy of Satan is to blind the eyes of the unsaved so that they can not see the truth

  5. Devices in Which the Unsaved Become Aware of Satan Direct Awareness: A recognition of power coming from a supreme evil source and wanting to tap into it. Blinded to the full truth: Satan is a rebellious created being who will be eternally punished in Hell

  6. Devices in Which the Unsaved Become Aware of Satan Indirect Awareness: An effort to tap into demonic power they think is some sort of natural source Blind to the origin of the power and the destiny of those yield to it.

  7. Devices in Which The Unsaved Remain Ignorant of Satan 1. False Religions: An exchange of the true God for a false god or gods. non-Biblical religions (Hinduism, Animism, Paganism, Islam, etc.) “Christian” cults (Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Science, etc.)

  8. Devices in Which The Unsaved Remain Ignorant of Satan 2. Atheism & Agnosticism: A denial of God’s existence or claim that you cannot know. An element in several religions A major tenant of secular humanism and evolutionary materialism

  9. Devices in Which The Unsaved Remain Ignorant of Satan 3. Practical Atheism: A separation of intellectual assent from its consequences. This allows a person to claim to believe in God while living their life as if He does not actually exist. Luke 12:16-21

  10. Devices in Which The Unsaved Remain Ignorant of Satan 4. Procrastination: The idea that there will always be time in the future to deal with Christ’s claims. However, no one knows when they will die

  11. Devices in Which The Unsaved Remain Ignorant of Satan 5. Doubting the Truth: All means and methods designed to cause doubt of the truthfulness of God and His word Philosophy, “science,” skepticism, religious liberalism, etc.

  12. Jesus said He is the only way to God (John 14:6), and your soul may be required of you today (Luke 12:20)

  13. STRATEGIES AGAINST THE SAVED To tempt & lead us into thinking we are still in bondage to sin Three areas of temptation – 1 John 2:16 The Lust of the Flesh: to satisfy the desires of the body through your own methods instead of God’s

  14. STRATEGIES AGAINST THE SAVED Boastful Pride: to gain the acclaim of others by your own methods instead of God’s The Lust of the Eyes: to gain the things of this world by your own methods instead of God’s We overcome temptation by knowing God’s word and being obedient to it

  15. 1. To present the bait, but hide the hook Denies the consequences of belief and actions Prevention: Consider consequences before you act

  16. 2. Painting Sin with Virtue's Color Renames or redefines sin to be something acceptable, even virtuous Prevention: Know the Bible well enough to recognize the truth about any belief and action

  17. 3. By Extenuating and Lessening the Sin The idea that it is only a “little sin” David’s great sins of adultery & murder began with a look, then a gaze. Uzzah died though he thought he had a good motive Prevention: Recognize that there are no "little sins."

  18. 4. Comparing our sin to those of others Others have done worse than you Even great saints have committed the same sin as you Prevention: Compare your life to the example of Jesus Christ

  19. 5. God is merciful, he has to forgive you You can willfully sin because God will forgive you anyway. God is merciful & forgiving, but He also judges, chastises & punishes. Prevention: Remember all of God’s attributes - He is also holy and just and sin has consequences

  20. 6. It is easy to repent This is a perversion of 1 John 1:9 True repentance is difficult for it involves a change of mind, heart and direction. Prevention: Learn genuine repentance & do not take it for granted

  21. 7. Assuming you can handle the temptation The proud think they will not fall Job avoided temptation by making a covenant with his eyes not to look Paul told Timothy to flee youthful lusts Prevention: Follow the examples of Job & Timothy - avoid it when possible, flee from it when not

  22. 8. The wicked do prosper Why not follow the example of the wicked since many of them do succeed Prevention: Final judgement does not occur in this life. Consider eternity, not just the temporal

  23. 9. The Christian life is too hard Sometimes there is little temporal reward for striving to be righteous Prevention: Set your mind on the things above, not earth (Col. 3:2).

  24. 10. Casting doubts on the truthfulness of God's Word Includes assertions of direct contradiction and subtle questioning Prevention: Be an honest truth seeker. Hold competing sources of authority to the same standard.

  25. 11. You cannot do anything for the cause of Christ You’re unimportant, you will fail, you’re ignorant Prevention: Begin by praying about your involvement and then get involved Remember you are a slave of Christ & it is up to Him to assign you what He wants you to do

  26. 12. My motives were right, I was sincere Sincerity does not always equate with righteousness or even wisdom Good motives do not justify disobedience to the commands, principles & precepts of God's Word. Prevention: Follow the Word of God over and above feelings, emotions and even conscience.

  27. Conclusions How have you been affected by Satan’s subtle devices? James 4:6 & 7 - But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

  28. Conclusions The Strategy of Satan by Warren Wieresbe; Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (Reprint of a book written in 1652) The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis;

  29. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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